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THE large room of Exeter Hall was densely crowded by the friends of the Society, at the Annual Meeting, on Friday, May 8. The venerable President of the Society, Sir Thomas Baring, was unable to preside, from the growing infirmities of advanced age. We know that his heart and his prayers were engaged, and his best wishes, for that cause which he has befriended by his counsel and his contributions during so many years. May his evening of life be bright and calm, and may he, in the abundance of peace and hope, realize the fulfilment of the Divine promise, "I will bless them that bless thee!"

The Right Honourable Lord Ashley, one of the Vice-Presidents of the Society, occupied the chair. The boys and girls of the Schools established by the Society, in London, who were, as is usual at the Anniversary Meetings, placed on either side of the platform, were then addressed by the Rev. Dr. Marsh. We give nearly all his address, for our readers are rational, sinful, yet redeemed creatures, and need exactly the same lessons of instruction as are communicated to these children of the ancient people of God. Dr. Marsh said :

"Dear children! Frequently have I had opportunities of addressing you; and as it has pleased God to spare my life to the present time, I am happy to address you again. I have much to say, but I shall endeavour to compress it in a few. words. Dear children, it has pleased our great

Creator to manifest his wisdom and power and goodness in the works of creation. But yet the children of men have not thereby glorified God, neither have they been thankful. It has pleased our great Creator to give a more full view of his Divine character and government by revelation; and it is your privilege, and was the privilege of your nation; and it is our privilege, and I hope we shall all improve it, to have that revelation in our hands. I trust, dear children, it will, indeed, be true of you, that from your childhood you have not only read the holy Scriptures, but have known them as your rule of faith and practice, and have been made, through them, wise unto salvation, through faith which is in Christ Jesus.' Dear children, it has pleased God in that revelation to teach you and me, and I pray we may understand and feel it, that we are rational, that we are sinful, and that we are redeemed creatures. I shall have an opportunity, perhaps, of conversing with you on another occasion, when I can more fully explain, if need be, what I am going to say in a few words under these three ideas. As rational creatures, this is the will of our Creator, that we should Love God with all our heart, with all our soul, with all our mind, and with all our strength, and that we should love our neighbour as ourselves.' It is notably said of that law of love, that the great Author added no more and what more could be added? for, if all rational beings loved God and loved one another, the universe would be a blessed and a happy universe. But, dear children, we have all become sinful creatures; we have departed from this law of love; we deserve punishment. But our gracious Creator has revealed in the Holy

Scriptures his will concerning us as sinful creatures; and this is the will of God, that we should believe on the name of his Son, Jesus Christ.' 'This,' said our blessed Redeemer, is the will of him that sent me, that whosoever seeth the Son and believeth in him, might have everlasting life.' Our great duty, our high privilege is, as sinful creatures, to believe on that Saviour. When we are brought to believe on that Saviour, there is to us no condemnation from the law. We have in that Saviour, a righteousness commensurate with the precepts of that law; we have in that Saviour, in his suffering unto death, an atonement equivalent to the penalty of that law; so that, though that law condemn us, this Gospel saves us; and having faith in that Redeemer, we are on terms of peace with God. Dear children, I now address you as redeemed creatures, and it has pleased God in the holy Scriptures to reveal his will concerning us as redeemed creatures. If we are convinced that, as rational creatures, we should thus love God and one another; if we are convinced that we have sinned in not obeying the law of God; if we believe that our Lord Jesus Christ has magnified that law for us, and offered a full, perfect, and sufficient sacrifice, oblation, and satisfaction for our sins; then, on the very principle of gratitude, we ought to be ever ready to obey the Divine will concerning us, as redeemed creatures; and this is the will of God, that we 'should glorify him in our bodies and our spirits, which are his;' that we should let our light shine before men;' that we should be, the salt of the earth;' because, as believers in Christ, we are to be ready to every good work, and to

let our

light so shine before men that they may see our good works, and glorify our Father who is in heaven.' Now, dear children, you will remember simply these three heads-that we are rational, that we are sinful, that we are redeemed creatures; and if you and I, and this great assembly, can enter into the views which the holy Scriptures give us under these three ideas, ere long we shall be glorified creatures; we shall arrive in that blessed world, where there is knowledge without ignorance, holiness without sin, and happiness without alloy,-where, as rational and as redeemed creatures, we shall glorify the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Ghost throughout a blessed eternity. I address myself for a moment to this vast assembly. These are the great truths we are teaching these children-these are the great objects we have in view, that they may know what is their duty as rational beings,-that they may know the way of salvation as sinful beings, that they may come, through the power of the Holy Spirit, under the sense of an obligation to God as redeemed beings; and if we may thus influence them, you and I, Christian friends, shall hope to meet them as glorified beings in a better world. I need not detain the assembly by any further remarks. I may have other oppor tunities of addressing these dear children, for whom we ask your prayers, that, as rational, sinful, and redeemed creatures, they may be thus blessed, and then be happy throughout a countless eternity."

After Dr. Marsh had concluded his address, the children retired. Many interesting addresses were then given, extracts from some of which we now present to our readers.

The Rev. W. R. FREMANTLE, in the course of his address said :

"No one can look upon so large, so influential, and so interesting an assembly as the present, without thanking the God of Abraham, of Isaac, and of Jacob, that he hath put it into the hearts of his people in these latter days to care for the souls of his ancient people. Sure I am, my Lord, that the cause which has led to this increased interest is not simply excitement, but it is the result of our reading carefully and with prayer the Word of God. It is the increased Protestant feeling throughout Great Britain which has led to an increased care for the souls of Israel; for if we go back to former days, when darkness covered the land, what love was there for the soul of Israel? The Jew was despised, the Jew was hated, the Jew accursed; but ever since the light of Divine truth has dawned upon Western Europe-ever since the days of the Reformation, there has been a gradually expanding love for God's ancient people; and we may look forward with joyful anticipation to that day, when Protestants will have the honour, the praise, and the glory, through Divine grace, of setting up the Jewish Church and the Jewish people as the grand antagonist of Antichrist. If the Reformation led to the overthrow of the second great form of the beast, namely, Popish supremacy, sure I am that the establishment of the Jewish nation and people in their own land, and on their own privileges and principles, according to the Word of God, will lead to the overthrow of the third and last form of the beast, namely, the mystery of iniquity, when the ten kingdoms will hate the woman, will tear her in pieces, and when the Lord Jesus

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