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A History of the Christian Church in tabular form. In Fifteen Tables. Presenting in Parallel Columns a Synopsis of the External and Internal History of the Church from the Birth of Christ to A.D. 1858. By Professor H. B. Smith. 1 volume. Folio.

EACH table contains twelve synchronistic columns, namely, three upon the general characteristics, the contemporaneous history, and the state of Culture and Philosophy in each period; three upon the ex-ternal history, and six upon the internal history, under the heads of church literature, polity, worship, discipline and life, doctrines, and controversy, heresies and schisms. One table will be devoted to the history of the Church in this country; alphabetical and chronological lists of Councils, Popes and Patriarchs, with a full index, will be appended. This work differs from other chronological tables in aiming at a scientific digest of the materials, rather than a mere collection of facts and dates. The divisions into periods and tables are made, not by centuries, but by signal historic epochs. It will be published in a folio volume of about eighty pages, in the highest style of typography.


Orleanist pretensions to the French throne; the younger, Louis Charles, Duc de Chartres, was born in 1840. The Duchess was by Louis Philippe, in his act of abdication on the 24th of February, 1848, appointed guardian to the two sons of the Duke of Orleans and regent of the French kingdom. She bohaved with great courage and dignity upon that occasion, making her way through an armed and infuriated mob to the Chamber of Deputies, to whom she appealed in vain for the recognition of her son's title to the crown. The republic having been proclaimed, she quitted the French territory. The coufiscation of the Orleans property by Louis Napoleon, and the spirited protest which that measure elicited from the Duchess, who refused to accept the pension with which the Emperor proposed to endow her, are matters of recent history. The Duchess, only a fortnight since, dined at the Marquis of Lansdowne's, and was apparently in the enjoyment of excellent health and spirits.-London paper, May 22.

RESTORATION OF SHAKSPEARE'S HOUSE AT STRATFORD-ON-AVON.-The Birthplace Committee are disposing of the munificent gift of £2500 from Mr. John Shakspeare in proceeding with the proposed isolation and renovation of the house in which the immortal poet first saw the light. Adopting the suggestion of Mr. Edward Barry, they intend to re

The Works of the Rev. Dr. Nathaniel W. Taylor, store the building, as far as possible, to the state in late of New-Haven.

A MANUSCRIPT Copy of "Divina Commedia," supposed to be in the handwriting of Petrarch, has lately been discovered at Florence. The Grand Duke and the Hereditary Prince have commissioned the well-known savant, Signor Amici, to visit such libraries as possess examples of Petrarch's handwriting, and to take photographic pictures of these documents, in order to compare them with the manuscript which has now come to light, after being for so many years buried in obscurity.

THE REV. THOMAS II. STOCKTON has publishedThe Divine Library; or, Encyclopædia of Inspiration. The Acts of the Apostles: Received Version in paragraph form. Useful in the department of sacred literature. Also, the Student's memoraudum of the Old and New Testaments, a page for every chapter, and an index of subjects for the use of preachers, teachers, parents, and private readers. Baltimore, 68 Lexington street. All good and


THE DUCHESS OF ORLEANS.-The Duchess of Orleans died at Twickenham on Tuesday last, of influenza, after a short illness. The deceased lady, Helen Louisa Elizabeth, daughter of the late Hereditary Grand Duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, was born in 1814, and on the 30th May, 1837, was married to the eldest son of King Louis Philippe, Ferdinand Duke of Orleans, then in the 27th year of his age. That Prince met with an accidental death on the 13th of July, 1842, leaving two children, of whom the elder, Louis Philippe Albert d'Orleans, Comte do Paris, born August 24, 1838, is the present heir of

which it was when Shakspeare was born, stamping any new features which, for safety's sake, may be introduced, that future pilgrims may not confound the modern with the ancient. The house is already detached from its neighbors, and it is intended to surround it with a hedge of yew. The committco also contemplate laying out a garden in a style coeval with the house, and are now laying down in front of it a handsome and appropriate pavement.

THE great catalogue of the British Museum Library now in progress has just received the important addition of two more letters, G and II- the former folio volumes. At the present rate (says the Atheconsisting of eighty-eight, the latter of thirty-seven neum) we may hope in ten years to see the completion of the great catalogue in 2000 folio volumes.

LORD LYNDHURST has completed his eighty-sixth year; his Lordship is in excellent health. His seniors in the House of Peers are Lord Sinclair, who will complete his 90th year if he lives to the 30th of July next, and the Marquis of Bristol and Viscount St. Vincent, who were born in 1769 and 1767 respectively.

EDWARD CAPERN, the rural postman and poet, is now in London, preparing for publication his second volume of poems, which is to be dedicated, by permission, to Miss Burdett Coutts.

THE mortal remains of Havelock are to be removed from the Allumbagh to England, at the expense of his fellow-officers, and will probably be deposited in Westminster Abbey.

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