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Vol. xliii.




THE easiest thing to write is, the postcript of a letter;-the most difficult-the Preface to a book.

But our work this time is easy-because we have something to tell. Fourteen years ago-that is to say in January, 1852-we sent forth the following words, in a leader of the "Harbinger" for the opening of the year:

"As members of a Religious Body, which has hitherto occupied no doubtful position either in defence or the spread of Christ's holy Evangel, it were dishonourable to shrink from a bold and earnest part in the coming conflict and labour. Our former laurels-not yet faded -will be our disgrace if we do not win more.

"As a living Connexion we must have a Magazine. It is essential not only to our prosperity, but even to our existence. A Magazine which our ministers write and our people read. In which the latter may be also welcomed to express their opinions. A Magazine which shall circulate freely among the whole community, evoking and diffusing a sentiment common to all its members. We wish that sentiment to pervade and give unanimity to all our efforts, and that those efforts be worthy of the noble objects we profess to seek. Then shall we be in harmony with the administration of God's kingdom on earth-and help in our measure to exalt the glorious, only Saviour-to make the household of faith the temple of the Holy Ghost-and to commend the common salvation,' 'in all the world to every creature.'

"We would fain hope a brighter day, than we have seen for a long time, is about to dawn upon the Connexion. Is it too much to expect that a well-conducted Magazine may be the Harbinger of that day? We have ventured to call our Magazine by that name, and our earnest prayer is that it may not prove a misnomer."

It has not proved a misnomer. The Magazine-amidst all "the changes and chances" of this mortal life in which it has largely shared -has done its work. It will therefore no longer be the Harbingerfor that which was announced has already come-THE FREE CHURCH OF ENGLAND,-which we hail with the most profound regard and the

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