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ator," Lansing, Mich.; Wm. G. Smith, editor "School Education," Minneapolis, Minn.: W. A. Bell, editor "Indiana School Journal," Indianapolis, Ind. "How to promote Advertising in Educational Journals" Wm. Bruce, editor "The American School Board Journal," Milwaukee, Wis.

Discussion J. G. Reynolds, "American Journal of Education," St. Louis, Mo.; M. A. Cassidy, editor "The Southern School," Lexington, Ky.; Tom. T. McBeath, editor "Florida School Exponent," Jacksonville, Fla. Note The hour of the meeting of the Press Association will be announced at the opening exercises of the Department.

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The Read House $2.00 a day when two occupy a room except on parlor floor and for rooms with bath, which will be $3.00 a day.

Rossmore Regular Rate $2.00 and $2.50. Reduction of 25 per cent if two Occupy a room.

The European Hotel offers 43 furnished rooms at 50 cents, 75 cents and $1.00 per day, according to size and location. Regular meals 25 cents. Rooms with or without meals.

The Inn on Lookout Mountain, which had offered a special rate, recently changed hands, and the new management declines to run the hotel during the sessions of the Department of Superintendence unless a specified number of guests is guaranteed. Address M. M. Henderson.

Aldine Hotel $1.50 per day if more than one person occupy a room, and $2.00 per day if one occupy a room.

Stanton House Accomodations for 60 at $2.00 a day.


The extreme importance of history as one of the branches required to be taught in our public schools is equalled only by the extreme folly which too frequently characterizes the methods used in presenting the subject. There is little choice between that method which results in nothing more than the mere memorizing of a few names, dates, and places which are learned only to be forgotten at the first opportunity, and that other method which assumes that small boys and girls are in possession of that maturity of mind which will enable them to trace effects back to their natural causes, and thus comprehend the "Philosophy of History." The first method is used by teachers who know but little history, and care less about the final results of their work, and the second by college professors and specialists in their presentation of impracticable theories before teachers' institutes.

It is only when such methods are discarded entirely and the subject is properly presented through stories of the life and struggles of the people who have made and are still making history, that children can be benefited by its study. In this manner an interest is created

which not only makes the study

one of pleasure and profit, but which also leads to such investigations as will bring to the pupil information of such a character as will enable him when he reaches maturer years to determine for himself the causes of the g movements which have stood out so prominently in the progress of the world. The pupil in the public school should be made to feel that it is not the dead past he is studying in history so much as the past made alive by the stories and incidents of the people who create history.

That the tendency of the times. is toward better things in this respect is plainly indicated by the great improvement in the character of the books on history prepared for use in the public schools. Biography is made much more prominent, and the life of the people is constantly held up to the gaze of the pupils.

Of all the books that it has been our privilege to examine, the most. helpful and inspiring one in its presentation of the subject of history from the standpoint just outlined, is "Stories of Pennsylvania," by Joseph Walton of the West Chester Normal School, and Martin G. Brumbaugh of the University of Pennsylvania.

This book is not, as its title might seem to indicate, merely a compilation of incidents which have only local importance and application, but an intensely interest

ing and instructive narrative of the remarkable history of one of the most remarkable of the thirteen original colonies-a history which fairly teems with facts and deeds of the gravest national importance. The mere suggestion of "Old Liberty Bell," "Declaration of Independence," and "Gettysburg" is sufficient to make plain to any one the possibilities of the proper presentation of such a history.

The book is composed of a series of stories setting forth in a charming manner some of the most important incidents in the pioneer history of the State, and reproducing in a large measure the very atmosphere of the early colonial life. The peaceful life and policy of the Quakers and the conflicts between the pioneer settlers and the hostile savages are described in a manner both entertaining and instructive. While these stories read like a romance, their historical accuracy can not be questioned, as they are based upon authority drawn in most cases from the Colonial Records, and the collections of the Pennsylvania Historical Society. Nearly every story has its appropriate illustration which is beautifully executed and historically cor

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recent editorial in the New England Journal of Education the following glowing tribute to the merits of the book is found:

Of course every school boy and girl in Pennsylvania will hereafter hear or read these stories. There is no other book so indispensable to a Pennsylvania schoolhouse, and the public purse, rather than the teacher's sacrifice, should place it therein. It should be as universally in Maine and Texas, in Florida and Oregon, as in Pennsylvania. These "Stories of Pennsylvania" are not a glorification of men and women who were what they were because they were born or lived in the Keystone State, but of character and characteristics developed by dealing with the same elements of nature and human nature, tamed and untamed, as have been conquered on Cape Cod and in the Everglades, in the forests of Maine and Michigan, in the mines of Superior and Alabama.

But when the "Stories of Pennsylvania" have been read year after year, far and near, they will not have fulfilled their mission unless they set the pace for the presentation of all the best historical discoveries through research in original American sources through the laboratory methods. Whatever is valuable to Americans in future discoveries in history should be treated by masters for the schools, and much of this should be given in story rather than in outline. The Messrs. Walton and Brumbaugh may see that a better title to their charming book would have been "Stories in American History, No. I," of which an early appearance of No. II would have been welcomed. There is no reason why they should

not write as serviceably of other states as of Pennsylvania. They are Americans rather than Pennsylvanians.

It is impossible in the limits of this article to call attention to the special features contained in many of the chapters, but it is not too much to say that it is a book of rare merit and value, and that its appearance at this time will tend so to modify the teaching of history in the public schools as to make it reasonable to hope that in the near future the life of the people and not the dead facts connected with this life will be made the prominent feature in all such teaching.




For several years it has been the policy of the National Educational Association to have presented to its sessions reports of special Committees appointed for the consideration of special educational problems. Of the different ports made by these special Committees no one is of greater importance and value than the Report of the Committee of Twelve on Rural Schools made at the meeting at Milwaukee in July, 1897.

For two years this Committee, composed of representatives from all sections of the United States, had the extremely important problem of Rural Schools under consideration, and every possible effort

was put forth to secure the most reliable information regarding the condition of these schools in every section of the country. Several meetings of the Committee were held and the condition of education in the Rural Schools, as indicated by the best information attainable, was disthoroughly cussed. As an out-growth of this discussion the suggestions and recommendations contained in this volume were presented to the National Association.

Great credit is due all the members of the Committee for their valuable services in presenting to the public the best educational thought of the day bearing upon the problem of Rural Schools, and it is fitting and proper in this connection to state that special credit is due to Hon. Henry Sabin, State Superintendent of Public Instruction of Iowa, for his untiring efforts as chairman of the Committee.

Through the kindness of the authorities of the National Educational Association in loaning the plates, State School Commissioner Corson has been enabled to have 15,000 copies of this exceedingly valuable report printed for free distribution in Ohio, thereby more than meeting the requirements of the following resolution passed by the last State Teachers' Association:

Resolved, That this Association hereby requests our State Com

missioner of Common Schools to secure, if possible, the publication by the State of 10,000 copies of the report of the National Committee on Rural Schools to be made at the coming meeting of the National Educational Association at Milwaukee, and to secure the circulation of this report in as effective and thorough a manner as his judgment may dictate.

A month since notices were sent to each township superintendent and clerk of board of county ex

Noble county, Ohio, November 3, 1848, and at a very early age developed the reading habit which so prominently characterized his entire life. In the old township library which was found in his neighbor

hood he had access to a few of the best books and soon made himself conversant with them. He was especially interested in biography, history and travel. In addition to this valuable habit he also learned, at an early age, in the school of hard manual labor, on the farm, to

aminers in the State, stating that depend upon his own personal ef

supplies of these reports would be sent to them, provided the express charges would be paid. Up to the time of writing this article answers have been received from about half of the persons so notified and about 6,000 copies have been distributed. A second notice has been sent out and it is hoped that in the near future this valuable document will be in easy reach of all persons specially interested in the welfare of the Rural Schools.

A few hundred copies will be retained at the School Commissioner's office, and one will be sent to any person in the State on receipt of seven cents postage.


It is with deep sorrow that we record the death of Hon. Le Roy D. Brown at his home in San Luis Obispo, California, January 13, 1898, Mr. Brown was born in

forts for success, and to respect and honor all those who toil,

At the age of fifteen, having been prohibited by his father from entering the army, he ran away from home and in January 1864 enlisted as a member of Company H, 116 O. V. I., in which company he served until the close of the war. He saw hard, active service under Sigel, Hunter, Crook and Sheridan in the Shenandoah Valley, and afterward at Richmond in the Army of the James.

Upon his return from the army he again entered the district school which he attended for a short time

and then began more advanced work in the graded school at Senecaville, Ohio. During the winter of 1866-7 he taught school in a district adjoining the one he had attended as a pupil a few years before. The followin spring he entered an academy at Athens, Ohio, where he made partial preparation

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