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destroyed. On the 29th, Sherman found to his surprise that the city was undefended and took possession. Sherman's own estimate of the damage he had inflicted on the people of Georgia was one hundred million dollars; "at least twenty millions of which has inured to our advantage, and the remainder is simple waste and destruction."



WHEN Vicksburg surrendered and Port Hudson followed, leaving the Federal forces in entire control of Mississippi River, all that part of the Confederacy known as the transMississippi had been completely isolated, and though rich in all the resources so badly needed in the other parts of the South, had been unable to contribute of its wealth to the needy sections. Communication was cut off, but the struggle beyond the river continued, in the vain hope that European interference might yet occur. The mistaken idea prevailed to the very end of the war that Great Britain hesitated only by reason of confidence in the ability of the South to achieve her own independence. Great Britain had already foreseen to which side would be the victory, and the cause of the Confederacy was lost, so far as any hope of British aid was concerned. But this feeling continued strong west of the Mississippi. General Kirby Smith had been placed in command of the Trans-Mississippi Department and vested with absolute powers after the communication between that department and the rest of the Confederacy had been destroyed, in order that he might act without having to await orders which could not reach him promptly, and in all probability would not reach him at all. Major-general Taylor was at this time commanding the Confederate forces operating along the west bank of Mississippi River.

General Smith's headquarters were at Shreveport. General Price was temporarily commanding the district of Arkansas, with headquarters in the field, in the neighborhood of Camden, at the head of navigation on Washita River. Camden was an important centre, in the midst of plentiful forage and supplies; but deceived by the supposed intention of the Federals under General John Steele to attack Shreveport, Price withdrew from Camden to a better point from which to impede the advance. Steele then moved between him and Camden, and took possession of the place, thus cutting Price off from a section rich in forage and subsistence. When the Red River expedition failed, the Confederate forces pressed their advantage, and moved against General Steele, who was forced to retreat. His supplies were cut off, and a foraging party of 150 wagons escorted by nearly 1,000 men was driven back on April 21, 1864, by the Confederates, who captured 300 of the men, four guns and the wagons. Four days later, a larger train of 250 wagons, escorted by 200 cavalry and 1,200 infantry, with four pieces of artillery, was sent by Steele to Pine Bluff for supplies, and was attacked by 600 cavalry under Major-general J. F. Fagan. Two hundred and fifty of the Federals were killed or wounded, and nearly every remaining officer and man was captured, together with the guns and the wagons. Steele then determined to retire from Camden. The Confederates followed, harassing and delaying the rear until General Smith arrived. His forces came up and General Steele was attacked at the Saline. After a bloody battle of seven hours, partly fought in the downpouring rain, the Confederates retired with hundreds of prisoners and many captured supplies. Steele continued his retreat to Little Rock, where he arrived on May 2d.

Early in the year, General Banks had announced his intention to open up the region of western Louisiana to trade, and to occupy the Red River section permanently. Forces were concentrated in New Orleans, and the most formidable fleet ever gathered on the western waters assembled at the

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Map of the siege of Vicksburg, published at Mobile in 1863.
From an original in the Library of Congress.

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