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any authority. My own apology is the principal thing, interspersed with real characters of feveral forts; and the additions to it, are as many solid, natural, and delicate adventitious things as came in my way. This is my book. I write with modesty, and I purpose to do good. I imagine then, that all Critics (except the Critical Reviewers) will wink at the blemishes of a laudable writing. Scholars and men of sense (who are above malevolence and the supercilious temper,) can bear deformities in a long work, and justly lay them on the imperfection of human nature. They know it is incapable of faultless productions.



Westmoreland, with their form of morn-

ing prayer

36 The author leaves the religious in West-

moreland, and proceeds on his journey

to Harrogate. Miffes his way 98

37 Description of a little country feat in the
northern extremity of Stanmore, and of
a sleeping parlour in a grove
38 Where the author passes the night
39 Receives the next day fome account of Miss
Antonia Cranmer, a beautiful young lady
of great fortune, mistress of that house


40 The author resolves, if possible, to get her.
-His manner of living for several days
in the cottage of a poor fisherman, in
expectation of the return of the beautiful
Antonia from Cumberland

[blocks in formation]


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