Faith and FootballXulon Press, 2004 - 168 pages Whether you want to experience the thrill of converting frustration into joy or the elation of winning where you once lost, you?ll find what you need in ?Faith and Football.?? Turn Your Defeats Into Victories? Overcome Challenges And Adversities? Activate The Championship Qualities In You? Get God Himself Involved In Your Daily Concerns? Position Yourself For Greater And More Consistent Victories? Score Unlimited Touchdowns On The Field Of Life |
ONE Important | 9 |
FOURThe Game | 23 |
SIX Football and Life | 43 |
SEVEN Penalties | 93 |
EIGHTPractice Makes Perfect | 127 |
ELEVEN Never Give Up | 141 |
Common terms and phrases
Art Monk ball carrier believe bless blocking called coach created defense devil downfield end zone Ephesians evil example faith field goal flesh football forgive fumble gain give glory God's halfback hands hath hear heart heaven holy humble important Jesus Jim Plunkett Joe Theismann kicks the ball lift line of scrimmage linebackers live look Lord Louis Rams Lyle Alzado means never Oakland Raiders offensive linemen opponent ourselves pass plays penalty perfect playbook player playoffs praise pray Proverbs Psalms punt quarterback Raiders reap rebuke Redskins righteousness Romans running back running plays salvation say unto score a touchdown Scripture season sins someone Spirit strength Super Bowl Super Bowl XV Super Bowl XVIII tackle talents teammates tell thee Theismann things throws the ball ticket tight end wide receiver Word wrong yard line