Now, I take all this to be the last degree of perverting nature; one of whose eternal laws it is, to put her best furniture forward. And therefore, in order to save the charges of all such expensive anatomy for the time to come, I do here think fit to... The Works of Dr. Jonathan Swift ... - Page 105by Jonathan Swift - 1757 - 2984 pagesFull view - About this book
 | Jonathan Swift - 1752 - 242 pages
...Confiftence quite through. Now, I take all this to be the laft Degree of perverting Nature ; one of whofe eternal Laws it is, to put her beft Furniture forward. And therefore, in order to lave the Charges of all fuch expenfive Anatom y for the Time to come, I do here think fit to inform... | |
 | Jonathan Swift - 1761 - 468 pages
...confidence quite through. Now, I take all this to be the kft degree of perverting nature ; one of whofe eternal laws it is, to put her beft furniture forward....charges of all fuch expenfive anatomy for the time tocome, I do here think fit to inform the reader, that infuch conclufions as thefe, reafon is certainly... | |
 | Jonathan Swift - 1768 - 500 pages
...coniiftence quite through. Now I take all this to be the laft degree of perverting nature j one of whofe eternal laws it is, to put her beft furniture forward....charges of all fuch expenfive anatomy for the time to eome, I do her,e think fit to inform the reader* reader, that in fuch conclufions as thefe reafon is... | |
 | Jonathan Swift - 1774 - 374 pages
...confidence quite through. Now, I take all this to be the laft degree of perverting nature; one of whofe eternal laws it is, to put her beft furniture forward....And therefore, in order to fave the charges of all fucli expenfive anatomy for the time to come, I do here think fit to inform the reader, that in fuch... | |
 | Jonathan Swift, John Hawkesworth - 1784 - 472 pages
...confiftence quite through. Now, I take all this to be the laft degree of perverting nature ; one of whofe eternal laws it is, to put her beft furniture forward....thefe, reafon is certainly in the right ; and that in the moft corporeal beings which have fallen under my cognifance, the outfide hath been infinitely preferable... | |
 | John Walter - 1785 - 258 pages
...confiftence quite through. Now I take all this to be the laft degree of perverting nature ; one of whofe eternal laws it is to put her beft furniture forward....thefe, reafon is certainly in the right ; and that in mod coporeal beings, which have fallen under my cognizance, the outfide hath been infinitely preferable... | |
 | Jonathan Swift - 1798 - 278 pages
...confiflence quite through. Now, I take all this to the laft degree of perverting nature ; one of whofe eternal laws it is, to put her beft furniture forward....I do here think fit to inform the reader, that, in liich conclufions as thefe, reafon is certainly in the right ; and that in rnoft corporeal beings which... | |
 | Jonathan Swift - 1801 - 488 pages
...put her best furniture forward. And '-therefore, in order to save the charges of all such expensive anatomy for the time to come, I do here think fit to inform the reader, that in such conclusions as these, reason is certainly in the right; and that in most corporeal beings, which... | |
 | Jonathan Swift, William Wotton - 1811 - 390 pages put her best furniture forward. And therefore, in order to save the charges of all such expensive anatomy for the time to come, I do here think fit to inform the reader, that in such conclusions as these, reason is certainly in the right; and that in the most corporeal beings... | |
 | Jonathan Swift, William Wotton - 1812 - 250 pages put her best furniture forward. And therefore, in order to save the charges of all such expensive anatomy for the time to come, I do here think fit to inform the reader, that in such conclusions as these, reason is certainly in the right ; and that in most corporeal beings, which... | |
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