Send Us Your Name on a postal for full description of the latest and most artistic styles of Teachers' Souvenirs. SOUVENIRS-G. BIXLER CO., WOOSTER, OHIO. WEBSTER'S Hon. D. J. Brewer, Justice of U. S. Supreme Court, PROF. D. B. PURINTON, Pres. Denison University. "I cordially and confidently commend it to an intelligent public." "The latest and most convenient work of the kind." The professional school of Columbia University for the training of general teachers, supervisors, principals, superintendents and instructors in normal schools and colleges. Open to both sexes. Fellowships and scholarships amounting to $5,750 annually. Catalogue sent on application to the Secretary. JAMES E. RUSSELL, PH. D., Dean. THE LADIES May dispute about the new woman, but it is an undisputed fact that the contents of the Educational Monthly are full of interesting reading matter for women. Your sister teacher may not know this. Tell her about it or send us her name and we will cheerfully mail sample copy. Address O. T. CORSON, Publisher, Columbus, O. Take the LAKE SHORE for ALL POINTS EAST- Buffalo, Albany and New York. Fine Road-bed, Fast Time, Excellent Accommodations. A. J. SMITH, Gen. Pass. Agent, Cleveland, Ohio. has been adopted in Hiram and Scio Colleges, in the Normal Universities of Ada, Lebanon, and Fayette, also in the High Schools of Cleveland, Columbus, Bellaire, Bucyrus, Galion, and in a large number of cities and towns in Ohio and other states. Examine this book before you begin your next term. From Hon. L. D. Bonebrake, State School Commissioner, Columbus, Ohio: "I have taken ample time to examine Professor Irish's 'American and British Authors. It is my judg ment that the book is one of rare power, skillfully selected. happily arranged, and thoroughly valuable to the student of Literature. I recommend it and congratulate its author on his success." For specimen pages and descriptive circulars, address the author, Frank V. Irish, Columbus, Ohio. The Ohio Educational Monthly... IS THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM in Ohio for Book Rapid Vertical Style ROUDEBUSH WRITING SYSTEM-New plan. Individual method. Approved speci mens preserved. Not a copy hook. Cheaper than a copy book Rapid Vertical Style. Recently published. Nearly 1,000,000 copies sold first nine months. Development of style, together with movement from book to book. A set of books and Manual of Methods, postpaid for 25c. Roudebush Writing Spellers. Double ruled. Single ruled. Roudebush Vertical Pens. No. 1, Mediumn. No. 2, Medium Fine. No. 3, Extra Fine. Send for samples. CENTRAL SCHOOL SUPPLY HOUSE, Cor. Wabash Ave. and Randolph St., Chicago, Ill. WINSHIP TEACHERS' AGENCY..... 3 SOMERSET ST., BOSTON, MASS. Positions filled in every part of the country. Experienced teachers MISS R. B. FINDLEY, Manager Ohio Office, Akron, O The New York Central and Hudson River Railroad IS UNEXCELLED FOR SAFETY, SPEED AND EQUIPMENT 1898-1899. The following books required by the OHIO TEACHERS' READING CIRCLE FOR PUPILS in 1898-1899, are published by HOUGHTON MIFFLIN & Co. at the prices to members as given below. Many of the books mentioned in this list are also published in other editions than the one given below. In this list R. L. S. means Riverside Literature Series. PUPILS' ELEMENTARY COURSE. FOURTH YEAR -A PRIMARY. Scudder's Fables and Folk Stories R. L. S. 47, 48 cents; cloth, 10 cents. , paper 30 FIFTH YEAR-D GRAMMAR. Wiggin's The Birds' Christmas Carol, cloth, 43 cents. Selections from Whittier's Child Life in Poetry and Prose R. L. S 70, 71,, paper, 30 cts.; cloth, 40 cts. SIXTH YEAR-C GRAMMAR. Hawthorne's Wonder-Book (R. L. S. 17, 18, and Tanglewood Tales, (R. L. S. 22, 23 each, paper, 30 cents; cloth, 40 cents. Cary's Ballads for Little Folks cloth, $1.20. Larcom's Childhood Songs, cloth, 80 cents. SEVENTH YEAR B GRAMMAR. Longfellow's Evangeline R. L. S. 1, and Courtship of Miles Standish, R. L.S. 2 each, paper, 15 cents; cloth, 25 cents. Burroughs's Birds and Bees (R. L. S. 28, and Sharp Eyes R. L. S. 36 [called for in EIGHTH YEAR GRADE), each, paper 15 cents; bound in one volume, cloth, 40 cents. Scudder's George Washington R. I. S. 75), paper, 30 cents; cloth, 40 cents. Larcom's A New England Girlhood R. S. L.) half leather, 60 cents. EIGHTH YEAR-A GRAMMAR. Longfellow's Song of Hiawatha R. L. S. 13, 14, paper, 30 cents; cloth. 40 cents. Burroughs's Sharp Eyes and Other Papers [see above, SEVENTH YEAR B GRAMMAR. Lambs' Tales from Shakespeare RL S. 61, 65, 66, paper, 45 cents; cloth, 50 cents. Dickens's Christmas Carol R. L., S. 57, and The Cricket on the Hearth R. L. S. 58, each, paper, 15 cents; the two in one volume, cloth, 40 cents. Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin (R. L. S. 83 , paper, 50 cents; cloth, 60 cents. Fiske's War of Independence R. L. S. 62), paper, 30 cents; cloth, 40 cents. Whittier's Snow-Bound, Among the Hills, Songs of Labor, and Other Poems R. L. S. 4, paper, 15 cents; cloth, 25 cts. HIGH SCHOOL COURSE. FIRST YEAR. Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice R. L. S. 55), paper, 15 cents; cloth, 25 cents. Burroughs's Riverby, cloth, $1.06. Tennyson's Enoch Arden and Other Poems (R. L.S. 73), paper, 15 cents. Whittier's Poems (Household Edition, cloth, $1.20. SECOND YEAR. Shakespeare's Julius Caesar R. L. S. 67, paper, 15 cents; cloth, 25 cents. Morse's Thomas Jefferson, cloth, $1.00. Lodge's Alexander Hamilton, cloth, $1.00. King's Ohio, cloth, $1.00. THIRD YEAR. Morse's John Quincy Adams, cloth, $1.00. Lowell's Vision of Sir Launfal, and Other Poems (R. L S. 30, paper, 15 cents; cloth, 25 cents. Hawthorne's House of the Seven Gables (R. L. S. 91, paper, 50 cents; cloth, 60 cents. Thoreau's Succession of Forest Trees R. L. S. 27, paper, 15 cents [with Burroughs's Birds and Bees, Warner's A-Hunting of the Deer, and Other Papers, in one volume, cloth, 50 cents]. Tennyson's Poems Household Edition, cloth, $120. Fiske's Civil Government in the United States, cloth, $1.00. cloth, $2.40. Milton's L'Allegro, Il PenR. L. S 72, paper, 15 cents bound with cloth, 40 cents). Morse's John Adams, FOURTH YEAR. Thackeray's Vanity Fair, 2 volumes, Much of the other material on the Ohio Teachers' Reading Circle list is also published by HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & Co. in form suitable for school use. Descriptive circulars giving the table of contents of each number HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & COMPANY, 4 Park Street, BOSTON. II East 17th Street, NEW YORK. 378-388 Wabash Avenue, CHICAGO. Sells 21 EAST GAY STREET .....COLUMBUS, OHIO. He has sold Bicycles since April 9, 1888, and he thinks he knows how; at least he has sold a few, and success tells its own story. He says "If you want to sell wheels you must first of all select a well known high grade machine." He sells Waverleys Who questions their standing? And he says "The concentration of responsibility pleases all customers." He sells Waverleys The entire Bicycle, including Tubing, Forging, Chains, Saddles and Tires manufactured under one management. Why try experiments?, “WAVERLEYS are always all right.” "No one questions WAVERLEY quality.” ...Buy of Gath and be satisfied. He also carries a nice line of Fishing Tackle and Sporting Goods. Do not forget the number – 21 East Gay Street, Nor the man Perry D. Gath. |