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name to the articles written by her for the MONTHLY, but I never got her consent to do so.

O. T. CORSON: It seems to me that there is a lesson coming down to us from the life of LeRoy D. Brown that should be impressed upon the members of this association this afternoon.

Mr. Brown came to Preble County twenty-one years ago to take charge of the schools of Eaton. At that time I was teaching in a country school and attending very regularly all teachers' associations. I was surprised one day to receive from Mr. Brown, superintendent of the schools in our county seat, an invitation to go home with him. I went with him and was very pleasantly entertained. In his cordial manner he began to talk to me about

the necessity of a teacher's knowing more if he wanted to stay in the work. It was through his influence that I started to school at Delaware and that I began to work to get a better certificate. One day in the examination, Mr. Brown came to me and said, "You have done well. I want you to try for a first class certificate. I hope that we can grant you one." These words meant much to me at that time.

I want to say this afternoon that I owe a debt of gratitude to LeRoy D. Brown for his inspiration to me as a boy. I hope that we will not forget the boys and girls who are placed under our care, and that we will not forget the younger teachers with words of encouragement whenever possible.


O. T. CORSON, President of the General Association.

For fifty years the Ohio Teachers' Association has been one of the most potent factors in the educational progress of the State. As members of this Association we again assemble in the midst of these beautiful and historic surroundings to dedicate ourselves anew to the cause of popular education. As we start out on our second half-century, I trust that it may not be out of place to consider briefly a few of the lessons that have come down to us from the past lessons that are full of encouragement, suggestion, and inspiration.

At the time of the organization of the State Teachers' Association, the public schools of the State can scarcely be said to have had an existence as we now understand them. In the country the independent sub-district system existed

in a very general, indefinite way, and under the provisions of the "Akron School Law", the schools of the more progressive towns and cities were just beginning to organize for effective work. The period of fifteen years from 1838 to 1853 was one of such agitation and change as to lead State School Commissioner Barney to record the following observation:

"Since 1838 the legislation of the State had become so confused that a universal demand existed for a digested school code; and the General Assembly, in furnishing such a code, determined to modify some features of the existing system."

As a result of this determination, the school law of 1853 was enacted, with the general provisions of which nearly

every one present is reasonably familiar, and the schools began to increase in number, importance, and efficiency.

Statistics at best are not absolutely reliable, and, as a result, the lessons attempted to be drawn from them, are very apt to be misleading. On account of the almost total absence of even ordinarily reliable statistics relating to the schools as they existed half a century ago, it is impossible to make a comparison of the present with that time of sufficient definiteness and accuracy to be either

interesting or instructive. Enough is known, however, to warrant the statement that, in all sections of the State, the attendance of the public schools, the interest of the people in their welfare, and the money expended in their maintenance, have increased at a much more rapid rate than the poplation. In the State school report for 1854 the first report which contains any statistics of a definite or reliable nature relating to such items, the total receipts reported for public school purposes were $1,684,689. For the year ending August 31, 1897, the total receipts were $14,184,628 an increase of over seven hundred per cent. In 1854, the value of school buildings was estimated to be $2,197,384; in 1897, $40,043,312 an increase of over seventeen hundred per cent. In 1854, the average monthly salary for men in high schools was $58.00; for women, $28.50. In common schools, men $23.00; women $13.00. In 1897, the high schools paid to men an average monthly salary of $80.00, and to women, $77.00; the common schools, to men, $35.00; and to women, $29.00. The increase in high school salaries has been, for men, thirty-eight per cent, and for women, one hundred and seventy per cent; in common school salaries, for men, fifty-two per cent, and for women, one hundred and twenty-three per cent. A compari


son of these per cents of increase is suggestive to both sexes.

It is well to pause here long enough to consider the significance of the tremendous increase in the value of school buildings in the past forty years as compared with the slight increase in salaries of teachers. Taken by itself the fact that school property has grown in value at such a rapid rate is very encouraging as being indicative not only of the pride taken by the people in their public schools, but also of the deep interest felt in the physical comfort and welfare of the children. We have a right to be proud of the magnificent buildings found in nearly all of our towns and cities, and in many of our sub-districts, dedicated to the cause of public education, but when we consider the insignificant increase in salaries paid the teachers of the State on an average, we are compelled to conclude that in too many instances fine buildings are supposed to stand for fine schools, and that the real source of all genuine improvement in the schools strong, vigorous, earnest, well educated, progressive teachers is lost sight of. In some instances, familiar to many of us, teachers' salaries have been reduced to meet the financial demand made upon boards of education resulting from extravagance in the erection and equipment of buildings. While we should carefully foster a healthy interest on the part of the people in the material equipment of their schools, we also need to work constantly to develop and keep alive more of the sentiment that "Mark Hopkins at one end of a log, with an earnest student at the other makes a university." By all means let us have both fine material equipment, and strongminded, great-hearted teachers, but lei us never forget that while the former is a great aid, the latter is a necessity. We have been passing through an era

name to the articles written by her for the MONTHLY, but I never got her consent to do so.

O. T. CORSON: It seems to me that there is a lesson coming down to us from the life of LeRoy D. Brown that should be impressed upon the members of this association this afternoon.

Mr. Brown came to Preble County twenty-one years ago to take charge of the schools of Eaton. At that time I was teaching in a country school and attending very regularly all teachers' associations. I was surprised one day to receive from Mr. Brown, superintendent of the schools in our county seat, an invitation to go home with him. I went with him and was very pleasantly entertained. In his cordial manner he began to talk to me about

the necessity of a teacher's knowing more if he wanted to stay in the work. It was through his influence that I started to school at Delaware and that I began to work to get a better certificate. One day in the examination, Mr. Brown came to me and said, "You have done well. I want you to try for a first class certificate. I hope that we can grant you one." These words meant much to me at that time.

I want to say this afternoon that I owe a debt of gratitude to LeRoy D. Brown for his inspiration to me as a boy. I hope that we will not forget the boys and girls who are placed under our care, and that we will not forget the younger teachers with words of encouragement whenever possible.


O. T. CORSON, President of the General Association.

For fifty years the Ohio Teachers' Association has been one of the most potent factors in the educational progress of the State. As members of this Association we again assemble in the midst of these beautiful and historic surroundings to dedicate ourselves anew to the cause of popular education. As we start out on our second half-century, I trust that it may not be out of place to consider briefly a few of the lessons that have come down to us from the past lessons that are full of encouragement, suggestion, and inspiration.

At the time of the organization of the State Teachers' Association, the public schools of the State can scarcely be said to have had an existence as we now understand them. In the country the independent sub-district system existed

in a very general, indefinite way, and under the provisions of the "Akron School Law", the schools of the more progressive towns and cities were just beginning to organize for effective work. The period of fifteen years from 1838 to 1853 was one of such agitation and change as to lead State School Commissioner Barney to record the following observation:

"Since 1838 the legislation of the State had become so confused that a universal demand existed for a digested school code; and the General Assembly, in furnishing such a code, determined to modify some features of the existing system."

As a result of this determination, the school law of 1853 was enacted, with the general provisions of which nearly.

every one present is reasonably familiar, and the schools began to increase in number, importance, and efficiency.

Statistics at best are not absolutely reliable, and, as a result, the lessons attempted to be drawn from them, are very apt to be misleading. On account of the almost total absence of even ordinarily reliable statistics relating to the schools as they existed half a century ago, it is impossible to make a comparison of the present with that time of sufficient definiteness and accuracy to be either


son of these per cents of increase is suggestive to both sexes.

It is well to pause here long enough to consider the significance of the tremendous increase in the value of school buildings in the past forty years as compared with the slight increase in salaries of teachers. Taken by itself the fact that school property has grown in value at such a rapid rate is very encouraging as being indicative not only of the pride taken by the people in their public schools, but also of the deep interest felt in the physical comfort and welfare of the children. We have a right to be proud of the magnificent buildings found in nearly all of our towns and cities, and in many of our sub-districts, dedicated to the cause of public education, but when we consider the insignificant increase in salaries paid the teachers of the State on an average, we are compelled to conclude that in too many instances fine buildings are supposed to stand for fine schools, and that the real source of all genuine improvement in the schools strong, vigorous, earnest, well educated, progressive teachers is lost sight of: In some instances, familiar to many of us, teachers' salaries have been reduced to meet the financial demand made upon boards of education resulting from extravagance in the erection and equipment of buildings. While we should carefully foster a healthy interest on the part of the people in the material equipment of their schools, we also need to work constantly to develop and keep alive more of the sentiment that "Mark Hopkins at one end of a log, with an earnest student at the other makes a university." By all means let us have both fine material equipment, and strongminded, great-hearted teachers, but lei us never forget that while the former is a great aid, the latter is a necessity. We have been passing through an era

interesting or instructive. Enough is known, however, to warrant the statement that, in all sections of the State, the attendance of the public schools, the interest of the people in their welfare, and the money expended in their maintenance, have increased at a much more rapid rate than the pop:1lation. In the State school report for 1854 the first report which contains any statistics of a definite or reliable nature relating to such items the total receipts reported for public school purposes were $1,684,689. For the year ending August 31, 1897, the total receipts were $14,184,628 an increase of over seven hundred per cent. 1854, the value of school buildings was estimated to be $2,197,384; in 1897, $40,043,312 an increase of over seventeen hundred per cent. In 1854, the average monthly salary for men in high schools was $58.00; for women, $28.50. In common schools, men $23.00; women $13.00. In 1897, the high schools paid to men an average monthly salary of $80.00, and to women, $77.00; the common schools, to men, $35.00; and to women, $29.00. The increase in high school salaries has been, for men, thirty-eight per cent, and for women, one hundred and seventy per cent; in common school salaries, for men, fifty-two per cent, and for women, one hundred and twenty-three per cent. A compari

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of brick in the erection of magnificent school buildings; let us hope and pray that we shall soon enter upon a moie important era of brain in furnishing each school with a thoroughly educated, well trained teacher.

Perhaps the most encouraging feature connected with the development of the public school system is found in the rapid growth of high schools in the State. The Ohio high school is very largely the growth of the last twentyfive years. A brief comparison of 1897 with 1877 will be gratifying to all friends of higher education. In 1877, the total enrollment in all the township high schools in the State was 1,188; in all other high schools, 26,207. In 1897, the total enrollment in township high schools was 5,268; in all other high schools, 47,483-an increase in township high schools of over three hundred and forty per cent, and in all others of eighty-one per cent. In this connection it should be stated that a very large part of the very large increase of attendance at township high schools has been within the past six years and is the direct result of the Boxwell Law. This plainly demonstrates the value of this law even if the payment of tuition is not mandatory on the part of boards of education.

While the mere fact of the rapidly increasing attendance of high schools is important in itself as indicating an increasing public interest in higher education, yet the influence of such attendance upon both the elementary schools and colleges is, in my judgment, of even greater importance. The additional information, power, culture and character resulting from the completion of a high school course are well worth the time and effort of the student to secure them, and the expenditure on the part of the State necessary to carry on the work, but the influence which the high school has on the work of the pupils in the

lower grades in furnishing them with an objective point toward which to direct energy and effort, and in thus making necessary more systematic and thorough work in these grades, fully justifies the State in establishing and maintaining such schools. In attempting to estimate the value of the high school, this important fact must ever be kept in mind.

As a means of inspiring young people of all classes and conditions with such a love for knowledge that they will seek a college education, the high school is of prime importance. The fact that the attendance of the colleges in Ohio has increased from about nine thousand in 1877 to twenty-eight thousand in 1897over two hundred per cent is conclusive proof that the high school is fulfilling its important mission in this particular, and it is gratifying to note that the authorities representing both the public high schools, and the higher institutions of learning are striving each year to come to a better understanding regarding that vexed problem of their proper relations. In Ohio with her numerous and important colleges and universities, both public and private, this problem presents more than ordinary difficulty, and in our attempt to solve it, we must see to it that all the different interests involved shall be treated with absolute fairness and justice. I have no sympathy whatever with any movement which would sacrifice in the least degree the interests of the smallest institution of learning, public or private, in an attempt to build up a huge educational machine under the name of a State system of education. We must guard just as zealously the rights of the smallest institution as we would those of the largest and most powerful. I am perfectly willing that Ohio should continue to be the object of the ignorant and bigoted criticism of all those who point the finger of scorn at her numerous col

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