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Principles of Religion,


In NINE Parts:

I. Lemmata; or the known Laws of Matter and Motion.
II. A particular Account of the Syftem of the Universe.
III. The Truth of that Syftem briefly Demonftrated.
IV. Certain Obfervations drawn from that Syftem.
V. Probable Conjectures of the Nature and Ufes of the
feveral Celestial Bodies contain'd in the fame Syftem.
VI. Important Principles of NATURAL RELIGION De-
monftrated from the foregoing Obfervations.

VII. Important Principles of DIVINE REVELATION Con-
firm'd from the foregoing Conjectures.

VIII. Such Inferences fhewn to be the common Voice of
Nature and Reafon, from the Teftimonies of the most
confiderable Perfons in all Ages.

IX. A Recapitulation of the Whole: With a Large and
Serious Addrefs to all, efpecially to the Scepticks and
Unbelievers of our Age.

Together with



Of the Temper of Mind neceffary for the Discovery
of Divine Truth; and of the Degree of Evidence
that ought to be expected in Divine Matters.

Sometime Profeffor of the Mathematicks in the University

LONDON: Printed for J. SENEX in Fleet-ftreet, W. and
J. INNYS near St. Paul's, J. OSBORNE, and T. LONGMAN
in Pater-Nofter-Row. MDCCXXV.

A Compleat Chronological Catalogue of Mr. WHISTON's Writings.

1. A New Theory of the Earth, from the Creation to the Confummation of all things: with great Corrections and Improvements. 8vo. Price bound 6s. the Fourth Edition.

2. The Chronology of the Old Teftament, and the Harmony of the Four Evangelifts. 4to. 8s.

3. Euclidis Elementa juxta Editionem Cl. Tacquetti, cum additamentis. 8vo. 4s. 6d. "Tis alfo in English.

4. An Effay on the Revelation of St. John; with two Differtations at the End. 4to 7s. This Eflay is just now largely corrected and Improv'd in my Literal Accomplifhment of Scripture Prophecies.

5. Prælectiones Aftronomica, Cantabrigia in Scholis publicis habitæ. 8vo. 5s. 6d. 'Tis alfo in English.

6. The Accomplishment of Scripture Prophecies, in Eight Sermons at Mr. Boyle's Lecture; with a Supple ment and a Poftfcript. 8vo. 3s. 6d. This Effay is juft now corrected and Improv'd in my Literal Accomplishment of Scripture Prophecies.

7. Sermons and Effays on Several Subjects, with Novatian de Trinitate. 8vo. 4s. 6d.

8. Prælectiones Phyfico-Mathematicæ, five Philofophia Cl. Newtoni Mathematica. 8vo. 4s. 6d. Quibus accedent Prælectiones De Eclipfibus Antiquis, nunc primum imprimenda.

The former Lectures are alfo in English.

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Vindication of those Conftitutions. (4.) An Account


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11. Primitive Chriftianity Reviv'd, the Four Volumes in One; all English. 8vo. 6s.

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A Catalogue of Mr. Whiston's Writings.

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29. The Primitive Catechifm: ufeful for Charity Schools. Revis'd and Publish'd by me. 8vo. Is.

30. Two Letters to the late Bishop of London about the use of New Forms of Doxology. 8vo.

I s.

31. Account of my Exclufion from St Andrews Church, by Dr. Sacheverel; with a Letter to Mr. Lydal. 8vo. 3d.

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33.A Letter to the Earl of Nottingham, concerning the Eternity of the Son and Holy Spirit; with a Reply to his Lordĺhip's Anfwer; and a large Poftcript, containing Athanafian Confeffions that the Antenicene Writers were against the Athanafians. 8vo.


34 The True Origin of the Sabellian and Athanafian Doctrines of the Trinity. 8vo. 15.

35. The Longitude and Latitude found by the Dipping Needle. 8vo. 2s. 6d.

36. An Effay towards Reftoring the True Text of the Old Teftament, and for Vindicating the Citations made thence in the New Teftament. With a large Appendix in Four Parts, and a Supplement about the Canticles. [Opus noftrum Palmarium.] 8vo. 6s. 6d.

37. A Chronological Table of the Hebrew, Phoenician and Chaldean Antiquities compar'd together, belonging to the Appendix to the former Effay. I s. 6d.

38. A Scheme of the Tranfits of Mercury and Venus over the Sun for 2 Centuries. IS.

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