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We are very glad to introduce to our readers this month a new correspondent in the person of Dr. B. A. Fact, whose article on "The 'Smart' High School Pupil" will, we feel certain, make plain to every one that "he has been there" as a teacher and close observer of the work of the public schools. Although the "Doctor" is a very busy very busy man, he still takes time to interest himself in what is going on in the educational world, and it is earnestly hoped that he may frequently give us the benefit of his keen observations and wise conclusions.

The teachers and citizens of Columbus and Franklin County were especially fortunate in having two addresses from Hon. Nathan C. Schaeffer, State Superintendent of Pennsylvania on February 18 and 19. He discussed the subjects of "The Great Teacher," and "Thinking in Symbols and Things" in a masterly manner. No more helpful speaker appears before Ohio teachers than Dr. Schaeffer, and the oftener he comes the better the teachers are pleased and the more the schools are benefited.

- For the benefit of a number of persons who are laboring under the impression that Supt. Bonebrake entered upon his duties as commissioner in January, it may be well to state that the change in the office will take place July 11, 1898. In the mean time letters intended for

him should be addressed to Mt. Vernon, O.


We are again called upon to record the sad fact of the death of one of our best school men. On January 25, Enoch W. Matthews, for so many years the very successful principal of the Steubenville High School, died at Bartow, Florida, where he had gone in the preceding December with the vain hope of regaining his rapidly declining health.

Mr. Matthews was born in Jefferson County, Ohio, January 30, 1856. At the age of 18, he began teaching in his home district, and after a year's experience there, and another year's experience in Tazewell County, Illinois, he entered the Illinois Wesleyan University at Bloomington where he remained for one term. Later on he entered Bethany College, West Virginia, from which institution he graduated in 1881, having completed both the classical course, and a course in civil engineering. After graduating, he resumed the work. of teaching, and in 1884 was elected to the principalship of the Fifth Ward Grammar School in Steubenville. He held this position for two years, and for the year following was an assistant in the Steubenville High School. In the fall of 1888, he was made principal of this High School, a position which he filled with marked success until April,

1897, when he was compelled to give up the work he loved so much. on account of ill health.

He was an active member of the United Presbyterian Church, and in all his work both in the school and out of it, he had the perfect confidence of his many acquaintances and friends. He was a teacher of far more than ordinary ability, and stood high in the estimation of his fellow teachers.

The following quotation taken from the Steubenville Herald-Star indicates the high regard in which he is held in the community in which he taught:

"In all his walks in life he was a thorough gentleman and was much esteemed for his sterling qualities and he had the confidence of the

parents of his pupils in an eminent degree in all discussions of the positive or comparative merits of those connected with the schools of Steubenville we have never heard a single adverse criticism of Professor Matthews. He knew his duty

and did it well."

ON TO WASHINGTON. Supt. F. B. Dyer of Madisonville who is Director and Manager for the N. E. A. in Ohio is working hard "to get out a full vote" in the Buckeye State. He has appointed as his assistants Supt. J. P. Sharkey of Eaton, Supt. E. M. Van Cleve of Barnesville, Supt. J. A. Shawan of Columbus, Prin. J. F. Smith of Findlay, and Prin. E. L. Harris of Cleveland. The members of this committee met in Columbus, Feb

ruary 18 and 19, and held a consultation as to the best ways and means of securing a large attendance from Ohio at the National Meeting to be held in Washington in July. Representatives of the different railroads met with the committee and outlined in a general way the advantages of the different routes to the National Capital. At this early date it is impossible to give any definite information regarding the plans of the committee. As soon as possible circulars of information will be issued giving in detail the plans and expenses of the trip. In the mean time it is earnestly urged that the teachers of the state and their friends make arrangements to join the Ohio Delegation for the trip to Washington. The expenses will not be great, the opportunity to attend the meetings of the great Association, and at the same time visit the most beautiful

city in America may not soon again present itself. A few dollars saved from each month's salary until the close of the schools will enable any teacher to take advantage of this rare opportunity. Let us all unite in aiding this committee to such an extent as to insure that Ohio shall again be the banner state.


In previous articles I spoke at some length upon the value of the study of grammar; I wish now from time to time to give some sug

gestions that may be helpful in leading up to parsing, which rightly done, is an intellectual exercise of great value. Shorn of technicalities. which weary the mind without developing it, parsing does much to train the pupil to look at the sentence in a logical way, to discriminate sharply in noticing real distinctions in the use of words.

The first thing for the teacher to do is to lead the pupil to see that words have different offices in the sentence. For this purpose examples must be selected with care. It will not do to take the readers used in the school or any other textbooks opened at random and expect to develop the idea that words are divided into parts of speech simply according to their function in the sentence. One should select or make good sentences in which the same word has different functions. It is a great help to the teacher to have several good textbooks to save time in the preparation of her lesson; but for those who have not at hand such aids, I shall illustrate here what I mean by this preliminary lesson to teaching the different parts of speech. Take these lines from Whittier and then have the pupils notice the difference between the use of the words in italics in the stanza and in the sentences which follow.

1. "I pray the prayer of Plato old God make thee beautiful within;

And let thine eyes the good behold

In everything save sin."

2. The old have a wisdom not gained from books alone.

3. Good men seek the true and the beautiful.


"Within himself

The danger lies, yet lies within his power."

5. "Save from sin and make me pure."

After the idea of parts of speech has been taught, I should present the parts of speech in the following order: noun, verb, pronoun, adjective, adverb, conjunction, preposition, interjection. Sometimes I think it is a good thing even after pupils have studied grammar for a year or more for a teacher to lead skilfully to the development of a concept as if it were a new thing. Notions tend to become hazy or indistinct from loss of elements by lapse of time. Again a pupil may have failed through lack of mental development to make the right abstracting in the original presentation of the subject. Sometimes his notion becomes inaccurate by his taking into it some element that does not belong there from hearing a number of pupils recite, some of whom have not very accurate notions.

When we begin to teach any part of speech to a class, we must have in mind a good definition but we

must not begin by teaching its words. We must build up the notion by presenting examples, furnishing such as will lead to comparison, asking questions that will help in abstraction, and from the generalization lead to good expression. Then after the definition has been thoroughly learned, it can be the test by which pupils can try the words of the reading lesson, the history, geography, etc. But to form a concept there must be a wise selection of examples which will not permit the taking of a passage of English at random. Even the rule to give sentences that contain information, beauty, or inspiration, must be held in strict subordination to the desire to build up a distinct and accurate notion. Good teaching demands the strictest attention to the proper exercise of the powers of discrimination and assimilation.

I do not know that I should teach pupils at any time any more extensive classification of nouns than that of common and proper nouns; but the very first time that I presented this part of speech I should see to it that my sentences included a variety of nouns; otherwise the pupil gets into his head the class noun and has a difficulty for a long time afterward in recognizing any other kind. Note the varieties in the following sentences and present these with many similar ones to your class.

1. "Addison remained abroad for

some time, living in the best society in Europe."

2. "No man bore poverty and narrow fortune with a more lofty cheerfulness."

3. "When he turns to Heaven a Sabbath comes over that man's mind: and his face lights up from it with a glory of thanks and prayer."

4. I have selected these sentences from Thackeray's English Humorists.

It is to be kept in mind when reading this short article and others to follow, that I am of the opinion that grammar ought not to be taught to children until they are sufficiently developed to study it in a scientific way.

THE CHATTANOOGA MEETING. On account of circumstances over which President Schaeffer had no control, the Department of Superintendence of the N. E. A. began its first session at Chattanooga, February 22, nearly an hour late. Greatly to the regret and disappointment of many, Governor Robert L. Taylor who was to have delivered one of the addresses of welcome was not present. The mayor of the city, Wm. E. Watkins, however, made all present feel that they were at home - especially the ladies who were assured of proper escorts chosen from the chivalrous bachelors of the sunny South, should any of them find themselves in need of such help. State Supt.

Price Thomas of Tennessee followed in one of the most polished addresses of welcome ever made to the association. He welcomed the visitors of all sections in the name of education, referring in a most appropriate and fitting manner to the different sections of the Union. The response was made by Hon. Henry Houck, Deputy State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Harrisburg, Pa., and was fully up to the highest expectations of his hosts of friends who have learned always to expect something unique from him. His genuine good humor, and his greatheartedness always win for him a cordial hearing. It is simply impossible to describe either by word of mouth or pen his inimitable manner and the force of his utterances on an occasion like the one just referred to. There is only one Henry Houck in the world, and he was present, and at his best, at Chattanooga.

The first subject to be discussed was "The Township High School." This was treated of by State Supt. C. J. Baxter, Trenton, N. J., in a manner both practical and helpful. He defended the Township High School as a measure of justice to the rural population, as one of the greatest aids to the moral development, and general advancement of the community, and on the grounds. of true economy. The paper was a strong argument in favor of better education for the masses everywhere, and especially for a high school education for all the boys and girls of both town and county. The paper was discussed by State Supt. J. Q. Emery of Madison, Wis., who outlined the work being done in the high schools in his state, and by State Supt. W. W. Stetson of Augusta, Me., who laid

especial emphasis upon the necessity of teaching English more thoroughly.

The afternoon of each day was devoted to the holding of conferences by different divisions of the Association each one of which was full of interest and profit to those who were able to attend.

The first part of the Tuesday evening session was occupied by reading a part of the Report on Elementary Schools prepared by the committee appointed at the Indianapolis meeting one year ago. In the absence of the chairman of this committee, John Dewey of Chicago, the report was read by W. N. Hailman of Washington, D. C. The editor was not able to comprehend exactly what the report proposed to do except that it outlined the duties of still another committee for which another appropriation of $2500 from the N. E. A. was asked. It would seem that the "committee business" might be given a "leave of absence" for at least a year with decided benefit to the treasury of the N. E. A., and without very great disadvantage to the educational interests of the country at large.

The reading of this report was followed by one of the finest addresses of the meeting delivered by Dr. M. G. Brumbaugh of the University of Pennsylvania on the subject of "The Mission of the Elementary School." Dr. Brumbaugh is a fine speaker, and has rare ability in expressing great thoughts in a very plain, comprehensive manner. In the beginning of his address he called attention to the fact that by common consent, students of education are taught that the movement in education is from the thing to the symbol, from sensation to

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