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as it doubtless will be, travelers will pro- | gy of the volcano, the appearance of the bably be restrained in the use of the long- heavens, and others on which the expedibow-the suggestion is not ours, but the tion was expected to afford some informaProfessor's-and many a fine flourish with tion. It is written with a great deal of pen or pencil may be checked by the con- vigor and life. The Professor does not sciousness that Nature has limned her own disdain the aid of fancy. He has made features with the stern fidelity of truth, use of this charming handmaid to knowand may be called in to convict those who ledge with considerable effect. Hence, flatter, as well as those who libel. The instead of a dry treatise, such as many author has also been aided by the atten- might have anticipated from an astronotions of Mr. Glaisher, of the Greenwich mical missionary, sent out with GovernObservatory, who has superintended the ment funds, we have an agreeable volume, chemical part of the operations; and, in which the solidities of science are pleastherefore, the work issues from the press antly interspersed with the small-talk of with as many advantages as the most fas- an excursion. In place of an official distidious parent could demand for his lite- patch, such as Routine loves to write and rary child. We need scarcely say, that Red Tape to receive, we have a vivid it introduces many topics of scientific in- chronicle full of graphic descriptions, terest-such as the zodiacal light, the which will induce many a reader to wish lines in the solar spectrum, the extraordi- that he could spend a summer in philosonary case of refraction witnessed by Hum- phic gipsying at the Peak of Teneriffe. boldt on his visit to the island, the geolo

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more precious-the lives and the honor of hundreds of our brave countrymen and their heroic wives and daughters. That the scenes of Cawnpore might not be repeated at Lucknow was the earnest prayer of every one throughout Britain. And however inadequate the force which he commanded, Havelock became the minister of God to answer this prayer of a nation. Lucknow was relieved-in turn again beleaguered and once more relieved; and from that dreadful Residency passed the wan faces and haggard forms of those who had so long been its tenants and defenders. The great work of victory and of rescue was accomplished, and with it the mission of Havelock. Before tidings could reach him of the honors which a grateful country prepared to shower upon him, or of the love with which his people regarded him, he was beyond the reach of earthly rewards. Over all that was mortal in Havelock has the grave closed. But he

died as he had lived-a Christian. With firm tread he passed through the dark valley to the land of joy and of praise. After forty-three years' devoted service to his country, and a series of victories unexampled in history, he died without having even seen his elevation in the Gazette, and leaving a personal estate sworn under £1500. His reward and his riches had throughout been other than this world's, and such were they to continue till the end.

What we have traced in few sentences has for months been known. The details of the "hundred days," and these unexampled feats of heroism and martial energy are engraven on the national mind, and have become matter of history. When the din of battle shall have ceased, a patient hand shall draw pictures of them, and explain to us at length the mode and the results of these victories. Meantime we know them—and we only wish to know more of him who achieved them. The slightest trait in his character, the smallest incident in his history, is interesting. The fact that so late in life he was called to do such great things, impresses us with the belief that all throughout he had been preparing for them. Again, the fact that immediately afterwards he was called away, has convinced us that with them his work was done, and that nothing more remained than for "the good and faithful servant to enter into the joy of his Lord." We almost expect that the life of such a man must have been checkered; we anticipate that strength and clearness of faith -genuine, practical, Christian faith-must have been its main characteristic. The "Sketch" of Mr. Brock has, therefore, come in time to make us acquainted with the inner life of the hero of Lucknow. It bears on its face the marks of hasteit only professes to be a sketch, to be followed by a fuller account from the pen of Mr. Marshman communicates little that is absolutely new to the general public, and it too largely intermingles facts with reflections, couched in a style which betokens rather deep emotion than calm history. All these defects are probably natural under the circumstances. Still the book, such as it is, has deep value, from the glimpses which it affords into the inner history of Henry Havelock, and especially by the private letters which it communicates, from which each one may learn for himself what and who he was

that conquered and died in Oude. A sentence or two will suffice to notice the "Memoir" of Mr. Owen, and the "Tribute" of Mr. Hood. The latter is a funeral sermon, and not quite free from the blemishes of most such productions. Mr. Owen's book-much more extended in size than that of Mr. Brock's, to which our after remarks shall exclusively bear reference-relates chiefly the outward history of the hero of Lucknow. Although also bearing the marks of haste, and chiefly a compilation, it may safely be recommended for popular use, as giving a clear and detailed account of the achievements of Sir H. Havelock. Still, with these three productions before us, it is matter of deep regret that the life of Havelock has not yet been written. And now a brief abstract of his personal history:

HENRY HAVELOCK sprang from the middle class in society. Born at Bishop Wearmouth, near Sunderland, 5th April, 1795, he was chiefly educated at the Charterhouse School, where he had the advantage of distinguished juvenile friends, and the stimulus of noble fellowstudents. Among the former, we reckon Samuel Hinds, Sir W. Norris, and Archdeacon Hare; among the latter, Bishop Thirlwall, Grote the historian, and others. But, better than all, he had the prayers and the scriptural instructions of a pious mother. Even at school he and congenial spirits found opportunity for religious meetings. After a short period, given to the study of law, when Talfourd was his colleague, he attains the object of his early desires, and is gazeted a second lieutenant in the 95th, or Rifle Brigade. But the inactivity of a garrison life ill comported with such a mind. Chance of promotion there seemed none for a poor and unpatronized subaltern; and, accordingly, having prepared himself by the study of Hindostanee, we find him on board ship for India. It was at that period that the great change occurred in his history which gives its culiar direction to his whole after-course.


Reluctantly have we parted from the scanty information given us on this great period of Havelock's life. We can only offer our readers such fragments as Mr. Brock's volume affords, and such deductions as we have been able to draw from them. To his early religious impressions succeeded a season of darkness and of doubt. But in the dreary swamps of Unitarianism or Deism a Havelock could

as that of Dr. Judson. But although by choice a Baptist, Havelock ever felt himself a member of the Church Universal. His advocacy, his countenance, his influence, and his contributions, were readily given to all that was "holy, just, and good." When his means were most scanty, he religiously devoted one tenth of his income to the cause of Christ, nor was he ever ashamed or afraid to acknow

not perish. His moral sense, and with it his sense of personal need, were too deep to cast away the Bible, and to renounce the God-Man. A candid, open, manly mind like his, could derive no other deductions from the Bible, than those held in common by all evangelical churches. Even before he had opened his heart and submitted his life to the demands of the Gospel, he had reached firm ground of belief. It was when on the eventful voy-ledge his convictions. At Rangoon, in a age to the land of his future adoption, that he felt the necessity of becoming decided in his religion. Intercourse with a brother officer, Mr. Gardner, seems to have been specially useful to him. He landed on the shores of India a new man. Even in our days, that phantom-class-the "old Indians"-has not wholly passed away, and still blazons abroad its commercial selfishness, and Christianity "respectabilized" as the panacea for the world in general, and for India in particular. Thirty-five years ago, when Havelock reached the shores of Asia, theirs was the dominant creed. Much regretted by some are the balmy days when "fanaticism" was decried, if not punished, and evangelical zeal the rare exception. From the first our young lieutenant had resolved to take a stand. His clear intellect perceived the path of duty, and he followed it through good report and through evil report. We can not better describe his character and conduct than in the words of a brother officer:

"When I first knew Havelock, in 1824, he was only eight-and-twenty; but he was conspicuous as an earnest student of his profession, a chivalrous soldier, and a man of the highest integrity. That which formed the brightest glory in his whole career was his sterling Christian consistency. He was not a man to parade his opinions or feelings, or to make any striking display, unless called for by some act or word of others, when no one could be more firm in the avowal of his sentiments, and his calm, impressive manner always told with


Sharp work awaited him in India. Both in the Burmese war and in the negotiations with the court of Ava, he took a distinguished part. Here he came into contact with Dr. and Mrs. Judson, whose "praise is in all the churches." With them the young officer could sympathize the more deeply, as for some time previously his religious principles had tended towards the same ecclesiastical connection

chamber of the great idol-temple, on the march, in the camp and city, he promoted the spiritual welfare of his soldiers. "Havelock's Saints" became a soubriquet for his company, and in conduct and action they belied not the title. Brief memoranda only are given by Mr. Brock of his eventful life, during the first twentysix years of his residence in India. What he deemed one of the most important events was his marriage with the daughter of Dr. Marshman, of Serampore. During twenty-eight years that admirable lady was the devoted companion of his life, to whom he ever turned with such deep attachment as only a noble soul is capable of. Talents of no mean kind-as we may even gather from his "Memoirs of Campaign in Ava "-remained long unacknowledged. Besides other obstacles, he had to contend against prejudices springing from his religious character. Twenty-three years of hard toil and much danger elapsed before he was promoted to a captaincy. Of the difficulties against which he must have had to contend we catch some glimpses from expressions in later letters, such as this: "Since the 22d we have been slowly steaming this sacred stream, or rather buffeting the waves of this inland sea, the banks of which you and I so well knew in the days of our humility." And deep must the humility of a poor subaltern, with an increasing family, have been for a good many of those weary years which elapsed till the requirements of health obliged him unwillingly to return to Europe. In 1849, Havelock came back to Britain. While his health here rapidly recovered, he was still engaged in those occupations which, as a Christian, were nearest to his heart. All around noticed the deep earnestness, the manly, working, warm-hearted Christianity of the "soldier of the cross." But the bitterest pang was yet to come. The education of his family imperatively required that his wife should remain with the


children in Europe their requirements | Bonn, and longs to press his wife again to that he should return and serve in India. his heart, but otherwise also in emotions At a period of life when few would have which some of us will be glad to think chosen such sacrifices, and still without were shared by a Havelock: prospects, save those of a doubtful and difficult future, of which he could not see "I am in the midst of Uncle Tom,' and, shall the end, Havelock tore himself from the read on, and looking suddenly at my watch, I confess it, twice shed tears over it last night. embraces of his family, whom he left in found it was midnight. I must be very old, for Germany, and all alone, save as Abraham I have shed tears of joy again, this morning, with his God, went he forth on his jour-over little H.'s good letter." ney. Thence only his deeds, not his person, were to return. It will best throw light on his feelings and prospects if we transfer to our pages one of those almost daily letters which on his voyage he sent to his wife :


"LEIPSIC, Oct. 30, 1851. "I purpose going to see the battle-field (of the Volker-Schlacht, as the Germans call it) tomorrow morning, so I will commence another letter to you in the solitude of my chamber. Oh! how ardently I desired to turn back and rejoin you at Bonn, as I lay in my bed at Frankfort. It was a totally sleepless night-a thing, as you know, most unusual with me. sat up meditating and writing until near eleven, and when called at six had not once closed my eyes; not even dozed or slumbered for a moment. The bitterness of parting, my position after so many years, which renders it unavoidable, and, I fear, not a few doubts about the worldly future, passed in rapid succession through my brain, which, without being in the least fevered, was so wrought upon that I never slept a single second. But I did, indeed, find sweet relief in the thought of meeting you in that better kingdom, for all earthly meetings are uncertain, and only terminate in longer or shorter separations. Join with me in prayer that we, through faith in the blood of the Lamb, may be held worthy to partake in his resurrection, and be together with him and our children in his glory. I know not what lies before me, but I do feel that we are both in the path of sacred duty. Let us do his will, and leave the event to God. Perhaps he may be merciful to us, and grant that we may soon meet again, though we see not how."

What a story of cares and trials in these lines! what deep affection! what elevated Christian feeling! Once more in Asia, and this time with his son beside him, recommences his life of toil and of faith. Years again roll round, epistolary intercourse with those he loves being his chief earthly comfort. Each birthday is carefully marked, the recurrence of interesting family events noted-all lovingly, bravely, and piously. An almost womanly tender ness of feeling possessed that manly soul, showing itself not only in the solicitude with which he watches all movements at


At length, in 1857, there was a prospect of Mrs. Havelock joining her husband at Bombay, when the declaration of war against Persia put an end to the much-cherished plan. This time Havelock was appointed to command the second division of the invading army. Honors, new to him, poured in. "On the morning of the 27th," he writes from on board ship, "the battery on the Apollo Bunder fired a salute, as I was supposed then to have gone on board, the first exof the kind to which I have ever put the Indian government." Our readers know that peace so speedily followed this short campaign that there was no call for General Havelock's active services. But more stern duties awaited him on his return to India. The great and fearful rebellion had broken out, and Havelock was to enter on his first campaign as Commander-in-Chief, unequaled in its achievements by any thing recorded in modern history. From victory to victory, and, as at every step he acknowledged the guiding hand of his God, we will not follow him-nay, we need not, for all Britain has followed him. Those memorable "hun

dred days," and that campaign, ending with the relief of Lucknow, by Sir Colin Campbell, are still events almost present to us. One more letter, the last he wrote, and we are at the end of his


"Nov. 19.

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- Sir Colin has come up with some 5000 men, and much altered the state of affairs. The papers of the 26th of September Commandership of the Bath, for my first three came with him, announcing my elevation to the battles. I have fought nine more since. Dear H. (his son) has been a second time wounded in the same left arm. The second hit was a musket-ball in the shoulder. He is in good spirits and doing well. the children. . . . . I do not, after all, see my

Love to

elevation in the Gazette, but Sir Colin addresselevation in the Gazette, but Sir Colin addressgage is at Alumbagh, six miles off, and we all came into this place with a single suit, which hardly any have put off for forty days."

es me as Sir Henry Havelock. . . . . Our bag


His sands were now fast running out. and so died a Christian hero; such a A long day of unacknowledged labor had branch could not have sprung from other been followed by a glorious evening. He than the True Vine. How different had had done his task faithfully and well. One it been if Henry Havelock had been Infiof his great desires, at last, had been ful-del or Deist-but his faith was his life, filled; "One of my prayers, oft repeated and rich, precious fruit did it bear. throughout my life since my school days, fore we close this volume, we look once has been answered, and I have lived to more into his expressive features. A nocommand in a successful action." Even ble face-thoughtfulness, firmness, earnbefore the relief by Sir Colin Campbell estness, manliness, depth of feeling in came, symptoms of illness had appeared. every feature-especially in that intense Soon after his removal to Alumbagh, it look, and in the deep furrows of his counassumed the form of dread disease, and tenance. Reader, he was a good and a far from his beloved ones, attended only great man. Every life has a deep moral by his son, he laid him down to die. To meaning. We say of him that he was Sir James Outram, who visited him, he true-true as a soldier, true as a man, true remarked: "For more than forty years I as a Christian. His Christianity made him have so ruled my life that when death true. Reader, it may not be thine to be came I might face it without fear. So a Havelock-of such men time produces be it, I am not in the least afraid. To few: but whatever, or wherever thou die is gain." To his son he gave this art, be thou a Christian, and be thou parting testimony: "Come, my son, and true! see how a Christian can die." So lived


From the Dublin University Magazine.





Ir is a strange combination of Talmudic legends and old Cabalistic philosophy, whether that be of Egyptian or Chaldaic origin. Add to this a dash of Neo-Platonism, a tinge of Greek materialism, blended together in a mind purely scientific and practical, and you obtain a fair impression of the Swiss philosopher of the sixteenth century.

Creation was a chemical mystery, a separation. Space at first was chaos, or a common principle from which all perishable things came. The first separation was the universe or macrocosm, and the four elements-fire, which is the hot part of every thing; air, the moist; water, the cold; and earth, the dry. These ele

ments enter into man, and, according as they predominate, form his temperament. Man is the little world of which the larger world is the type. To use the alchemist's ponderous words, chaos, or the great mystery, is the back of every thing, beyond which the mind of man can not penetrate. All things will perish, not again to become chaos, but what was before chaos. The great mystery is "the mother of all the elements, and the grand mother of the stars." It gave powers of reproduction to all secondary creatures. All was created without an effort, and passed at once into being like a flower opening to bloom. All things lay hid in chaos as the statue does in the marble. All passed into form and essence by a separation. Created things were not

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