I will, as 'twere a brother of your order, Vifit both prince and people. Therefore, pr'ythee, Supply me with the habit, and instruct me How I may formally in perfon bear,' Like a true friar. More reafons for this action Is more to bread than ftone: Hence fhall we fee, SCENE V. A NUNNERY. Enter Ifabella and Francifca. Ifab. And have you nuns no further privileges? Ifab. Yes, truly: I fpeak not as defiring more; Yet perhaps lefs alteration might have produced the true reading, And yet my nature never, in the fight, So doing flandered. And yet my nature never fuffer flander by doing any open acts of feverity. JOHNSON. -in perfon bear,] Mr. Pope reads, -my perfon bear. Perhaps a word was dropped at the end of the line, which originally stood thus, How I may formally in perfon bear me, Like a true friar. Stands at a guard Nun. It is a man's voice. Gentle Ifabella, Turn you the key, and know his bufinefs of him; Then, if you fpeak, you must not fhew your face; Lucio. Hail, virgin, if you be; as those cheek-rofes A novice of this place, and the fair fifter Ifab. Why her unhappy brother? let me afk; I am that Ifabella, and his fifter. Lucio. Gentle and fair, your brother kindly greets you: Not to be weary with you, he's in prison. Lucio. For that, which, if myself might be his judge, Ifab. Sir, make me not your ftory.3 Lucio. 'Tis true :-I would not (tho' 'tis my fami - liar fin With maids to feem the lapwing, and to jeft, Tongue 3make me not your fiery.] Do not, by deceiving me, make me a fubicct for a tale. JOHNSON. Perhaps only, Do not divert yourself with me, as you would with a flory. STEEVENS. The Oxford editor's note on this paffage is in these words. The Lap Tongue far from heart) play with all virgins fo. As with a faint. Ifab. You do blafpheme the good, in mocking me. Lucio. Do not believe it. Fewnefs and truth, 'tis thus: Your brother and his lover having embrac'd, lapwings fly, with feeming fright and anxiety, far from their nets, to deceive those who seek their young. And do not all other birds de the fame ? But what has this to do with the infidelity of a general lover, to whom this bird is compared? It is another quality of the lapwing, that is here alluded to, viz. its perpetually flying fo low and fo near the paffenger, that he thinks he has it, and then is fuddenly gone again. This made it a proverbial expreffion to fignify a lover's falfhood: and it feems to be a very old one; for Chaucer, in his Plowman's Tale, fays, -And lapwings that swell conith lie. WARBURTON. The modern editors have not taken in the whole fimilitude here they have taken notice of the lightnefs of a spark's behaviour to his miftrefs, and compared it to the lap wing's hovering and fluttering as it flies. But the chief, of which no notice is taken, is, -and to jeft. (See Ray's Proverbs)" The laping cries, tongue far from heart." i. e. most furthest from the nest, i. e. She is, as Shakespeare has it here, Tongue far from beart. "The farther fhe is from her neft, where her heart is with her young ones, fhe is the louder, or perhaps all tongue." SMITH. Shakespeare has an expreffion of the like kind, Com. of Errors, act. iv. fc. 3. "Adr. Far from her neft the lapwing cries away, "My heart prays for him, tho' my tongue do curfe." We meet with the fame thought in John Lilly's comedy, intitled Campafpe (first published in 1591) act ii. fc. 2. from whence Shakespeare might borrow it. "Alex. Not with Timoleon you mean, wherein you resemble "the lapwing, who crieth most where her neft is not, and fo, "to lead me from efpying your love for Campafpe, you cry "Timoclea." Dr. GRAY, As As those that feed grow full; as bloffoming time Ifab. Some one with child by him?-My cousin Lucio. Is fhe your coufin? Ifab. Adoptedly; as fchool-maids change their names, By vain, tho' apt, affection. Lucio. She it is. Ifab. O, let him marry her! The duke is very strangely gone from hence To teeming foyfon; fo -1 As the fentence now ftands, it is apparently ungrammatical. I read, At blooming time, &c. That is, As they that feed grow full, so her womb now at blossoming time, at that time through which the feed time proceeds to the barveft, her womb fhows what has been doing. Lucio ludicrously calls pregnancy blossoming time, the time when fruit is promised, though not yet ripe. JOHNSON. Inflead of that, we may read-doth; and, instead of brings, bring. STEEVENS. • Bore many gentlemen In hand and hope of allion;· -] To bear in hand is a common phrafe for to keep in expectation and dependance, but we should read, with hope of action. JOHNSON. 7 with full line-] With full extent, with the whole length. JOHNSON. Governs lord Angelo; A man whose blood Of bufinefs betwixt you and your poor brother. Seek for his life? Lucio. Has cenfur'd him already; And, as I hear, the provoft hath a warrant Ifab. Alas! what poor ability's in me To do him good? Lucio. Affay the power you have. Ifab. My power! Alas! I doubt— Lucio. Our doubts are traitors; And made us lofe the good, we oft might win, 8-give fear to ufe-] To intimidate ufe, that is, practices. long countenanced by cuftom. JOHNSON. 9 Unless you have the grace ] That is, the acceptableness, the power of gaining favour. So when he makes her fuit, the 2-cenfur'd him,-] i. e. fentenced him. STEEVENS. 6 And |