A Narration of the Lives of the Thirteen Compilers of the Liturgy of the Church of England. ...

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J. Lewis; and sold also by all the booksellers in Oxford and Cambridge, 1751 - 206 pages

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Page 113 - The body and blood of Christ which are verily and indeed taken and received by the faithful in the Lord's Supper.
Page 39 - Spirit for the better ruling and guiding of his people. The oil, if added, is but a ceremony; if it be wanting, that king is yet a perfect monarch notwithstanding, and God's anointed, as well as if he was inoiled.
Page 113 - The strengthening and refreshing of our souls by the Body and Blood of Christ, as our bodies are by the Bread and Wine.
Page 70 - O Father of heaven, O Son of God, Redeemer of the world, O Holy Ghost, three persons and one God, have mercy upon me, most wretched caitiff and miserable sinner. I have offended both against heaven and earth more than my tongue can express. Whither, then, may I go, or whither shall I flee?
Page 71 - Lord, whose property is always to have mercy. For although my sins be great, yet thy mercy is greater. I crave nothing, O Lord, for mine own merits, but for thy name's sake, that it may be glorified thereby : and for thy dear Son Jesus Christ's sake.
Page 38 - The solemn rites of coronation have their ends and utility, yet neither direct force or necessity: they be good admonitions to put kings in mind of their duty to God, but no increasement of their dignity. For they be God's anointed, not in respect of the oil which the bishop useth, but in consideration of their power which is ordained, of the sword...
Page 92 - You might well enough,' said she, ' as the council goeth now-a^lays.1 "And so she concluded with these words: ' My lord, for your gentleness to come- and see me, I thank you ; but for your offering to preach before me, I thank you never a whit...
Page 39 - Then follows his account of the king's duty ; after which he goes on, " Being bound by my function, to lay these " things before your royal highness ; yet I openly declare, " before the living God, and before the nobles of the land, " that I have no commission to denounce your majesty " deprived, if your highness miss in part, or in whole, of " these performances." This speech had so good an effect on the young king, that a royal visitation was resolved on, to rectify the disorders of the church,...
Page 32 - ... out of his bosom the letters, by which he had discovered their treachery, asked them if they knew those papers. When they saw their own letters produced against them, they were in the utmost confusion, and falling down on their knees, humbly sued for forgiveness. The archbishop told them, that he forgave them, and would pray for them ; but that they must not expect him ever to trust them for the future.
Page 33 - The archbishop instantly sent for him, and after a gentle reproof, asked the priest whether he knew him ; to which he answered, No. The archbishop expostulated with him, why he should, then, make so free with his character. The priest excused himself by his being in drink. But this Cranmer told him was a double fault, and then let him know, that if he had a mind to try what a scholar he was, he should have liberty to oppose him in whatever science he pleased. The priest humbly asked his pardon, and...

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