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amount has somewhat more than doubled within the last ten years.

These things show the rapid progress of society around us and the great changes that have occurred in the place of our habitation in the short period of a single human life. The progress of change is still going on, with a constantly increasing rapidity. What new scenes of interest may arise to spread themselves around the city of our abode, or affect the destinies of our common country, before another day like this shall return, is known only to the allcomprehending vision of God.

One thing is certain; when shall dawn we shall not be here.

that day

Long ere

that morning shall spread its light over these goodly scenes, and summon the people, who shall then be, to remember the God of their fathers, we shall be gathered to the great congregation of the dead, and lie sleeping beneath the clods of the valley. We have here, with united and grateful hearts, paid our humble tribute to the memory of our revered ancestors; the

founders of our city and state. We wish to leave it on record for our children and those who shall come after us, that we appreciate the virtues, venerate the principles, cherish the religion, and glory in the institutions of our forefathers; and would fain bequeath the great inheritance we have received from them to those who shall live here when we are gone. And now,' standing at this interesting hour on the line that separates the ages that are past, from those which are to come,' were it permitted us to offer one prayer which should reach the ear of the Lord of hosts, could one be expressed, fraught with greater blessings to posterity than that Connecticut, that New England, might be kept true to the spirit, to the principles, to the institutions of our dear and venerated ancestors? Let this be, and New England is safe, is free, is happy. It was once asked by a distinguished individual of another, how he should act in a particular case.

act with New England;

The reply was,

for, so far as I

have observed, God has always favored

Let New Eng

that land. It is even so. land then remain true to the spirit, the principles, the institutions of our fathers, and come what may on other parts of the land, New England will be safe, be free, be happy, still teaching the nation and the world the great lesson, which she has taught from the beginning, that intelligence, virtue, religion, are the essential pillars of a good government, the foundation of a free and happy republic.


NOTE A. p. 11. THOUGH the exact date is not given, there does not appear to be much difficulty in ascertaining the time of the arrival of the first settlers. Winthrop states that, on the 15th of October, about sixty men, women, and little children, went by land towards Connecticut with their cows, horses, and swine, and after a tedious and difficult journey, arrived safe there. (1 Winthrop, p. 171.) Many historians state that they were fourteen days on their way. This would bring them here on the 29th of October. Adding eleven days for the change from old to new style, the true time of their arrival is ascertained to be on the 9th of November. Holmes, in his "American Annals," says they commenced their journey on the 20th of Oct. But as no reason is offered for this departure from Winthrop, it is presumed that it is a mistake.

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