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This you can do at the least expense of time and money at

The National Normal University


1855-The oldest, most widely known and the best Normal in the United States.-1898


Great improvements in facilities and teaching force recently made.

Preparatory For students of any age or state of advancement who can study just what they School desire and as long as they wish. The most able teachers in the University have work in this department.

College of

College of




Newly equipped with all necessary fixtures of a first-class business college. Presided over by an expert accountant and practical teacher. Thorough instruction in Shorthand and Typewriting.

No other Institution takes the same definite and practical course in training pupils in the principles and practices of teaching. None has sent out so many successful teachers. The teachers' course renewed and improved. The work now being done under the direction of its present able faculty has never been equaled. The Scientific and Classic courses are widely and well known for the superior training which they give. Graduates from these departments have been uniformly successful. In many states they are preferred to those from any other Institution. Strong courses are sustained in Law, Medicine, Music, Fine Arts, etc. Tuition, $8.00 per session; Rooms, 30 to 60 cents per week; Board, $1.25 to $1.50 per week.

Sessions open September 6, 1898; November 1, 1898; December 27, 1898; February 21, 1899; April 18, 1899; June 13, 1899.

Send for new illustrated catalogue and full information.

J. W. WITHERS, President.

Address, C. K. HAMILTON, Secretary, Lebanon, O.



Beautiful for situation, and easily accessible from all points.

Now in its fifty-third year, with an alumni roll of 2,200.

Rare combination of standard courses with economy of time and means.

No college anywhere better adapted to the circumstances of the self dependent.

THE COLLEGE offers four courses of four years each. The Classical, the Scientific, the Philosophic, the Literary, each leading to a degree.

THE PREPARATORY DEPARTMENT prepares for each of the college courses; affords, also, a
good academic education.
THE NORMAL DEPARTMENT offers a three years' course of four terms each. Also, a shorter
term, excluding Latin. Facilities in this department greatly improved.

Other Departments are the COMMERCIAL, the MUSIC,

The Museum, Reading-Room, and Gymnasium are Unsurpassed.

THE LADIES' HALL is a pleasant home, being provided with electric lights, bath and toilet rooms, hot and cold water. Room rent, in case two persons occupy same room, costs only 50 cents a week for each person, and the electric light is free. There is also a commodious dining-room where ladies or gentlemen can get good table board for $1.75 a week. All under the supervision of a professor, who resides in the building.

If quality is considered, and also the convenience of our arrangement
of the college year, there is no more economical college anywhere.

TERMS OPEN: November 29, February 28, May 23.

For free catalogue, or further information, address

President A. B. RIKER, D. D.

The Northern Indiana Normal School and Business College


The Largest and Best Equipped Normal School in the United States,

Aim of the


of Work







Opened its twenty-sixth year August 30th, with a

larger attendance than that of any preceding year.


The aim of the school is to give to all the best possible advantages for accomplishing the greatest amount of work in the shortest time, and at the least The character of the instruction is so satisfactory that, for a number of years, the credits from the school have been accepted in the best universities anyThe high grade of work done in the Department of Pedagogy has received the commendation of educators everywhere. There is no other school in the country giving more attention to professional work.


The School of Pharmacy is very complete. There are about sixty recognized schools of pharmacy in the United States. Of these not more than twelve have sufficient laboratory facilities to do the entire work, and this is one of the twelve. The Business College in connection with the school is one of the most complete in the land. It is equipped with the most extensive line of offices ever attempted by any school.

In Music, on account of the school being located so near Chicago, we are obliged to compete with the best work done there, so that students have every advantage here that they could have in the city, and at an expense not one-fourth so great. What is said of the completeness of these departments may be said of each deDepartments partment of the school. Expenses Less than at any Other Place. Tuition, $10.00 per term. Good board and well furnished room, $1.50 to $1.90 per week. Same rates in private families as in dormitories.

Catalogue giving full particulars of school mailed free. Address,






One thousand miles of them described.

THE LAKE OF THE LEECH. A beautiful lake in central Minnesota.

THE AGRICULTURAL NORTHWEST. A chapter, chock full of information.

A CANOE TRIP THROUGH THE PARK REGION. A novel trip through a dozen lakes

in the heart of the Park Region, Minnesota.

YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK. An entirely new chapter on this Wonderland of the World.

AROUND MT. RAINIER. Incidents of a two weeks' outing among the glaciers and forests of this King of Peaks.

ALASKA AND KLONDIKE. Reliable information regarding this region so unknown to us and now so much in the public eye.

Send CHAS. S. FEE, of the Northern Pacific, St. Paul, Minn.,
Six Cents in Stamps for it.


RACTICAL; Economical; Thorough. Abreast of the times! First-class instruction in all departments. Good table board per week $1.50. Rooms furnished 25 cents to 50 cents per week. Other expenses moderate.

The College embraces Academic and Collegiate courses of study, besides the following schools: School of Pedagogy, School of Commerce, Shorthand, Music, Oratory, Art.

THE COLLEGE SITE is one of the most beautiful in Ohio. The building is modern, well built, commodious, and convenient. It is on the east side of North Clinton street, Defiance, Ohio, not far from two most beautiful streams, the Maumee and the Auglaize, at whose confluence is Old Fort Defiance of historic renown. Lovely shade trees dot the fine ten-acre campus, and withal no more delightful place for study could well be found.

Every student receives personal attention and recites every period of each day. The place is healthful, moral and religious influences are among the very best. Students can enter at any time. We teach school all the year, except three hot weeks in August.

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Preparation for admission to our best colleges and universities is made a specialty. Students prepared for admission to West Point Military Academy and Civil Service examinations.

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Tri-State Normal College


ITUATED in the county of 100 beautiful lakes. The Normal School in which first-class normal training is given for all grades of teachers, and where higher educational work is carried on with unprecedented success. Nearly 100 now studying Greek, and many more studying Latin, Science and Mathematics. Twenty-four reading Plato now. Those wanting a good college education can get it here at one-half the expense usually charged in colleges. Graduation here means good professional training and good scholarship. Board, furnished room and tuition, $24.65 for a term of nine weeks. Tuition only in advance. Fall term will open August 22. Of 6000 stndents who have been here within the last eight years, there has been but one case of fever. Ask for catalogue. Address,

L. M. SNIFF, A. M., President, Angola, Indiana.


appreciate Ohio's prompt and generous reception of Halleck's Education of the Central Nervous System and Mrs. Wilson's Nature Study in Elementary Schools, recently placed on the O. T. R. C. list. There is no more stimulating book for teachers than Halleck's, and Mrs. Wilson's is the first really helpful guide for teachers of that subject,

Channing's Students' U. S. History meets the general and pressing demand for a broader study of our institutions. Already in use in forty leading high schools.

Tarr's First Book of Physical Geography has just been adopted by nearly one hundred high schools

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Tarr's Geology goes into several Ohio high schools, including Newark.

Lewis's First Book in English is steadily gaining ground. Used in such high schools as

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For Holiday or Last Day of School Presents, nothing
can exceed the value of these Souvenirs for the price.

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1st. Cabinet Picture Form - Always preferable when card photograph of teacher is to be added, as it goes directly into the Family Album and stays there. Price, 10 Souvenirs, 90 cents; extra ones, 32 cents each.

2nd. Booklet Form - With a few little pictures of school life, 140 choice mottoes, elegant cover design united with silk floss. Price, 10 Souvenirs, or less, 75 cents; extra ones, 3 cents each. 3rd. Round Corner Form - Two or more cards being united with silk cord. Price, 10 Souvenirs, 60 cents; extra ones, 2 cents each.

Cut shows one-half size, and can give but a vague idea of the beauty and elegance of these Souvenirs when printed in finest gold and colored inks on the very best of material. The historical and social value cannot be overestimated. Nothing will so ingratiate the teacher into the hearts of her pupils as a presentation of these Souvenirs, which are to the school what the family record is to the family. They are finely printed and embossed, and contain names of scholars teacher, directors, date, etc. Send for circulars to-day, or better send your order, and write plainly,

G. BIXLER CO., Wooster, Ohio.


All the sentences in Harvey's Grammar analyzed, parsed, and diagrammed. Makes grammar simple and easy. All teachers should have one. "A book that will prevent many a teacher's perplexity and headache." Price $1.00. Order at once.

H. H. EMMONS, Publisher,


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