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My desire remains fixed on Thee (God) TUKARAM.
Our Father which art in heaven, hallowed be

thy name... Bible.

There is no power or strength but in God... MUHAMMED.
I long for none but Thee to dwell within my

soul... TAMIL SONG.
Let us praise Him, the one sole Lord of all... RIG-VEDA.
Almighty Power, I love Thee! blissful name. WATTS.
Love and fix thy whole heart upon Him... ΝΑΝΑΚ.


Make thyself pure, O righteous man! VENDIDAD.



Man 's rich with little, were his judgment true. Young.
Upon this earth vain, very vain, is all the

show and splendour... NAVAL.


Nature furnishes what nature absolutely needs. SENECA.
Sweet are the thoughts that savour of content. R. Greene.
Happiness may be enjoyed even in coarse

rice for food, water to drink, and the
bended arm for a pillow


... CONFUCIUS. In nothing is such happiness as is in contentment, how often need it be said... SAMAL. (GUJARATI POET)

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Prayer by Merrick....

Opening of the Ode on God by Derzhavin.

Prayer by James Montgomery.

Prayer by W. Martin.

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Morning Prayer, by the Prârthanâ Samâj, Ah-

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Evening Prayer, by the Prârthanâ Samâj, Ah-



Child's Evening Prayer, by Coleridge.
Prayer by the Prarthanâ Samâj, Ahmedâbâd........
Prayer by the Prârthanâ Samâj, Ahmedâbâd.
Prayer from Modi Second Reading Book.
Prayer from Modi Second Reading Book.

Prayer from Sturm's Reflections.


Prayer from Chambers's Infant Education.


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