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we be permitted to lay, with the most ref-
pectful Submiffion, at the Feet of your ROYAL HIGHNESS, the NEW
for the FAIR SEX: A Work Calculated on an Improved Plan, and Entirely
Devoted to the Ufe and Amusement of the LADIES of these Kingdoms.

As your ROYAL HIGHNESS is the diftinguifhed PATRON of every Effort

which may contribute to embellish or improve the FEMALE MIND, and being

determined that the prefent PUBLICATION fhall be carried on with strict

PROPRIETY and SPIRIT, we are encouraged with all Humility to crave


TAKING, fo fincerely defigned for Public and Private Utility,

Your Royal Highnefs's most obedient and moft humble Servants,



VOL. V. for the YEAR 1790.

Containing a Complete Index, Directions to the Binder for placing the
numerous Copper-Plates, with a great Variety of Supplementary and
entertaining Articles.

And embellished with, 1. A striking Likeness of Signora Faustina.-
2. A beautiful Print of the Woman-Hater.-3. A New Pattern for work-
ing Aprons. And, (4.) A New Song in Praife of Women, fet to Music,



IT is with grateful Pleafure we again addrefs our Fair Patroneffes, on

the Commencement of a new Year, and a new Volume of our Work. As the new Year generally brings with it the Congratulations of Friendhip, and fincere Refpect, fo the Commencement of this new Volume bears our annual Acknowledgments to all our Fair Readers, and particularly to thofe, whofe elegant Pens have already embellifhed this Work, and from whom the Public may ftill expect unrivalled Specimens of Female Tafte and Skill.

After having experienced fuch extraordinary and unprecedented Suecefs, as no other Publication of the Kind ever prefumed to lay Claim to, it gives us inexpreffible Satisfaction to find, that every Month adds to the Number of our Readers. But this is not to be wondered at, when we confider the elegant Hands, by which the greatest Part of the preceding Volumes has been penned, and the very interefting Scenes which have been defcribed by thofe whom Nature has formed to captivate and charm Mankind.

Though Succefs may produce Supineness in the ungrateful, in the generous it infpires Animation. While we pen the Maxim, we feel it's Effects, and are determined by the utmost Exertions of Industry, not only to fuftain that Character we have already acquired, but to increase that Fund of Esteem with which we have been fo liberally honoured. New Scenes of Knowledge have been prefented to us; new Acquifitions of Correfpondence have enriched our Stores; and we fpeak with a Degree of Confidence and Certainty, when we affure our Fair Readers, that our next annual Collection promises to be still more entertaining, more inftructive, and more highly interesting than any of the preceding Volumes.

It has always been our particular Care, not only to attend to the Embellishments of Female Beauty, by difplaying thofe Graces and Charms which adorn the Mind; but alfo to contribute to the Pleasure of the Fair Sex, by fupplying them with a great Variety of Patterns of Needlework, which to thofe who cultivate the Amiabilities of domestic Life, will afford the moft pleafing and ufeful Employment, in their Hours of Avocation. And thofe Ladies, who delight in the Pleafures of Melody and Harmony, will always have an Opportunity of gratifying their Tafte for Mulic, in the beautiful Compofitions which embellith every Number of our Work, and which, together with the Poetry accompanying them, breathe nothing but Virtue, Chastity, and-Love."


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It is unneceffary to fpeak of the many other Embellishments which adorn our Mifcellany. Suffice it to obferve, that the fame mafterly Style of Execution, for which this favourite and tathionable Publication has hitherto been celebrated, thall ftill continue to diftinguifh it; the Proprietor having for that purpose, at a great Expence, retained Artifts of the firft Reputation and Eminence.

To improve the Understanding in, ufeful Knowledge, to refine the Tafte, to cherish in the Mind a Love of Virtue, and to adorn the Female Character with every elegant Accomplishment-have been the great Objects of the Editor and Publisher in carrying on this periodical Publication; and we think we can with Truth affirm, thefe Purposes were never fo effectually promoted in any other Work of the Kind. For this extraordinary Succefs, as before obferved, we are principally indebted to the Patronage of the British Fair, whofe zealous Attachment to every Production of Virtue, and moral Excellence, does Honour to the Sex, while it places them in the most amiable Point of View, as Fatterns of every domeftic Virtue, and the Delight and Ornament of Human Society,





THE of Europhermined to spare no Pains or Expence to render HE Requeft of Europhada fhall be complied with as far as it is in our this Work in all Refpefts the moft elegant, ufeful, and fafhionable Repofitory of mifcellancous Entertainment.

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Alcimus and Cynthia, or the fatal Effects of Riches, by Benjamin Kemp, will appear either in the next, or following Number.

Several Poetical Elays, by Thomas Whicker, O. O. &c, are intended for Infertion.

The beautiful and affecting History, which we have received from A Conftant Reader, is certainly entitled to a Place in this Work.

Enigmatical Solutions and Questions from the following Correfpondents are received, viz. Amator, Lewefienfis, 0.0. Belville, H. Hardy, and Eugenia Maria H.

The Verfes communicated by Matheus, are too inaccurate for Publication; neither does the Subject contained in them come with Propriety

into our Plan.


In line 4, of the Epiftie from one great Geniur to anether, page 622, for December,

for Indus, read Judas.





Polite, Useful, Entertaining, and Fashionable


A Work Entirely Devoted to Their Ufe and Amufement.




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deeply engraven on my memory. How miferable is my fituation! not even to be acquainted with the name of the charming girl! Perhaps by this time fhe is in poffeffion of fome other man. dreadful is the idea! But it may be more than fancy, for how is it poffible fuch an angel can be seen and not be loved! No, I cannot even cherish the most remote hope she can ever be mine. How, alas! was it poffible for me (by the momentary glance I had of her) to know if her affections were not at that moment actually engaged! But I am interrupted by a letter directed in thy well-known hand.

Indeed, Fairfax, thy advice is very seasonable, and I will endeavour to turn it to my advantage as much as poffible, and bear up with the rigidities of fate as nearly like a man of courage as I am able; but actually I am afraid the task


will be too burthenfome for me, and all thy rhetoric be spent in vain. Jack Boveric has just been here, and fwears I look like the apparition of what I was when I left town. You fee what terrible havock the tremendous powers of love make of us, when once we are entangled in the fafcinating fnare. But heaven knows my cafe is unprecedented, and no reftoring antidote can eradicate the preying venom, unless the lovely Amazon herself is found who fhot the fatal arrow. Alas! it is in vain repining; it were as easy to "Increase the whirlwind with a fingle breath,

Add fire to Etna, water to the fca,"

as quell the tempefluous tumult which prevails within me; therefore I will fatigue thee no longer with repeating what is already fo well known to thee that F am in love-fo farewel.

I amrever your's,

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in those comments, for really think the gaieties there are far more exquifite than even the warm pencil of my inward mind

pourtrayed to me. Lady Langlois lives quite in ftyle, has her routs, affemblies, &c. &c. as regularly, and as much crouded with the beau monde, as thofe of a Duchefs; fo you fee, Euphemia, I have plenty of bufinefs upon my hands. Our morning in thopping, promenading the Park, &c.; then the time for dreffing comes on till dinner, after which we either have crouded rooms at home, or join the gay parties in fome other place; fo every day paffes, and brings with it fome fresh amufe- * ment. The Siddons, the Mara, and all the thousand et cæteras, come in likewife for

of our company. their share

the life I am fond of. My aunt, very obliging upon my arrival, introduced me to a Mifs Baldwynne, a very amiable girl; we pafs much of our time together. She has neither father nor mother, but refides along with her guardian, who is very indulgent, and has given her a very liberal education. Indeed I understand her fortune will be extremely fplendid. I wish I could prevail upon her to accompany me back to Walpoole, as I hall be exceedingly dull, after being used to fo much company here. I am certain, Keppel, you would like her: I have, I affure you, ranked her amongst my favourites. Mr. Dolman (her guardian) and his lady are to be at our rooms this evening, fo Charlotte Baldwynne, I dare fay, will accompany them, and I may perhaps let her peep at this before it is cloled, to let her fee how handfomely I fpeak of her. Two weeks of the fix I am to pass in London are already elapfed, and I am afraid the remaining four will pafs but too quick. How happy


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