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into the Hands of the Lord, than into the Hands of 1741. 174* Men; and that fince we had been fettled in this Province of Penfylvania, we were preserved from the Hands of Men; there having never been an Enemy in it, in a warlike Way; our Dependance being on Providence, and our Principle against War, and against fpilling of human Blood by Wars and Fighting, according to the Doctrine of Chrift, the peaceable Saviour; wherefore I believe the Hand of God was manifested in preserving us in Peace: Yet I would not be understood to be againft the Magiftrates exercifing the Power committed to them, according to juft Law; but national Wars, woful Experience teacheth, are deftructive to the peaceable Religion of Jefus, to Trade, Wealth, Health and Happiness. Our dear Lord preached Peace to the People, and against Wars; telling his Followers, That they must love and pray for their Enemies, and rather take a Stroke or a Blow, than give one; and that they should not refift Evil; which peaceable Doctrine of Chrift, the Jews could not away with; no, no, by no Means; O, fay they, If we let this Man alone, the Romans will come and take away our Place and Nation: Juft as the People now fay in this Province, among and to those peaceable Men, who, for the Sake of Chrift and his Doctrine, cannot use the Sword; The Romans will come and take our Country, if we don't build Forts and Caftles, and have military Preparations: And I wish it were not true, that fome, who profefs this peaceable Principle, too much endeavour to fmoother, ftifle and keep under, this peaceable Doctrine, through a flavish Fear, and too much diftrufting of the divine Providence, which may cause the divine Hand to deliver us to the Romans indeed; at which I fhould not wonder, fince we diftruft that divine Hand that hath hitherto preferved us, without our preparing for War, above these fifty Years. To which I know that it is objected; But now there are Abundance of People who are not of that

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1741. ciple: I anfwer, Then why did they come among us, if they could not truft themselves with our Principles, which they knew, or might have known, if they would? The King gave the Province, and the Government of it, to our worthy Proprietor WILLIAM PENN, who was a Man of this peaceable Principle; for which the Heathens loved him, and honour his Name and Memory to this Day, and thofe of his Socie ty and Principles; whereof I am a living Witnefs. The Senfe of the Sweetnefs and focial Life that the firft Settlers of the Province of Pensylvania and the City of Philadelphia lived in, makes me exprefs myself in this Manner. Oh! that the Inhabitants of the City and Country, did but live and dwell in that first Love, and hold it faft; and then I believe that the Almighty would not fuffer any to take our Crown; which Crown is Righteoufnefs, Peace and Love, through true Faith; which true Faith works by Love, in Chrift Jefus.. A

Prepares for a Vifit

la, &c.

On the last Day of the Fifth Month, I acquainted to Torto my Friends of the Monthly-meeting of Philadelphia, with a Concern I had been fome Time under, to vifit the People in the Virgin Islands, and more particularly in Anguilla and Tortola; in order to preach the Gofpel of our Lord Jefus Chrift freely, to thofe who might have a Defire to hear, as the Lord fhould be pleas'd to open my Way: And my Friends: having Unity with me therein, at their next Meeting, gave me a Certificate of their Concurrence: Soon after which, having fettled my Affairs, and taken Leave of my dear Wife and Daughter, and the rest of my Family and Friends, on the 19th Day of the Seventh Month, I embarked at Philadelphia, in the Sloop John, Peter Blunder Mafter, bound for the Ifland of Tortola.

We fail'd down the River, and came to an Anchor near Chriftine Creek that Night, in which there was a violent Storm, which drove feveral Veffels on the Marfhes; so that when the Tide ebb'd, one might walk round them. Next Day we fail'd to Reedy


Ifland, where we waited for a fair Wind: We fail'd 1741. down the Bay (in Company with two Sloops, one bound for Bermudas, the other for the Inland of Christopher's) and left the Capes on the 23d Day of the At Sea. Month, and in 18 Days, from that Time, fell in with the Island of Thomas, and in one Day more turn'd up to Tortola.

In this Voyage we faw nine Sail of Veffels; but fpoke with none of them: Had a rough Paffage, the Wind being high and contrary above a Week, and much Rain; yet, thro' the Mercy and Grace of God, I was preferved above all Fear, except the holy Fear of the living Lord, in which I blefs'd his holy Name.

On the 12th Day of the Eighth Month, John Picker- Tortola. ing, the Owner of the Sloop (who was likewise Governor of the Inland) with his Spouse, met me at the Water-fide, and lovingly embraced me, and led me up to their Houfe, and, the fame Evening, had a Meeting at his Houfe; and on the 15th of the Month, being the Fifth-day of the Week, we had a large, fatisfactory Meeting, at which were many People, divers of them not of our Profeffion, and I think, the good Hand of the Lord was with us. I was concerned in this Meeting to fhew, That the last Difpenfation of God to Mankind in and through his dear Son, was a fpiritual Difpenfation; a Difpenfation of pure, divine Love, which is to laft and be with the true Believers in Chrift for ever, according to his own Doctrine in the New-Teftament.

On the First-day of the Week, and the 18th of the Month, we had another Meeting larger than the former (and the Governor told me, he had never feen fo large al Gathering on the Inland, on any Occafion) my Spirit was much fet at Liberty in this Meeting, and great Openness and Brokenness was among the People, fo that the Gospel was freely and largely declared to them. The Cafe of Cornelius, and of the Apoftle Peter going to his House, was treated of, with divers


Tert ola.

1741 other Matters, tending to Edification. I was fo affected with the Power, Spirit and Grace of our Lord Jefus Chrift, that, when the Meeting was over, I withdrew, and, in private, poured out my Soul before the Lord, and begg'd that he would be pleas'd to manifeft his Power and glorious Gospel more and more. At this Meeting there was a Woman who had fuffer'd much for her going to Meetings; her Hufband being a proud, haughty Man, had beat her to the drawing of Blood; he alfo drew his Sword, and prefented his Piftol, with Threat'nings to kill her; but fhe thank'd God, that fhe was refign'd to lose her life for Chrift's Sake: This Woman exprefs'd fome Words in Supplication in this Meeting, in a broken Manner. There was also another (a beautiful young Woman) whose Father had turn'd her out of Doors for coming to Friends Meetings.

I went, with the Governor and his Wife, to visit a few Families up in the Mountains, and had a Meeting, in which was great Brokenness and Tenderness in the Time of Prayer.

On Second-day we vifited several Families in the Divifion called the Road, to which we went by Water in a Coble (fome-what like our Canoes) there were four of these in Company, five Perfons in two of them, and feven in the other two. In this Vifiting of Families, the People came and filled the Rooms, and we had feasonable Meetings, in which the People were fo loving, and well-affected, that we could feldom go in a friendly Way to vifit our Friends, but they would prefently fill their little Rooms, and we fcarcely could depart, without having a Time of Worship.

Next Day we went to visit a young Man's Habitation (who had not yet finished his House) and the Neighbours coming in, as ufual, we had a good Meeting.

I cannot but note, That the Hand of the Lord God was with us, and I felt his Vifitation as fresh and lively



as ever; for which I was truly thankful, and thought, 1741. if I never faw my Habitation again, I was fatisfied in this Gospel Call, and religious Vifit; though, being in Years, it was fometimes a little troublesome to the Flesh; being in the 66th Year of my Age, and stiff in my Limbs from Hurts with many Falls and Bruises ; but, as to my Health, I had it better now, than for feveral Years paft; for which I am humbly thankful to him, in whom we live and have our Being; Glory to his Name, through his dear Son.

Third-day and Fourth-day, vifited several Families, and had divers good Opportunities; in one of those Meetings, a young Man, named Jeremiah Martin, fpoke a few Words in Prayer; in which Seafon, we were, I think, all broken into Tenderness; fo that in Truth we might fay, That the Power and Spirit of Chrift was with and among us, and his great Name was praised.

Fifth-day, being the Week-day-meeting, it was larger than was ever known of a Week-day at that Place; there being divers Friends who came from an Inland called Jos. Vandike's, and many Neighbours and fober People, who were very attentive.

Sixth-day, was at feveral Peoples Houses, and had religious Meetings; which we could not well avoid, the People were fo loving and defirous to hear what might be spoken to them; they being many of them like thirsty Ground, wanting Rain, and our good and gracious Lord gave us celeftial Showers, which were refreshing to us, and thankfully received.

Seventh-day, I went, with feveral Friends, to the House of one, who, with his Wife, had been at our Meeting on Fifth-day; he kindly invited me to his House; his Name was Blake; he and his Wife were loving; though he had formerly wrote against Friends, he was now better informed. From his House I went to Townsend Bishop's, and there being many Friends there from another Ifland, we had a moft comfortable,


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