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Ch.2. in inftruments of deliverance. 73 Turne my beloved.] That is, returne often to visit and fuccour me.

As a Roe, or a young Hart upon the mountaines of Bether.] That is, fwiftly and speedily, Bether being neere to them on the other fide Jordan; as who fhould fay,Though thou fometime turne from us, yet be not farre,but ready ever and anon to returne and fuccour us.

Untill the day breake, and the fhadowes flee away.] That is, till Chrift come,and the Ceremoniall fhadowes vanish.

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2 Sam. 2. 29.

First, this teacheth us that in all the Ufe 1. inftruments of the Churches deliverance, we should fee and difcerne Chrift fpeaking and working in them: See here the Church lookes not at Cyrus fo much, but at Chrift in him. Doe they heare a rumour of a deliverance? It is the voyce of Chrift, and it must needs be a strong voyce which Chrift is the author of The wifeft Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego,they fay it is Chrift,and all the reft yeeld; and the Church fees Chrift come skipping: Doth it fee Cyrus about the wals? She fees Chrift there. Doth she fee Cyrus fhewing himselfe through the lattice? She fees Chrift there. Doth fhe


74 Chrift in all that befals the Church. Ch.2 fee when he is poffeffed there,and makes proclamation to them to goe up againe to Jerufalem? She looks at it as Chrifts voyce,faying, Arife my love my faire one,

*Ver. 13. and come away.

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So the holy Ghoft teacheth, what favour any doth fhew to the Church, it is Chrift that doth it, fo take it, that if any good befall the Church, it is Chrift that doth it; If any lead into captivity, Nebuchadnezzar,or any other, it is Chrift that leads her into a wine Cellar: If there be any noife or worke of deliverance, it is Chrift that comes leaping and skipping: So in all the calamities, and in all the bleffings that befall the Church, afcribe all to Chrift:* The fame hand that gave, the fame hand hath taken away: † God turned the captivity of Fob, and God turned againe the captivity of his people. This is a wonderfull ftay to Gods Church, and to every member of it; for man cannot bring it into captivity, and bring it out againe Mans hand cannot bring hard things upon the Church, nor bring her out againe of them; for if it were in mens hands, or in Sathans, or in our own hands, it would not goe well

Ch.2. The Churches calamities not continuall. 75 with us, but being in Chrifts hands alone, it may be a stay and a comfort.

Secondly, this teacheth us, that when use 2. the time of the Churches deliverance is come, Chrift will come quickly and fpeedily for her deliverance, leaping and skipping as a Roe or a Hart. The winter fhall not alwaies remain on the Church, no,not when she deferves a black winter. The patient abiding of the Saints fhall not Pf.9. 18. alwayes be forgotten. Suppofe God leades his Church into captivity feven yeares, yea seventy yeares; yet it will not alwayes continue. This may ferve to comfort us in the diftreffes of the Church, at home or abroad; God will not alwayes punish with reproach or defolation, but the time will come these will be gone and flee away.

Thirdly, this lets us fee the Church ufe 3. profitteth by calamities; fhee comes out better from them, then fhee went into them: fhe entred and went into captivity hating God, defiled with many abominations; she returnes out, My love,my faire one. The Church of God, and the members of it are more lovely in Gods fight by the hard times that paffe over


76 The Church bettered by chaftisements .Ch.2

Ier. 12. 7,8.


[them when this Church had beene feventy yeares in captivity, (a hard time it was, yet) they loft nothing by it, they kiffed his Rod, and fought God; and now hee ftiles them lovely: He loathed them because they loathed him, they were now tried and purified; before they were loathfome, but are now lovely; before hated, but now loved. But fee what a bleffed ufe chaftifements are of to the Church: how loathfome foever wee goe into captivity, when wee defile our felves with lufts and fins, yet when wee have beene throughly humbled with fome croffes, how faire come wee out! My fonne defpife not the chaftening of the Lord, neither be weary of his correction. And why doth God fay, Deut. 8. 16. He proved them to doe them good, when hee faith,my love,it is more then lovely, it is love, it is love it felfe; and faire one is + Pf. 119. more then faire? So, † It is good for mee (faith David that I have beene afflicted: fo the Church before her affliction was loathfome, foule, hated, but now she is faire and lovely.




Thou art faire oh my love.]

Fourthly, this lets us fee, the Chur


Ch.2. The Church not alwayes confpicuous. 77 ches winter:ftormes fhall not alwayes lie upon her, but they fhall in the end blow over: * The rod of the wicked fhall not reft* Pf. 125. upon the lot of the righteous.


Fifthly, we may fee that outward com- ufe 5. forts are easily able to drowne in us a longing after Gods ordinances: the contentment that fome found in captivity, made them stand in need of often calling to returne to Sion.

Sixthly, wee may learne here that the Ufe 6. face of the Church is not alwayes vifible and confpicuous in the eyes of men, but alwaies in the eyes of God; for they meet under the staires, and worship God in holes and corners. And a while after Christ faith, Why doft thou lie thus under the ftaires, and in clifts of rockes, let me fee thy face, and heare thy voyce. The Church of Rome advanceth her felfe that she hath alwayes beene confpicuous; but this is no true figne of a true Church, for the true Church is not alwayes confpicuous: Though Christ alwayes fees fome to meet in corners and holes, yet not alwayes in folemne affemblies. The Dove of Christ Jefus fometimes makes her reft in the rockes, and

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