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and in the distribution of his bounty, he frequently concealed the hand which sent the relief. He was a truly humble-minded Christian, and was often tried with a deep sense of spiritual poverty. He had also a very low view of the stewardship committed to him, which he, on one occasion, described to a friend in the following terms: My talent is the meanest of all talents, a little sordid dust; but the man in the parable who had but one talent, was accountable, and for the talent that I possess, humble as it is, I also am accountable to the great Lord of all." This good steward was favoured to experience an increasing and well-grounded confidence in the mercy of God, through the ever-blessed Redeemer, which he thus expressed in a letter, written only a few days before his decease: "I have done with this world, and all my happiness in it is from the hope that I shall soon have it where there is neither sin nor sorrow; and that hope rests entirely on the mercy of God, and the merits and mediation of Jesus Christ."

The end of this man was peace.

John Thorp survived the death of his friend Richard Reynolds about twelve months, during


which period he frequently mentioned the prospect of his own dissolution. About a week before his decease, he was seized with a severe spasmodic affection. At this time, he manifested great composure of mind, saying that, whichever way it might terminate, all would be well.

The evening preceding his decease, he related to his family the following circumstance, which occurred in his youth, and which it is not known that he had ever before communicated: indeed, he very rarely, even in his own family, or with his most intimate friends, made himself the subject of conversation: "When a boy, about "fourteen years of age, my attachment to music "and singing was such, that when walking alone "in the lanes and fields on an evening, I frequently gratified myself by singing aloud; and

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indulged therein, even after my mind became "uneasy with the practice, until, in one of my "solitary evening walks, and when in the act of

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singing, I heard, as it were, a voice distinctly "say, 'If thou wilt discontinue that gratification, "thou shalt be made partaker of a much more "perfect harmony."" Such was the powerful and convincing effect of this solemn and awful communication, that, he added, he never afterwards indulged in the practice. In relating this short and, to those about him, interesting anecdote of his early youth, he was, towards the latter part of it, considerably affected, and could not sup

press his tears, which appeared as the tears of gratitude to God at this remembrance of his very early merciful visitation.

After a short suspense of conversation, he related the circumstance of Luke Cock having been a great singer, prior to joining the Society of Friends; and that John Richardson said of him, "he was the greatest singer in that part of the "country where he resided, and that he sung then "the songs of Babylon, by the muddy waters "thereof; but having drunk deep of the brooks "of Shiloh, which run softly into the newly con"verted soul, he could sing and rejoice in the "Lord Jesus Christ." Whilst communicating this anecdote, he continued much affected, and in tears, and his manner of relating it was most impressive and solemn.

He conversed cheerfully with his family during the remainder of the evening. The following day, being the 30th of the 9th Month, 1817, about five o'clock in the afternoon, whilst sitting in his chair, he closed his eyes and quietly departed.



10th Month 31, 1820.


From the Monthly Meeting of Hardshaw-East, concerning




UR beloved friend John Thorp was born at Wilmslow, in the country of Chester, the 5th of the 11th Month, 1742, according to the N. S. His parents were in profession with the church of England. His father dying before he was born, the care of his education, with that of several other children, devolved on his mother, who, we have reason to believe, was a sober, well-minded woman, for whom he retained an affectionate and honourable esteem.

We have but little information respecting his conduct when a boy, except that, at a very early age, he became a singer in that called the parish church at his native place, an exercise which he was then strongly inclined to; but being soon after favoured with a visitation of "the dayspring from on high," he believed it to be required of him to relinquish this practice, in which he had taken great delight; and during a season of distress and mental retirement from the world, it pleased the Father of mercies, by the secret

operation of his Divine Power, to open to his mind the nature and spirituality of the gospel dispensation; and to convince him that the saving knowledge of God is only to be attained by the immediate revelation and inspiration of the Holy Spirit.

Some time after, he began to attend the meeting of Friends at Morley, about two miles distant from the place of his birth. This he did in a way to be as little observed as possible. There he found, publicly professed and advocated, the important doctrines which had been so clearly, and, as he has since declared, so immoveably impressed on his mind.

Continuing to attend the meetings of Friends, and feeling unity with them, he was, in the twentieth year of his age, admitted into membership. The following year he removed to London, where he continued to reside about four years, and, in the year 1767, he removed to Manchester, settled there, and not long after entered into the married state.

For some years after his admission into our Society, he had to pass through much deep exercise and spiritual conflict, finding in himself, much that was opposed to that state of humble resignation which had been, by the Divine light, so clearly opened to his view, as necessary to be attained; but, through the powerful and effectual operation of the grace of God, he was enabled to

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