So checking his desire, with trembling heart 210 But stands with awful eyes to watch the dawn of At length awaking, Iphigene the fair 215 (So was the beauty call'd who caus'd his care) Unclos'd her eyes, and double day reveal'd, While those of all her slaves in sleep were seal'd. The slav'ring cudden, propp'd upon his staff, Stood ready, gaping, with a grinning laugh, 220 To welcome her awake; nor durst begin' To speak, but wisely kept the fool within. Then she; "What makes you, Cymon, here alone?"> (For Cymon's name was round the country known, Because descended of* a noble race, 225 And for a soul ill sorted with his face.) 230 But still the sot stood silent with surprize, With fix'd regard on her new-open'd eyes; And in his breast receiv'd th' envenom'd dart, A tickling pain that pleas'd amid the smart. But, conscious of her form, with quick distrust She saw his sparkling eyes, and fear'd his brutal lust; This to prevent, she wak'd her sleepy crew; And, rising hasty, took a short adieu. Then Cymon first his rustic voice essay'd, 235 With proffer'd service to the parting maid * For high descent drawn from, might improve the con struction. To see her safe; his hand she long deny'd, The father wonder'd at the son's return, 245 To learn the secret causes of his alter'd will. His body thus adorn'd, he next design'd 255 Thus the man-child advanc'd, and learn'd so fast, That in short time his equals he surpass'd: His brutal manners from his breast exil'd, His mien he fashion'd, and his tongue he fil'd; In every exercise of all admir'd; 260 He seem'd, nor only seem'd, but was inspir'd- 265 What then of alter'd Cymon shall we say, But that the fire which, choak'd in ashes, lay, A load too heavy for his soul to move, Was upward blown below, and brush'd away by love? Love made an active progress through his mind ; The dusky parts he clear'd; the gross, refin'd; The drowsy, wak'd; and, as he went, impress'd The Maker's image on the human breast. Thus was the man amended by desire, And though he lov'd, perhaps, with too much fire, His father all his faults with reason scann'd, 275 280 The name of fool, confirm'd, and bishop'd by the fair. 285 To Cipseus, by his friends, his suit he mov❜d, Cipseus the father of the fair he lov’d: But he was pre-engag'd by former ties, While Cymon was endeav'ring to be wise : And Iphigene, oblig'd by former vows, Had given her faith to wed a foreign spouse: Her sire and she to Rhodian Pasimond, Though both repenting, were by promise, bound, Nor could retract; and thus, as fate decreed, Though better lov'd, he spoke too late to speed. 290 The doom was past; the ship, already sent, Did all his tardy diligence prevent: 295 Sigh'd to herself the fair unhappy maid, "The time is come for Iphigene to find "Her charms have made me man; her ravish'd love "In rank shall place me with the bless'd above. "For, mine by love, by force she shall be mine; "Or death, if force should fail, shall finish my design." Resolv'd he said; and rigg'd with speedy care 305 310 To Rhodes the rival bark directly steer'd, Thus warn'd, the Rhodians for the fight provide These obstinate to save, 315 and those to seize the bride. * Stern. But Cymon soon his crooked grapples cast, 321) 325 Fierce was the fight; but, hastening to his prey, 330 His victory confess'd, the foes retreat, And cast their weapons at the victor's feet. Whom thus he cheer'd: "O Rhodian youth! I "fought "For love alone; nor other booty sought: "Your lives are safe; your vessel I resign; "Yours be your own, restoring what is mine: 335 "In Iphigene I claim my rightful due, "Robb'd by my rival, and detain'd by you: "Your Pasimond a lawless bargain drove, "The parent could not sell the daughter's love ; "Or, if he could, my love disdains the laws, 340 "And like a king by conquest gains his cause: "Where arms take place, all other pleas are vain; "Love taught me force, and force shall love "maintain : "You, what by strength you could not keep, release, "And at an easy ransom buy your peace." 345 Fear on the conquer'd side soon sign'd th' accord, And Iphigene to Cymon was restor❜d: |