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For JULY, 1792.

ART. I. A Tranflation of the New Teftament. By Gilbert Wakefield, B. A. Late Fellow of Jefus College, Cambridge. Svo. 3 Vols. 11. 15. Boards. Deighton. 1791.

OF Mr. Wakefield's qualifications for the important task

which he has here undertaken, his various writings may enable the public in fome measure to form a judgment. That he poffeffes a competent knowlege of the ancient languages, the first requifite in a tranflator of the New Teftament, will not be questioned by thofe who have read his Silva Critica, and his Commentary on St. Matthew. That he is capable of writing the English language with ftrength and elegance, his former publications abundantly prove; and that he is not deftitute of tafte, fufficiently cultivated and chaftifed to enable him to relifh that fimplicity of ftyle, which is alone fuited to the dignity of the Chriftian Scriptures, may be reasonably prefumed from his intimate acquaintance with the ancient models of good writing. A favourable expectation may also be formed concerning this work, from the juft conceptions which the author appears to have entertained of the nature of his defign, and from the judicious rules which he has prefcribed to himself in the execution. We shall give Mr. W.'s ideas on this fubject in his own words:

The chief rules, which I prefcribed to myfelf in the execution. of this work, were: To adopt the received verfion upon all poffible occafions, and never to fuperfede it, unless fome low obfolete or obfcure word, fome vulgar idiom, fome coarfe or uncouth phrafe, fome intricate conftruction, fome harth combination of terms, or fome mifreprefentation of the fenfe, demanded an alteration. To aim at an entirely new tranflation, or to admit any variation, but for the reafons now alledged, always appeared to me equally unneceffary and unwife. But a very small fhare of magnanimity was required to refift any temptation to innovate, that might arife from afpiring to the character of fuperiour learning, difcernment, and tafle, by finding fault at every step, and faftidiously substituting alteration only without amendment. If I have ever incurred this VOL. VIII. cenfure


cenfure eventually myfelf, the motive was of another kind; and have not altered in a single inftance from caprice or vanity, but fimply from an intention to improve. Ufe has fo far fanctified, if I may employ the term, our received verfion, that no tranflation, I am perfuaded, effentially different from it, can ever be cordially relished, Ido not fay by the generality, but by readers of exact taste and polished understandings. Nor have I ever yet converfed with a fingle perfon, whofe approbation I could wish to fecure, of a different opinion in this reffect.

Another rule, which I laid down for myself, was: To make my tranflation as completely vernacular without vulgarity, as was confiftent with thofe inducements to variation specified above; that it might be rendered as perfect a fpecimen as I could make it, of pure unaffected English diction. This object, upon a fuperficial view, may appear to fome, perhaps, of no difficult accomplishment: the uniform prefervation, however, of fimplicity, harmony, and fidelity, in the verfion of fuch plain compofitions, as the fcriptures of the New Teftament, would be found by any one, inclined to make the experiment, a very ferious and, in fome cafes, an infuperable difficulty. There is, and ever will be, much diverfity of opinion on thefe points, nor am I by any means fo unexperienced as to expea aniverfal approbation: nay, it is very probable, that, where I have thought myself moft dextrous, a judicious examiner will with reason think me the most unhappily unfuccefsful. The poffibility alfo of the reverfe of this statement, fhould incline every reader to candour and moderation in his decifions. With this view to purity of English tile, I have, in some instances, fubftituted a word of our own growth for it's equivalent from a Roman origin: though I may also have adopted fometimes a method directly contrary, where the English word produced a barfh or abrupt termination of the fentence: for to the modulation of the periods I have carefully attended, in imitation of our old tranflators, who, for the most part, porfued this object with admirable fuccefs. I could wish to fee an Engli verfion of the fcriptures in fuch a phrafeology as should make it ** everlasting poffeffion" for our countrymen. And, if good Englifo expreffions were to be rejected merely for their fimplicity, every generation would require a tranflation altogether new in this refpect. I cannot admire the prevailing practice of banishing fignificant and native phrafes from our compofitions, to make room for a pompous verbofity from the vocabulary of Rome. This innovating propenfity contributes to fet a mark of difrepute on expreffions of fterling worth; and to diminifh even the copioufnefs and ftrength, as well as the purity of our language. If this affected and pedantic humour had prevailed with the Greeks, thofe parents of all science, and the great inftructors of mankind! their incomparable language could never have preserved it's propriety and uniformity for two thousand years.'


With refpect to our received tranflation, Mr. Wakefield allows that it is, efpecially in point of fimplicity, worthy of the highest commendation; but he adds that the authors of it,


at fo early a period after the revival of letters, had acquired a lefs competent knowlege of the original language than many, fince that time, have been able to attain. He undertakes to correct the mistakes which have arisen from this cause, and to bring to view many elegances depending on an accurate perception of the Grecian and Oriental phrafeology. Simplicity he profeffes to be his chief object; and he declares his entire difapprobation of what are called liberal translations of the scriptures, confidering them as too much calculated to weaken the dignity and efficacy of the facred writings, and to expose them to ridicule and contempt:

The admirable fimplicity of the gospel-narratives is fo exactly fuited to the characters of the reputed authors, that with the anni. bilation of this excellence, a ftriking criterion of authenticity is deftroyed; and it feemed to me a moft ignoble ambition to court the fickly tastes of thofe readers, to whom the native plainnefs of the gofpels has no relish. While Xenophon and Luke make themselves. intelligible to all, they abound in elegancies, that can engage the attention of the profoundest scholars and give an exquifite delight to the most refined critics.'

The principles of biblical translation, which Mr. W. lays down, he appears to us to have very diligently, and, in the main, very fuccefsfully, followed. In a work of this kind, however, it is impoffible that there should not be many things liable to objection; and it is our duty briefly to notice fome of the principal defects which we have remarked in this tranfla



Sometimes, too close an adherence to the original produces a fingularity of expreffion fcarcely admiffible; for example, Matth. xxi. 18. A certain man had two fons, and he came up to the first, and faid: Child, go work to day in my vineyard.' Mark, v. 31. Thou feeft the multitude fqueezing thee.' Acts, vi. 7. And the word of God was thriving,' &c. Phillippians, ii. 15. Children amidft a crooked and twisted race.' Some interpretations of the original are given, which will generally be thought forced or fanciful; as Matth. xxiii. 14. Ye devour widows' houfes, though ye pray at the fame time with a long preamble.' John, iii. 8. The breath breathes in whom it lifteth, and thou hearest its voice.' Romans, xv. 13: Now may the God of this hope fill you with all joy and peace through the faith, that ye may abound in this hope under the influence of an unspotted mind.' verfe 16. that this oblation of the Gentiles may be acceptable, fanctified by holiness of spirit." Titus, iii. 8. According to his own mercy did he deliver us by a washing of another birth, with a renewal of holy breath." James, i. 17. Every good gift and every perfect kindness


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cometh down from above, from the Father of lights, with whom is no parallax nor tropical shadow.'

In fome cafes, a method of spelling, which is now become obfolete, is inelegantly retained, as toucht, lockt, dasht, washt, pufbt, ruht, flafht, fitten.

Unwarrantable freedoms are fometimes taken in omitting paffages, or in altering the original text. In Matthew, xvii. 21. Mark, xi. 26. and in other places, entire verses are omitted, we think, without fufficient authority. There are numerous fmaller omiffions or alterations, which appear to us unneceffary or ill-fupported; among which are Luke, ii. 14. Glory be to God in the higheft heavens, and the peace of his good-will to men on earth.' Luke, xxiii. 25. When once the mafter of the houfe hath compofed himself." 1 Corinthians, xiii. 3. Though I give up my body fo as to have caufe of boasting,' &c.

There are alfo instances in which the translation afsumes too much of a paraphraftic air; as John, xi. 33. He earnestly conftrained himself and ftruggled with his feelings and faid,' &c. Acts, x. 36. That doctrine which God fent to the children of Ifrael, when he delivered to them a gospel of peace by Jefus Chrift, belongeth equally to all.' Romans, i. 17. For thereby a pardon from God is proclaimed to a reliance upon faith; as it is written, he that trufteth to faith for pardon will fave his life.' Liberties of this kind are frequently taken in the Epiftles, for which we can by no means think that the tranflator fufficiently juftifies himself by faying, I express myself with all poffible fimplicity, as I fuppofe the Apostle himself would have delivered his meaning in my fituation, and in our language.' This is certainly to become a commentator on the Apoftle's fenfe; and is not very confiftent with the cenfure which the author, in his preface, paffes on liberal translations.

The exceptions, which may be made to this work, are not, however, either fo numerous or fo important as materially to affect its merit, which is unquestionably great. While it corrects many inaccuracies, inelegancies, and obfolete phrases, which are to be found in the common verfion, it retains its general character of fimplicity. While it abounds with proofs of critical acumen, which will be difcovered by the learned, it is fufficiently plain and intelligible to be ufed with advantage by the illiterate. Many paflages, erroneously rendered, or left in obfcurity, in the common tranflations, are here given with great correctnefs and perfpicuity. Of thefe, we tranfcribe the following paffages as examples: Mark, iii. 21. And when his own family heard of it they went out to fecure him; for fome had told them, that he was gone out.' John, xiv. 30, 31. I will not fay much more unto you now for the ruler of

this world is coming; and I have nothing now to do, but to convince the world that I love the Father, and do as he commanded me.' Acts, xx. 28. As for yourselves, therefore, and all that flock, of which the Holy Spirit made you overfeers, take care to tend the church of God which he gained for himself by his own Son.' Of the tranflation of this laft paffage we fhall quote the author's juftification, in the following note, vol. iii. p. 147.

"V. 28. take care to feed-poσEXETE Toja: 1 judge this to be the true conftruction. So Eur. Iph. Taur. 113. Ορα δέμας καθειναι.

See Matt. vi. 1. Prov. iv. 1. LXX.

-the church of God-ray sxxhnova TOU SED: I have altered my opinion of this paffage, and have determined for this reading from the fame confiderations, that would have influenced me in the cafe of any indifferent and uncontroverted text. It is the reading of the Ethiopic verfion, whofe authority is with me irrefiftible on this occafion fee note xvi. 7. and most unjustifiable is this affertion of Griefbach, Ethiops habet vocabulum quo femfèr utitur, five d: in graca veritate legatur, five xvz: neutri igitur lectioni favet: which is infamoufly falfe. On the contrary, as far as my recollection will carry me, this tranflator NEVER employs the word here introduced, but to fignify the SUPREME GOD ALONE. See Caftell's Lexicon in the word. This was my firft inducement to retain this reading. My next was, the variation between the Syriac and Coptic verfions; the former of which has the church of the MESSIAH; and the latter, the church of the LORD and this want of uniformity excites in me a strong fufpicion of interpolation in confequence of the peculiar fentiments of the tranflators or the authors of those MSS. which they followed,

- bis own fon —TOU idiou asμATO: literally his own blood: but, as this expreffion could answer no good purpose, and would unavoidably lead thofe unacquainted with the phraseology of these languages into erroneous doctrines and impious conceptions of the deity, I could not justify myself in employing it in this place. So blood is used for man in xvii. 26. and Matt. xxvii. 4. So Homer II. Z. 211.

Ταυτης του γενεης τε και ΑΙΜΑΤΟΣ ευχομαι είναι.

ΑΙΜΑ σοφου Φοβοιο και ευπαλαμοιο Κυρήνης»

Add Nonnus D. lib. v. p. 152.

And the fcholiaft on Eur. Oreft. 1239. fays: AIMA do ПAIΔΕΣ, γενΘ- οι αδελφοί, συγγένεια οι γαμβροι. And Virgil Æn. vi. 836. • Projice tela manu, SANGUIS MEUS!

This is well known, and fupplies the most eafy and obvious interpretation of this moft difputed paffage. See alfo Mr. Henley's note in the appendix to Bowyer's Criticisms, who firft excited in my mind the idea of this acceptation, and to whom therefore the entire applaufe, justly due to this excellent folution of fo great a difficulty, ought in all reafon to be given. If no paffage of the N. T. quite parallel can be found, we should recollect, that Luke is an elegant writer,



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