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RACTICAL; Economical; Thorough. Abreast of the times! First-class instruction in all departments. Good table board per week $1.50. Rooms furnished 25 cents to 50 cents per week. Other expenses moderate.

The College embraces Academic and Collegiate courses of study, besides the following schools: School of Pedagogy, School of Commerce, Shorthand, Music, Oratory, Art.

The College SITE is one of the most beautiful in Ohio. The building is modern, well built, commodious, and convenient. It is on the east side of North Clinton street, Defiance, Ohio, not far from two most beautiful streams, the Maumee and the Auglaize, at whose confluence is Old Fort Defiance of historic renown. Lovely shade trees dot the fine ten-acre campus, and withal no more delightful place for study could well be found.

Every student receives personal attention and recites every period of each day. The place is healthful, moral and religious influences are among the very best. Students can enter at any time. We teach school all the year, except three hot weeks in August.

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Preparation for admission to our best colleges and universities is made a specialty. Students prepared for admission to West Point Military Academy and Civil Service examinations.

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May dispute about the new woman, but it is an undisputed fact that the contents of the Educational Monthly are full of interesting reading matter for women. Your sister teacher may not know this. Tell her about it or send us her name and we will cheerfully mail sample copy.

Address O. T. CORSON, Publisher, Columbus, O.


appreciate Ohio's prompt and generous reception of Halleck's Education of the Central Nervous System and Mrs. Wilson's Nature Study in Elementary Schools, recently placed on the O. T. R. C. list. There is no more stimulating book for teachers than Halleck's, and Mrs. Wilson's is the first really helpful guide for teachers of that subject.

Channing's Students' U. S. History meets the general and pressing demand for a broader study of our institutions. Already in use in forty leading high schools.

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Tarr's Geology goes into several Ohio high schools, including Newark.

Lewis's First Book in English is steadily gaining ground. Used in such high schools as

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For Hobday or Last Day of School Presents, máng
can exceed the value of these Souvenirs for the grise.

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F. W. STELLHORN, D. D., Pres. Capital University, Columbus, O.
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JESSE JOHNSON, Pres. Muskingum College, New Concord, O.

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Making it the Latest, Most Accurate and Best Cyclopædia on the market at any price.
Our new illustrated sample pages free on application. Sold on easy payments.

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The professional school of Columbia University for the training of general teachers, supervisors, principals, superintendents and instructors in normal schools and colleges. Open to both sexes. Fellowships and scholarships amounting to $5,750 annually. Catalogue sent on application to the Secretary.



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Send 2-cent stamp for 16 page illustrated catalogue. Especial attention is called to our pictures of historic ornament. Ten choice art books at 25 cents each, postpaid. Address,

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has been adopted in Hiram and Scio Colleges, in the Normal Universities of Ada, Lebanon, and Fayette, also in the High Schools of Cleveland, Columbus, Bellaire, Bucyrus, Galion, and in a large number of cities and towns in Ohio and other states. Examine this book before you begin your next term.

From Hon. L. D. Bonebrake, State School Commissioner, Columbus, Ohio: "I have taken ample time to examine Professor Irish's 'American and British Authors. It is my judgment that the book is one of rare power, skillfully selected, happily arranged, and thoroughly valuable to the student of Literature. I recommend it and congratulate its author on his success."

For specimen pages and descriptive circulars, address the author,

Frank V. Irish, Columbus, Ohio.

The Ohio Educational Monthly...

Firms, and Manufacturers of School Furniture and Supplies.

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Positions filled in every part of the country. Experienced teachers
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The New York Central and Hudson River Railroad


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