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JANUARY, 1898.


No. 1

DECEMBER 28, 29, and 30, 1897.


1. Name three qualifications of a good teacher. Which qualification do you consider the most important, and why?

2. Will the formation of rules ever assist in the government of a school? Discuss.

3. What are the purposes of a recitation?

4. What means do you use to induce pupils to study?

5. Do you believe that reading educational magazines, attending teachers' associations and visiting other schools will benefit a teacher? Give reasons for your answer.

6. What have you done along these lines within the past year?

7. What is meant by the "new education"?

8. What is your theory regarding the use of corporal punishment?

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3. Make an outline of our history from 1825 to 1835.

4. Upon what occasions, by what authority, and with what results have embargo acts been passed?

5. Write a hundred word sketch of the life of Andrew Johnson.

6. Name the leading events of the administration of the tenth President.

7. What historical events are suggested by the following terms: "Fiftyfour forty or fight," "Missouri Compromise," "X. Y. Z. papers," and "Millions for defense, but not one cent for tribute"?

8. Upon what did the French and English base their claims to the territory of the Mississippi valley? How did they enforce their claims?

9. What events are suggested by the following names: Hamilton, Morse, Dred Scott, Whitney, Farragut?

10. Name five noted American historians and their works.


1. A man sold 500 acres of land, receiving in payment 2-3 of the value in cash and the rest in a note due in 3 months, without interest. He immediately discounted the note at a bank

at 6 per cent, paying $57.50. What was the price of the land per acre?

2. How many acres are there in a square tract of land containing as many acres as there are boards in the fence inclosing it, if the boards are 11 feet long, and the fence 4 boards high?

3. A borrows a sum of money at 4 per cent per annum, and pays the interest at the end of the year. He lends it out at the rate of 5 per cent per annum and receives the interest half yearly. By this means he gains $100 a year. How much does he borrow?

4. A man has a square lawn containing of an acre; he makes a gravel walk around it which occupies

of the whole lawn. What is the width of the walk?

5. What is the perimeter of a rhombus, one diagonal being 10 rds., and the area 86.601?

6. At what time between 5 and 6 o'clock is the minute hand midway between 12 and the hour hand?

7. What must gold sell for that an investment in 5-20's at 120 may yield 8 per cent interest on the income?

8. A inan agreed to work a year for a horse and $180. At the end of the fifth month, by equitable settlement, he received the horse and $5. What was the value of the horse?


1. Name and describe the various classes of colonial governments in America. Name the colonies of each class.

2. (a) Who was president of the Federal Convention? (b) Who the authors of the Federalist? (c) Who was the first Chief Justice under the Constitution? (d) What Chief Justice of the U. S. served longest? (e) Who is now the oldest member of the Supreme Court of the United States?

3. Distinguish between the terms

loose constructionist and strict constructionist.

4. How is the Speaker of the U. S. House of Representatives chosen? When? For what length of time? Name his duties.

5. (a) Name the Presidents of the United States under whom amendments to the Federal Constitution were made. (b) Name the Presidents who were not lawyers or jurists by profession.

6. What is an impeachment? Treason? A citizen? Injunction? A revenue bill?

7. To what kinds of cases does the judicial power of the United States extend?

8. State the substance of the first amendment to the Constitution.

9. Name the elective State officers of Ohio. What is the law-making body in Ohio called? How many members of the Supreme Court of Ohio? What their length of term of office?

10. For what term is a Judge of Common Pleas Court chosen in Ohio? A Probate Judge? When will Ohio next choose U. S. Senators? For what terms?


1. What have you read on this subject?

2. Give and define the three usual divisions of this branch.

3. Distinguish the doctrine of Herbart from that of Kant.

4. Give substance of Weber's and Fechner's Law.

5. A new-born babe may have a pure sensation; an adult, hardly. Explain. 6. How does presentative pain differ from representative pain? Give your opinion of the following: Expressing a passion gives relief. Refuse to express a passion and it dies.

7. Name the "Categories" and their peculiarities.

8. Do sensation and feeling accompany willing? Explain.

9. What might be the result if the end-organs of the optic and olfactory nerves could be interchanged?

10. Will any one thing be completely known before all is known? Explain.


1. Show that the heart does not have "perpetual motion."

2. Why are the intestines so much longer than the body?

3. How and why are the ribs elevated and the diaphragm lowered in breathing?

4. What is the theory of light?

5. Give function of semicircular canals.

6. Give one example of muscular sensibility and one of general.

7. Give name and source of minerals found in the body.

8. Trace a particle of food from bread to tissue.

9. Show that the stomach is often no more the cause of indigestion than the big toe is of gout.

10. Speak of the use and abuse of stimulants and narcotics.

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4. How should punctuation be taught in connection with reading?

5. What is the value in reading of distinct articulation?

6. What is the value of reading aloud to pupils? What its dangers? 7. How much reading material should pupils have for use?

8. How may the school library be utilized as a help in teaching reading?


1. A boat in a river displaces 8,000 cubic feet of water; on reaching the ocean it rises so as to displace only 7,800 cubic feet; find the specific gravity of sea water and the weight of the boat.

2. Why is it easier to lift a body by means of a movable pulley than by a fixed pulley? Give the law of equilibrium in case of a movable pulley.

3. To what principles is capillary action due? Give the difference between the terms solution and saturated. Give an illustration of the adhesion of gases to liquids.

4. Draw a figure and explain a turbine.

5. What would be the height of a sulphuric acid barometer (specific gravity of sulphuric acid 1.85) when the mercurial barometer stands 29.35 inches?

6. Explain the process of obtaining the Roentgen rays (X rays). What are some of the most recent discoveries made by their use?

7. What is meant by polarized light? Name any practical application of it.

8. How much ice at 32° is required to cool 10 pounds of mercury at 300° to the freezing point of water?


1. Give examples synecdoche, epigram, antithesis.

2. Define sublimity, and give five of the qualities which produce emotion.

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