essentially a branch of the Teutonic, the language spo ken by the inhabitants of central Eu rope immedi ately before the dawn of history, and which constitutes the foun dation of the modern German, Danish, and Dutch. Introduced by the AngloSaxons in the fifth century, it gradually spread, with the people who spoke it, over nearly the whole of England; the Celtic, which had been ine language of the aboriginal people, shrinking before it into Wales, Cornwall, and other remote parts of the island, as the Indian tongues are now retiring before the advance of the British settlers in North America.* From its first establishment, the Anglo-Saxon tongue experienced little change for five centuries, the chief accessions which it received being Latin terms introduced by Christian missionaries. During this period, literature flourished to a much greater extent than might be expected, when we consider the generally rude condition of the people. It was chiefly cultivated by individuals of the religious orders, a few of whom can easily be discerned, through their obscure biography, to have been men of no mean genius. During the eighth century, books were multiplied immensely by the labours of these men, and through their efforts learning descended into the upper classes of lay society. This *It is now believed that the British language was not so immediately or entirely extinguished by the Saxons as was generally stated by our historians down to the last age. But certainly it is true in the main, that the Saxon succeeded the British language in all parts of England, except Wales, Cornwall, and some other districts of less note. 1 age presents us with historical chronicles, theological treatises, religious, political, and narrative poetry, in great abundance, written both in Latin and in the native tongue.* The earliest name in the list of Anglo-Saxon writers is that of Gildas, generally described as a missionary of British parentage, living in the first half of the sixth century, and the author of a Latin tract on early British history. Owing to the obscurity of this portion of our annals, it has been the somewhat extraordinary fate of Gildas to be represented, first as flourishing at two periods more than a century distant from each other; then as two different men of the same name, living at different times; and finally as no man at all, for his very existence is now doubted. Nennius is another name of this age, which, after being long connected with a small historical work, written, like that of Gildas, in Latin, has latterly been pronounced supposititious. The first unquestionably real author of distinction is ST COLUMBANUS, a native of Ireland, and a man of vigorous ability, who contributed greatly to the advancement of Christianity in various parts of Western Europe, and died in 615. He wrote religious treatises and Latin poetry. As yet, no educated writer composed in his vernacular tongue: it was generally despised by the literary class, as was the case at some later periods of our history, and Latin was held to be the only language fit for regular composition. The first Anglo-Saxon writer of note, who composed in his own language, and of whom there are any remains, is CEDMON, a monk of Whitby, who died about 680. Cædmon was a genius of the class headed by Burns, a poet of nature's making, sprung from the bosom of the common people, and little indebted to education. It appears that he at one time acted in the capacity of a cow-herd. The circumstances under which his talents were first developed, are narrated by Bede with a strong cast of the marvellous, under which it is possible, however, to trace a basis of natural truth. We are told that he was so much less instructed than most of his equals, that he had not even learnt any poetry; 80 that he was frequently obliged to retire, in order to hide his shame, when the harp was moved towards him in the hall, where at supper it was customary for each person to sing in turn. On one of these * Biographia Britannica Literaris: Anglo-Saxon Period. By Thomas Wright, M.A. |