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effects of early education and popular opinion. With most people, reason, common sense, and the Bible, had nothing to do in forming such opinions, but they have been implicitly received by tradition from their fathers. They say they believe them, but cannot tell why, except that they were so taught; for they have never exercised their reason or studied the Bible to see whether they are true or false. Even when a person determines to examine such opinions, early prejudices and popular opinion deter him from giving free scope to his investigations. We speak here from experience, for these have been powerfully felt in the course of this discussion.

10th. The last fact which I shall mention is, that allowing the personal existence of the Devil fully proved, it is beyond all doubt that he has been much misrepresented, and his character abused by many Christian people. I shall only give an instance or two. For many ages he was accused of making witches and wizards. Now it is allowed no such beings ever existed, but the whole was a piece of superstition and an astonishing instance of human credulity. Again; for ages, what frightful descriptions have been given of the Devil, in preaching! He has been accused as being the tormentor of damned souls in hell, and imagination has been put to the utmost stretch to describe his horrible modes of torture there. Now, not a word of this is true, for let the Devil have his due-no scripture writer ever says a word about the Devil as the tormentor of any one. fact, many a railing, not to say wicked, accusation has been brought against the Devil; and though this is now allowed to be true, no apology is made for such shameful, unscriptural defamation. We readily excuse all this, for though preachers have declaimed against such a being in the pulpit, and terrified people with such horrible descriptions of him, all must have seen that they had no great faith in their own doctrine. They, like other people, live all the six days of the week without any concern about him. The minister makes him a bugbear


in the pulpit to frighten the parents, and parents at home make the same use of him to frighten their children; but both take care not to be much frightened themselves.



THE objections which have occurred to me against the views advanced, I shall fairly state, and attempt to answer. It may, then, be objected

1st. "The Devil, Satan, or Tempter, is spoken of as a real being. Personal pronouns are not only used in speaking of him, but he is represented as speaking and acting, and we are expressly informed of what he said and did." This objection has been partially adverted to in the course of our remarks, but I shall here notice it a little further. If all to which personal pronouns are applied are to be considered real beings, we must admit many inanimate things, yea, qualities, to be real beings as well as the Devil. For example, the earth or land is personified. Job 31: 38. The heavens are also personified. Jer. 2: 12, 13. So is the sea. Job 38: 8, 9. Death, the grave, and destruction, are personified. Job 28: 22; 1 Cor. 15: 55. The hosts of heaven are personified. Psalm 148: 1-5. See the whole Psalm. The mountains and hills can sing, and all the trees of the field can clap their hands. Isai. 55: 12. Wisdom, power, and a variety of good qualities, are personified in Scripture, and why not also bad qualities, yea, the principle of evil itself? In short, if things represented as speaking and acting must be considered as real beings, then it is certain all inanimate things ought to be considered real beings, for almost all things are represented as living, and speaking, and acting. Jotham's olive-tree, fig-tree, vine, and bramble, must be considered living beings, for they

are represented as holding a conversation together. Judg. 9:7-16. Micaiah's speech to Ahab, 1 Kings 22, must also be literally understood; and who does not perceive what absurdities would ensue, if such a mode of interpretation was adopted?

2d. "If there be no foundation in Scripture for a fallen angel, called the Devil, how came this opinion to obtain such universal currency among mankind? The opinion, you say, was held by the Magians, and this evil. being was considered their evil god, and called Ahraman, and by the Greeks Arimanius. Zoroaster called him 'an angel of darkness,' and other nations. have had various other names for him. Now, as all counterfeit money implies current, must there not be a foundation in truth for such a universal belief of an evil being, call him Devil, Satan, or by any other name?" As this is the principal, and most popular, objection which can be advanced against my views, I shall spend some time in considering it. It is true that counterfeit money implies current; but do our orthodox friends believe that counterfeit opinions in religion always imply that there is some foundation in Scripture for them? Do they allow that there is some foundation in truth for a purgatory and the doctrine of transubstantiation? Do they believe that there is any foundation in truth for witchcraft, for ghosts, and all the different grades of hobgoblins? Will they allow that there is a foundation in Scripture for all the wild and ridiculous opinions which have obtained currency in the world? If not, why assert that there must be for the common opinion concerning the Devil? Is it not possible to invent a thousand things which have no foundation in the Bible? Error supposes truth, as counterfeit money supposes current; but must we say that every error is a corruption of truth? It ought to be noticed, that Dean Prideaux did not consider the articles of Zoroaster's creed, quoted Section IV., as corruptions of truth, but consonant to the truth. Nor do, Christians in our day, for they have adopted both the sentiments and language

of his creed. Why then call them corruptions of the truth? If they are, why preach such corruptions for truth to the world? Do orthodox preachers tell the people that such sentiments are greatly corrupted, both as to matter and language? On the contrary, do they not solemnly assure their hearers that such doctrines are the faithful sayings of God, though it is notorious Zoroaster taught them six hundred years before the days of Christ? Will they thank me for suggesting that there is any corruption in the case? If they believe such opinions have any corruption about them, why not purge them, and preach only the unadulterated truth of God? Why pass as current Bible doctrine such counterfeit opinions on the public? Although there is no law to punish men for passing counterfeit opinions in religion, yet one would think their own doctrine of eternal misery, if they believed it, would be sufficient to deter them.

If the universal belief in a Devil proves that there is a foundation in truth for the opinion, then Paganism, Mahometanism, and Roman Catholicism, have all a foundation in truth, for they have all, in their turn, been pretty universally believed. Purgatory, transubstantiation. witchcraft, and a thousand other opinions, ought not to be discarded, for they were once generally believed. Many good and learned men believed them, and thought their proofs for them as good as those now adduced concerning the Devil. Why are they rejected? Because attention to the Bible has shown they are not taught there; and closer attention to it will show, also, that the common opinions concerning the Devil are equally false. But if the above objection has any real force, or the reasoning employed is correct, our orthodox friends must allow that universal salvation may have some foundation in Scripture, for it has been believed for centuries, and if it should ever be universally received it would then be wholly true.

How such an opinion, as that concerning an evil being called the Devil, came first to exist among men, has been


partly accounted for in Sections III. and IV. learned this opinion from the Jews, the Jews learned it from Zoroaster's creed, and Zoroaster learned it from the ancient Magian religion. It may be asked, How came the Magians by such an opinion? I would first answer this question by asking another. How came the Sabians to worship idols? Was there any foundation in Scripture for this? But the apostle shows, Rom. 1, how all such deviations from truth originated. Men, when they knew God, glorified him not as God; they became vain in their imaginations, their foolish heart was darkened; and, professing themselves to be wise, they became fools. See verses 21, 22, 23. Respecting the origin of an evil principle, which was afterwards personified and deified, Essenus thus writes, p. 125: "Plutarch observes, that the doctrine of two contrary principles prevailed in all countries. The reason is obvious; evil abounded in every age and nation; and, as men could not reconcile the notion of natural and moral evil with an all-wise and benevolent author, it was natural for them to reason in the following manner : 'Since nothing can come into being without a cause, and since that which is perfectly good cannot be the cause of evil, then there must exist a distinct principle in nature, as well for the production of evil as of that which is good.' In this manner argued the Persian sages; and Plutarch seems to have considered the argument conclusive. This doctrine was introduced into Judea before the age of Isaiah, who, as we have seen, thus sets it aside: 'I form the light and create darkness; I make peace and create evil: I the Lord do all these things.' 45: 7."

3d. It may also be objected, "You have said that the doctrine of an evil principle deified was known as early as the days of Job, which was about the time of Moses; but is not this too early a date for the existence of such an opinion among men, and is there any proof that it existed at such a date?" Some notice was taken of this objection, Section III., and I shall here add a few re

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