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The lewes willingnesse to ferve Chrift. 285 to what is found in the naturall beauty

of the body.

Firft,a compleat integrity of all the Members of this Church; where aný Member is wanting, there is deformity, beauty is blemished. This Church fhall want then no Ordinances of God, nor any fuch Members to whom the difpenfation of each Ordinance belongeth.

Secondly, a fit proportion of all the Members of the Church one to another; no fwellings, no convulfions. Thirdly, a good colour in the outward face of things, all carried 'decently, and in order: How faire! It implyeth admirable beauty in all thefe refpects.

How pleasant for delights!] This word implyeth a ready willingneffe of this Church to the publique worship of God, which is here called delights; as being the marriage bed wherein Chrift moft familiarly folaceth himfelfe with his Church.

This ready willingneffe of this

Church was foretold, and the willing- P.116.3.



225 The lewes willingnesse to serve Christ. neffe of this people to any fervice of 2 Cor.9.7. of his is plea fant to him.




O love!] As if the Church were fo lovely; that it 'were even love it felfe.

The five former verfes described the Church in her feverall Members a part. This verfe confidereth the whole body met together in publique duties. This thy ftature is like to a palme-tree, and thy brefts to clusters of grapes. This thy stature is like a palme-tree.] This tree is eminent,

First, for her straightneffe. Secondly, for her tallneffe. Thirdly, for her perpetuall greenneffe and fruitfulneffe, as that Fourthly, for her thriving under weight preffing it downe.

Fifthly, for her ea fineffe to be clim bed, having many boughes, whereon

Plin.lib.13. to ftay hands and feet: So fhall the Church bee eminent for uprightneffe thererein, for growing up even againft all oppofitions of Gog and Magog, for ready entertaining of all the faithfull that shall come to her.

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Minifters like clusters of vinegrapes. 227

Thy brefts are like the clusters of the vine-grapes.]Their Minifters fuch like in foure refpecs,

Firft, not few, as afore, two young Roes, but many,as clusters.

Secondly, not ftirring up and down as Roes, from place to place,but hanging in their places.

Thirdly, full of strong liquor of found Doctrine.

Fourthly, requiring fome preffure in urging (though little) before they empty themselves, but upon eafie preffure doing it plentifully.

Ifaid, I will goe up to the Palme-tree, Verfe 8. I will take hold of the boughes thereof: now also thy brefts fhall be as clusters of the vine, and the smell of thy nofe like apples.

I faid, Iwill goe up to the Palme-tree, I will take hold of the boughes thereof.] Chrift fpeakes of himfelfe to imply the readiness of his Members to refort and flock to this Church of the Jewes; for what Christs Members doe by the guidance of his Spirit, he accounteth it his owne action. This forwardneffe Qz


228 Christs action what his people doe.

of the Gentiles to afcend and refort to Ierufalem, is elfewhere foretold *Zech. 8. more plainly*

23. Ifai.60.


Now alfo thy brefts as the clusters of the vine.] And that is notwithstanding the plenteous acceffe of the Gentiles to the Church. Here shall be no defect of Minifters to teach and feed them all but there shall be still a large fupply of store, sweet and plentifull Teachers, as clufters of grapes to refresh them all.

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And the fmell of thy nofelike apples.] Notwithstanding this plenteous acceffe of the Gentiles, the life of com mon Chriftians intainted with Heathenifh & Popish unfavory pollutions; yet the Church her felfe, and they that live in it fhal fiel a fragrant favour of the good converfation of the people. The smell of thy nofe. Not which the nofe yeeldeth,but which is yeelded to the nose,to thy favoury difcerning fhal be fweet and comfortable as that of Apples

Before, when this Church confifted of her owne people, her smell wasas that of Lebanon, v.4.& now by the ac


The Lewes no loofers by the Gentiles. 229 ceffe of the Gentiles it fhal not be corrupt. Indeed when the Ifraelites came out of Egypt, the mingled of the Gentiles with them, drew them away to murmuring and lufting; for this compare Exod. 12.38. with Numb. 11.4. But no fuch contagion fhall accrue to this Church by the mingling of the Gentiles with them..

And the roofe of thy mouth like the best wines, for my beloved, that goeth downe Sweetly, caufing the lips of those that are Verse 9. afleep to fpeak.

And theroofe of thy mouth like the best wines. Hebr. Like good wine, going to my beloved moft ftraightly and rightly.] That is, the Doctrine of the Church fhall bee as ever any most sweet and powerfull, and comfortable, and generous wine; it shall ever goe, or tend directly to Chrift, alwaies aiming at the preaching of him.

To goe rightly, or ftraightly, implyeth the ftrength and generoufneffe of wine, when it fparkleth upward in the cup, as Prev. 23.31. which here expreffeth the lively vigour of the Churches

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