| Jonathan Swift - 1705 - 342 pages
...confider that the Debate meerly lies between Things pajl? and Things conceived; and fo the Quellion is only this ; Whether Things that have Place in the Imagination, may not as properly be laid to Ext/i, as thofe that are feated in the Memory ; which may be juftly held in the Affirmative,... | |
 | Jonathan Swift - 1710 - 402 pages
...in his Choice, thus determining him, if we confider that the Debate meerly lies between Things pap, and Things conceived ; and fo the Queftion is only this; Whether Things that havePiace in the Imagination, may not as properly be (aid to Exift, as -thofe that are feaced in the... | |
 | Jonathan Swift - 1752 - 242 pages
...in his Choice thus determining him, if we confider that the Debate merely lies between Tbingi faft, and Things conceived. And fo the Queftion is only...in the Imagination, may not as properly be faid to txift, as thofe that are feated in the Memory ? Which may be juftly held in the Affirmative : And very... | |
 | Jonathan Swift - 1755 - 514 pages
...confider that the debate merely lies between things paft^ and things conceived : and fb the quefHon is only this ; whether things, that have place in...juftly held in the affirmative, and very much to the ad vantage of the former, fince this is acknowledged to be the womb of things, and the other allowed... | |
 | Jonathan Swift - 1761 - 468 pages
...confider that the debate merely lies between things paft, and things conceived. And ib the qneflion is only this : Whether things, that have place in the imagination, may not as properly be faid to exijf, as tholethat are feated in the memory ? Which may be jufUy held in the affirmative : and very... | |
 | Jonathan Swift - 1768 - 500 pages
...in his choice thus determining him, if we confider that the debate merely lies between things paft) and things conceived : and fo the queftion is only, this ; whether things, that that have place in the imagination^ may not as properly be faid to exift, as thofe that are feated... | |
 | Jonathan Swift - 1774 - 374 pages
...his choice thus determining him, if we confider that the debate merely lies -bctweeen things pajt, and things conceived. And fo the queftion is only...in the imagination, may not as properly be faid to exifl, as thofe that are feated in the memory ? "Which may be juftly held in the affirmative ; and... | |
 | Jonathan Swift, John Hawkesworth - 1784 - 472 pages
...queftion is only this : Whether tilings that have place in the imagination, may not as properly be fiid to exift, as thofe that are feated in '-the memory ? Which may be juilly held in the VOL. I. G g affirmative : affirmative : And very much to the advantage of the former... | |
 | John Walter - 1785 - 258 pages
...in his choice thus determining him, if we confider that the debate merely lies between things paft, and things conceived : and fo the queftion is only...faid to exift, as thofe that are feated in the memory j which may be juftly held in the affirmative, and very much to the advantage of the former, fince... | |
 | Jonathan Swift - 1798 - 278 pages
...in his choice thus determining him, if we confider that the debate merely lies between things paft, and things conceived. And fo the queftion is only...properly be faid to exift, as thofe that are feated J:i the memory ? Which may be juftly held in the affirmative: and very much to the advantage of the... | |
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