REFERENCE TESTAMENT; Being the common Version of the New Testament OUTLINES FOR BIBLE-CLASS INSTRUCTION-TABLE OF PROPER NAMES, -CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE-TABLE OF REFERENCE TO THE BY HERVEY WILBUR, A. M. SECOND EDITION, FROM THE SIXTH AMERICAN EDITION, WITH THREE MAPS. London: PRINTED FOR WIGHTMAN AND CRAMP, 24, PATERNOSTER ROW. 1829. The following Remarks on this edition of the Testament have been selected from the Periodicals undermentioned. "This is, without exception, one of the most complete editions of the New Testament, on a small scale, that has yet issued from the press; and cannot fail, under the divine blessing, to promote a personal knowledge of divine truth. On every verse of the text, appropriate enquiries are suggested to the reader, by means of references to a key appended to the volume... The tables are got up with great judgment and care, and will be found extremely useful, not only to the youthful reader, but also to the more advanced Christian." Christian Recorder, March 19, 1829. "The Plan of the Work is, as far as we know, quite new, and its simplicity as well as its efficiency in promoting the object of the editor, must give it very powerful claims to public approbation. Independent of an analytical Table of Contents to the New Testament, another of the proper names of Scripture, properly accented; a third, of the places mentioned in the New Testament, with a short but very accurate geographical description; and three others, of a more miscellaneous description; it possesses a Key sheet,' and this, indeed, constitutes its peculiarity and chief excellence-suggesting a great number of questions to the reader of the New Testament, in a very simple and excellent form. The Plan of the Work is this. Throughout the text, there is attached to every separate topic, a reference letter which directs the reader to the Key, lying open before him, and in which the questions, of which we have spoken, are comprised. "The character of these enquiries may be gathered from the following specimen: What Blessing is here sought; or acknowledged; or promised?-How great? How durable? For whom sought? By whom acknowledged? To whom promised? On whose account was the blessing promised, or received?'— 'What Duty is here enjoined? On whom?-Is it taught by precept, by example, or by inference? How enforced?'-What Instructions are imparted in this parable? or in this metaphor ? What is their practical tendency? What geographical information is known of this country, province, city, or river?' &c. "Apart from the real utility of suggestions such as these, in a course of Scripture reading, they have a tendency to beget a habit of reflection and self-examination, which cannot but be attended with very beneficial effects.--We dismiss this excellent and very cheap book with unqualified commendation. It is very handsomely printed, and will form a valuable present to young persons especially." Ecclesiastic, April, 1829. This work, "is well adapted to direct young teachers in Sunday Schools, who probably have enjoyed little opportunity for mental improvement, in an edifying and interesting mode of examination and instruction; and will often suggest useful topics to those of more cultivated minds." General Baptist Repository, April, 1829. "The use of this edition in schools would greatly increase the pupils' acquaintance with the Word of God, and, by exercising the understanding upon it, would correct that mechanical habit of reading the Scriptures which is to frequently acquired. Much benefit might be expected from its introduction into family use. And it might be profitably consulted by preachers; as the questions frequently suggest subjects of doctrine and precept for elucidation, and the letters prefixed, in many instances, afford an easy method of tracing parallel passages. Intellectual Repository, April, 1829. |