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forty meetings of the Association will be an agreeable relief, and by this selection of dates for opening and closing, Sunday travel going to and from the convention will be rendered unnecessary. It is expected that the Council will meet July 6, and 7. The Trunk Line and Central Passenger Associations have granted already a rate of one fare for the round trip plus $2.00 membership fee. On the 14th inst. the Trunk Line Association will take action upon our further application touching the matter of deposit and extension of tickets to August 31, a matter which is essential to a final decision with respect to Washington, since the action. of the Executive Committee is conditioned upon such action of the Trunk Line Association. We are assured that there will be no failure upon their part to grant what we ask. We have also asked for four dates of sale in Trunk Line territory; viz., July 4, 5, and 6, and 7. It is possible that we may be unable to get four dates. In that event, the dates will be 5, 6, and 7 in Trunk Line territory and correspondingly earlier dates in connecting associations.


The meetings of the Department of Superintendence of the National Educational Association will be held at Chattanooga, Tenn., on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, Feb. 22-24, 1898. The morning and evening sessions will be devoted to regular discussions, and the afternoon sessions to conferences on important subjects. "The Mission of the Elementary School,"

"The Township High School," "Vacation Schools", and "Continuous Sessions at Normal Schools," are among the topics which will be discussed by experts from the Superintendent's point of view. "What can Child Study contribute to the Science of Education?" is a question that will be treated with a view of ascertaining the limits of the services that may be rendered by investigations in this line. The aesthetic side of education will receive attention in a paper on "the Influence of Music and Music study upon character," and in an address by Dr. Harris on "The value of the Tragic and the Comic in Education." Gov. Robt. L. Taylor, one of the famous orators of the South, will deliver an address of welcome. The famous Dr. Scove! of Wooster, Ohio, has promised an address on "Realizing the Final

Aim of Education."

State Supt. Grace R. Patton has agreed to organize a conference of State Superintendents. The Herbart Society promises an interesting program for its sessions. The afternoon conferences will take up "School Hygiene," "Promotions" and "The Improvement of our Common Schools." A youth who passes through the elementary schools, the high school, the college and the professiona! school enters his profession in America two or three years later than if he had studied in the schools of England, France and Germany; and it is

hoped that these conferences will bring to light some causes of this waste of time and effort in our schools.

The hotels have agreed to make the usual reduction in rates. The Southeastern Passenger Association has adopted a rate of one firstclass fare for the round trip to Chattanooga, and favorable rates are expected from the other passenger associations. The views of scenery from Lookout Mountain are unsurpassed. The municipal authorities of Chattanooga are taking steps to provide for the superintendents and educators who will attend the meetings, a grand, good time.

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Accompanying the above announcement from Hon. Nathan C. Schaeffer, State Superintendent of Pennsylvania, and President of the Department, there was a letter stating that the Chairman of the Western Passenger Association was very desirous of determining the number of persons from each state in his territory who would likely attend the meeting with a view of granting a proper reduction of rates should the number warrant. The editor The editor has no means of determining the number likely to attend from Ohio, but replied that while no definite number could be named, the State would be largely represented. It is earnestly hoped that the attendance from Ohio will prove that we are not mistaken. The trip will be a delightful one, the distance is not great, and the meeting is import

ant. Ohio ought to be and we believe will be largely represented.

The Educational Press Association will also hold its semi-annual meeting in connection with the Department. The President, John McDonald, editor of the Western School Journal, Topeka, Kansas, has prepared an excellent program and the meeting is already an assured success.


The Executive Committee of the State Association has selected Putin-Bay as the place of holding the next annual meeting and June 29, 30 and July 1 as the time. Assurances, backed by bonds given by responsible signers not interested in the Hotel Victory, are offered by the proprietors of that hotel. They also agree to assign rooms in advance; provide for registration through cards, so that no delay in reaching rooms will occur; and they further agree to make the presentation of membership tickets a condition necessary to secure the reduced rates which they offer. The distance to points outside of Ohio, offering invitations for the meeting, together with the fact that only single lines of railroad reach them, led the committee to hesitate to locate the next meeting beyond the boundaries of the state.

The committee were instructed by resolution of the Association to avoid large cities in making choice of place for the next meeting. If

it had not been so instructed, the time of meeting would have been changed to December 1898, and Columbus chosen as the place.

The committee will ask the Association at its next meeting to make such a change, and thus give the members a chance to express their wishes in the matter.

There can be no doubt that the management of the Hotel Victory will succeed in releasing themselves from the undesirable position in the estimation of Ohio teachers which they have held since the meeting of 1896.

Rates to the National meeting by way of the state meeting will, in all probability, not exceed those direct to Washington and the greater number of those attending the Washington meeting will desire a circuitous route which will enable them to visit other eastern points of interest besides. National Capital.


The committee are sure they did the best thing for the state association under the circumstances.

J. H. SNYDER, Secretary.




The State Association of Township Superintendents held a very successful session at Columbus, December 28. Owing partly to the fact that reduced rates had not been secured from the railroads, the attendance was not large, but the interest manifested in all the subjects

on the program for discussion, and the enthusiasm shown by the members in their work, more than made up for the lack of numbers. The Boxwell and Workman Laws were discussed at some length. The hope was expressed that in the near future the Boxwell Law might be so amended as to make the payment of tuition compulsory instead of optional as it is at present. The objections to the Workman Law were fully considered and several possible remedies for some of the weak points were suggested. There was a general expression of willingness to join with the opponents of the Workman Law in securing amendments looking to its improvement. Many of the Township Superintendents are also Principals of High Schools which have been the result of better organization made possible by the present school law. In every case the Superintendent was of the opinion that the Township High School and Township Supervision would suffer an irreparable injury by a return to the three director system. Commissioner Corson was present during a part of one session. The Township Superintendents recognize in him a loyal and sympathetic friend and he is always sure of a welcome at their sessions. The Commissioner had a very pardonable pride in presenting to the members of the association copies of the Report of the Committee of Twelve, to the National Educational Association, on

Rural Schools. Ohio is the second state to secure the plates of this exceedingly valuable report and the members of the Association fully appreciated the prompt action of the Commissioner, the kindness of the Public Printer, and the courtesy of the Superintendent of the Bindery in stopping other work, which made it possible for them to secure this report so soon after its publication.

The advance sheets of the Commissioner's annual report in which he discusses fully the rural school question were also on hand for distribution. Commissioner-elect, Superintendent L. D. Bonebrake dropped in during the afternoon session and being introduced by the president assured the members of his interest in their work and his desire to help solve the Rural School Problem. He suggested a union of several townships, giving the supervisor from thirty to fifty schools as a possible solution of the question of supervision. This suggestion is in direct accord with the recommendation of Commissioner Corson in his last report.

The Association is especially fortunate in having so many warm friends among the City Superintendents and High School Men of the State. A great many of them were present at different times during the session and upon invitation participated in the discussions.

The evening session was occupied in the consideration of such

questions as; What do you do when you visit a school? What is the new geography? The School Library, and other live topics.

After spending some time in the renewal of acquaintance and social intercourse the Association adjourned to meet at Put-in-Bay with the State Association.




The State Association of School Examiners held one of the most spirited meetings since its organization in the Assembly Hall of the Library Building in Columbus, December 29 and 30. There were present about sixty-five school examiners.

In the absence of Pres. J. C. Hartzler, Prin. I. M. Jordan was elected to preside and Supt. R. W. Mitchell as secretary pro tem.

During the first day the discussions were very interesting, bringing out many suggestions of the best methods of examining applicants for certificates.

The consensus of opinion was that in the examination of young and inexperienced applicants as much oral work in theory and methods of teaching should be used as possible. That teachers of experience who are falling below the standard at present should be allowed to drop out of the profession.

That County Examiners should use the State Reading Course as the

basis of examinations in Theory and Practice and Literature. That the Examiners should exert every influence in their power to encourage the teachers to belong to the Teachers' Reading Circles and read the whole Course. Prof. Pearson gave a short talk on the subject, "Institute Work" and gave an account of work being done in Geography by the "Committee on Geography" appointed by the Commissioner of Schools. Mr. Galbreath, State Librarian, then gave an account of the workings of the State Circulating Library. Any organization or school can secure the loan of books in lots of twentyfive by paying the express charges both ways. After the discussion of some of the topics committees were selected to draft resolutions and report the same to the Association for adoption.

The discussion on "Issuing Primary Certificates" brought out the expression from all that they should be given only to teachers of recognized ability to do special primary work.

The following resolutions were adopted:

Resolved, That we recommend that the law be so amended that applicants for special certificates shall be required to be examined in Theory and Practice of Teaching.

After a lengthy discussion on the number of examinations, the matter was referred to a committee consisting of Messrs. J. A. Wil

cox, S. P. Humphrey and C. S. Fay. Mr. Wilcox reported the following resolutions:

WHEREAS, we find after a careful trial, that the number of examinations-ten held in one year, as allowed by law-is insufficient in some of the counties for the examiners to do justice to the applicants, owing to the crowded condition of the classes; therefore, be it

Resolved, That the number of examinations be limited in such counties as have had from 500 to 700 applications in the preceding year, to 12; over 700 applications, to 15.

Resolved, That the examiners be allowed mileage at the rate of 5 cents per mile to and from the place of the meetings of the board by the most practicable route.

Some of the members were inclined to regard the amount allowed for mileage as too low, but after an extended discussion the resolutions were adopted. An effort will be made to induce the general assembly to embody them into law at the coming session.

A resolution of three years ago, urging abstinence on the part of teachers from the use of tobacco was referred to before the meeting adjourned.

The Committee on Nominations reported as follows:

For President, S. P. Humphreys, Ironton; Vice President, E. Burgess, Lancaster; Secretary, J. B. Taylor, Granville; Ex. Com. D. C. Meck, Mansfield; Horace Stokes,

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