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Exp. 1. The Hand Glass. Grind the ends of a small lantern globe, then place on plate and exhaust the air. Allow each pupil to experience this 15 pounds downward pressure by placing hand on receiver. Turn the plate sidewise or invert to show that the air presses equally in all directions. Exp. 2. Bursting Pressure of


Have a pupil stretch very tightly over the small end of receiver used in Exp. 1 a piece of dental rubber. Exhaust the air quickly and the pressure of the outside air will burst the rubber with a loud report. This rubber may be gotten at any dental office. The dentist will give you waste rubber sufficient for a dozen experiments.

Exp. 3. The Magdeburg Hemispheres.

This famous experiment is beautifully illustrated by making a receiver of a glass tumbler or glass cover from a butter dish or a candy jar. Exhaust the air and have two pupils try to pull the plate and the receiver apart. They are sure to fail. Of course you must remember that the larger the mouth of the receiver the greater the area pressed upon and the greater the effort required to separate the receiver from the plate. You will in all probability have to keep the pump at work to prevent failure from leakage.

Exp. 4. The Mouth as an Air Pump.

Repeat No. 3 using the mouth for

[blocks in formation]

of rubber to end of tube. Exhaust the air from bottle by use of mouth, pinch the rubber tube tightly to prevent air returning to bottle, place tube in water when you will have a good fountain. The amount of water in bottle indicates the percentage of vacuum you produced. Explain carefully the philosophy of the unbalanced pressure of 15 lbs. without, and a lesser pressure within the bottle.

Exp. 6. A Pressure Fountain.

Exp. 7.

The "Lung Tester."

Blow strongly in A when a jet of water will leave B. C is the condensed air above the water. After blowing remove cork or turn aside the tube A to prevent back-flow of water in your face.

Fig TV!

Reverse the glass tube of No. 5, fill the bottle one-fourth full of water, blow strongly into the jet tube and you will have a pressure fountain the height of which will depend upon your power to condense air with the mouth.

Fig. V.

You will have no cause to regret the success of No. 7. It removes conceit from the mind of a smart boy better than can be done in any other way. Arrange jet tube and condensing tube through a large two hole cork using half gallon bottle as shown in figure. The inflowing tube must have much the larger opening. This experiment never fails.

Exp. 8. Air Supports Combustion.

Grind a receiver of a half gallon or three quarts capacity. This may be made from a candy jar or by grinding out the bottom of a three quart bottle using first the smooth side of a grindstone, then finish on glass plate with fine emery. Place

lighted candle under receiver and exhaust. Explain.

Exp. 9. Air Supports Life.

Place a live mouse under receiver and exhaust. Better still, place flies under receiver and observe that they cannot fly. The air must be well exhausted however or your experiment will fail. Try an English sparrow under receiver but do not kill the bird. It doesn't matter about the flies. They are plentiful and cheap.

Exp. 10. Air in Wood.

Fasten a block of pine in the bottom of a glass, fill with water, place under receiver and exhaust. Hundreds of bubbles will arise from the wood. Try an egg and note the air bubbles.

Exp. 11. Air in Water.

Place a bottle of water under receiver and exhaust. When the vacuum is good you will see hundreds of bubbles rising through the water. Fishes breathe the air thus dissolved in water. A very interesting experiment is to place a fish in water under receiver. Watch the bubbles leave its mouth. It would soon die for want of air.

(Continued next month.)

Our readers will be sorry to learn that Prof. Mills is, as he expresses it, "Flat on his back with "Grip", and as a result his article on Arithmetic does not appear this month.


At the last session of the Superintendents' Round Table held at Dayton, November 25 and 26, the following questions on the subject of drawing were proposed. One of the leading superintendents of the State suggests that they be republished in this department of the MONTHLY for the consideration of teachers and superintendents in general. If a sufficient number of concise and pointed answers is sent to the editor at an early date a summary of them will be made up and published sometime in the near future. Long drawn-out communications without pith or point cannot be considered.

1- Why is the teaching of drawing so barren of results?

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Would an ideal course closely correlate drawing with nature work?

6 Are there drawing drills (like practice of scales on piano) that are profitable?

7 - Should perspective be taught by rule? Where should shading begin?

8 How far is the union of inventional Geometry with drawing desirable? Is mechanical drawing

in common schools profitable? Should all other drawing be strictly free-hand?

9 Should drawing cultivate the imagination or be strictly limited to representing visual impressions?

10 What can be done to give our teachers more freedom in the use of the crayon as a means of illustrative teaching?



[While this article has no direct bearing upon any of the books adopted this year, yet we feel sure that it will prove helpful to the members of the O. T. R. C.--ED.]

[In 1818, 1819 Prof. John Griscom, of New York City, made a study of the schools, colleges, and charitable institutions of Great Britain, France, Switzerland, Italy, and Holland, and on his return home embodied the fruits of his investigations in a work of two volumes to which he gave the name, "A Year in Europe." "No one volume in the first half of the nineteenth century", says Dr. Barnard, "had so wide an influence on the development of our educational, reformatory, and preventive measures, directly and indirectly, as this." Ex-President Jefferson pronounced the view that the book gave of the literary and public institutions of the countries that the

author visited the best that he had ever read. He said he found in it useful hints for the University of Virginia, which he was then engaged in establishing. Griscom visited Pestalozzi, and wrote the account of his visit that is reproduced below. "A Year in Europe" is now a rare book. It owes much of its interest to the fact that it was written by a practical educator at a time when little was known about Pestalozzi and foreign education in the United States. B. A. Hinsdale.]

Breakfast finished, our first and chief concern here was to visit the celebrated Institute of Pestalozzi. This establishment occupies a large castle the use of which was granted to Pestalozzi by the Canton of Berne, when the town of Yverdun was included in that Canton, and the government of the Pays de

Vaud, to which it now belongs, continues the grant. On entering the castle, we were invited into a private room. I gave my letters to the person in attendance, who took them immediately to the chief. The good old man soon came in, seized me warmly by the hand, and seeing my hat on my head, he pointed to it in a sort of ecstacy, with his eyes almost filled with tears. I hardly knew how to interpret this emotion, and asked him if he wished me to take it off. He answered very earnestly, "no, no, no, keep it on, you are right." He seemed very glad to see us and as he speaks French very imperfectly, and with an indistinct accent, he said he would call Monsieur Greaves to talk with us. This gentleman soon came and entered immediately into a detail of the institution, its principles, its spirit, its arrangement, etc. He is an Englishman, and, as I found upon inquiry, brother to the lady whom I had seen at Lausanne. He has been some weeks with Pestalozzi, for the purpose of understanding the system thoroughly, in order to aid a sister in England in the education of her children. enters warmly into its concerns, and will be useful in making it better known. He explained to us very clearly the leading ideas and views of human nature, which induced Pestalozzi to become an instructor of youth. The two great instruments with which he works are faith and love. He discards the motives


of ambition and emulation, as unnecessary, and as tending to counteract the sentiment of good will toward others. He thinks there is enough in the intuitive understanding of every child to accomplish the complete growth and maturity of its faculties, if its reason be properly trained and nourished, and not warped by injudicious treatment. The common plans of education he regards as too artificial, too wide a departure from nature. Too much stress is laid upon the memory, while the imagination is too much neglected. If the native feelings of the heart are allowed to operate, under the domination of the native powers of mind, drawn out and expanded by faith and love, the child is competent of itself to arrive gradually at the most correct and important conclusions in religion and science. There is a native and inherent life, which only requires to be cherished by genial treatment to bring it into the full attainment of truth, and to the utmost perfection of its being. He therefore insists upon the greatest pains being taken to draw out this native life and to preserve it in full vigor. There is a constant danger of urging the child forward beyond its natural strength, of anticipating its conclusions and thus weakening its confidence in its own powers. In the plans he adopts nothing is to be got by heart. The understanding is to be thoroughly reached, and then the memory will take care of itself.

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