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" For it is confidently reported, that two young gentlemen of real hopes, bright wit, and profound judgment, who, upon a thorough examination of causes and effects, and by the mere force of natural abilities, without the least tincture of learning... "
The Works of Dr. Jonathan Swift ... - Page 190
by Jonathan Swift - 1757 - 2984 pages
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Miscellanies in Prose and Verse

Jonathan Swift - 1711 - 440 pages
...ftill too much limited by Prieft-craft, notwithftanding all the good Intentions of the Legtflature, as we have lately found by a fevere Inftance. For...confidently reported, that two Young Gentlemen of real *-- — • i —..._. - . _-,_,,, . --...Hopes, bright Wit, and profound Judgment, who upon a thorough...
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Miscellanies in Prose and Verse

Jonathan Swift - 1713 - 436 pages
...Inconveniences may poffibly happen by fuch an Innovation, in the prefent Pofture of our Affairs. Firft, ONE great Advantage propofed by the abolifhing of...reported, that two Young Gentlemen of real Hopes* 156 An Argument againft Hopes, bright Wit, and profound Judgment, who upon a thorough Examination of...
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Miscellanies in Prose and Verse

Jonathan Swift - 1721 - 308 pages
...Prieit-craft, notwithftanding all the £>od Intentions of the Legiilature, as we have tely found by a fevers Inftance. For it is confidently reported, that two young Gentlemen of real Hopea, bright Wit, and profound Judgment, who, upon a thorough, Examination of Caufes and Eftects,...
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The Works of Jonathan Swift, D.D., Dean of St. Patrick's, Dublin, Volume 3

Jonathan Swift, John Hawkesworth - 1754 - 440 pages
...our affairs. Firft, one great advantage propofed by the abolifhing of chriftianity is, that it would would very much enlarge and eftablifh liberty of confcience,...bright wit, and profound judgment, who, upon a thorough examination of caufes and effects, and by the mere force of natural abilities, without the leafb tincture...
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The Works ...: With the Author's Life and Character, Notes [etc ..., Volume 1

Jonathan Swift - 1761 - 468 pages
...nation, and of the Proteftant religion ; which is flill too much limited by prieftcraft, notwithstanding all the 'good intentions of the legiflature ; as the mere force of natural abilities, without the lead tincture of learning, having made a difcovery, that therb was no God, and generoufly communicating...
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Elements of Criticism, Volume 2

Lord Henry Home Kames - 1762 - 482 pages
...where the conftrudtion of two mem.bers connected by a copulative is unneceflkrily varied. i • • For it is confidently reported, that two young gentlemen...bright wit, and profound judgment, who upon a thorough examination of cauies and effects, and by the mere force of natural abilities, without the leaft tincture...
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Elements of Criticism, Volume 2

Lord Henry Home Kames - 1762 - 478 pages
...example, where the conftrudion of two members connected by a copulative is unnecefiarily varied. i For it is confidently reported, that two young gentlemen...bright wit, and profound judgment, who upon a thorough examination- of caufes and efFefts, and by the mere force of natural abilities, without the leaft tinfture...
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Elements of Criticism: Volume I [-II]., Volume 2

Lord Henry Home Kames - 1765 - 576 pages
...example, where the conftruftion of two members conne<5ted by a copulative is unneceffarily varied. For it is confidently reported, that two young gentlemen of real hopes, bright wit, and profound judgement, who upon a thorough examination of caufes and effects, and by the mere force of natural...
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The Works of Dr. Jonathan Swift, Dean of St. Patrick's, Dublin ...

Jonathan Swift - 1768 - 448 pages
...nation, and of the proteftant religion, which is ftill too much limited by prieftcraft, notwithstanding all the good intentions of the legiflature, as we...bright wit, and profound judgment, who, upon a thorough examination of caufes and effects, and by the mere force of natural abilities, without the leaft tincture...
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The Works of Dr Jonathan Swift, Dean of St Patrick's, Dublin. In Thirteen ...

Jonathan Swift - 1774 - 374 pages
...enlarge and eftablifh liberty of confcience, that great bulwark of our nation, and of the Protefrant religion; which is ftill too much limited by prieftcraft,...gentlemen, of real hopes, bright wit, and profound judgement, who, upon a thorough examination of caufes and effects, and by the mere force of natural...
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