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We are glad to learn that there will soon be another Jeff. Davis afloat, and that the same brave crew are anxious to again go forth to avenge the death of Amiel, and make up for any short-comings of their first adventures.

Doc. 11.



By the fifty-seventh article of the act of Congress entitled "An act for establishing rules and articles for the government of the armies of the United States, approved April 10, 1806, holding correspondence with or giving intelligence to the enemy, either directly or indirectly," is made punishable by death, or such other punishment as shall be ordered by the sentence of a court-martial. Public safety requires strict enforcement of this article. It is therefore ordered that all correspondence and communication, verbally or by writing, printing, or telegraphing, respecting operations of the army, or military movements on land or water, or respecting the troops, camps, arsenals, intrenchments, or military affairs, within the several military districts, by which intelligence shall be, directly or indirectly, given to the enemy, without the authority and sanction of the General in command, be, and the same are, absolutely prohibited, and from and after the date of this order persons violating the same will be proceeded against under the fifty-seventh Article of War. By order,

L. THOMAS, Adjutant-General.



THE President of the United States directs that his proclamation of the 16th instant, interdicting commercial intercourse with the socalled Confederate States, shall be applied to correspondence with these States, and has devolved upon this Department the enforcement of so much of its interdict as relates to such correspondence. The officers and agents of this Department will, therefore, without further instructions, lose no time in putting an end to written intercourse with these States, by causing the arrest of any express agent or other persons, who shall, after the promulgation of this order, receive letters to be carried to or from these States, and will seize all such letters and forward them to this Department.

M. BLAIR, Postmaster-General.

Doc. 13.


COMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY, EXECUTIVE DEPT., FRANKFORT, August 19, 1861. To his Excellency, Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States:

SIR: From the commencement of the unhappy hostilities now pending in this country the people of Kentucky have indicated an earnest desire and purpose, as far as lay in their power, while maintaining their original political status, to do nothing by which to involve themselves in the war. Up to this time they have succeeded in securing to themselves and to the State peace and tranquillity as the fruits of the policy they adopted. My single object now is to promote the continuance of these blessings to the people of this State.

Until within a brief period the people of Kentucky were quiet and tranquil, free from domestic strife, and undisturbed by internal commotion. They have resisted no law, rebelled against no authority, engaged in no revolution, but constantly proclaimed their firm determination to pursue their peaceful avocations, earnestly hoping that their own soil would be spared the presence of armed troops, and that the scene of conflict would be kept removed beyond the border of their State. By thus avoiding all occasions for the introduction of bodies of armed soldiers, and offering no provocation for the presence of military force, the people of Kentucky have sincerely striven to preserve in their State domestic peace, and avert the calamities of sanguinary


Recently a large body of soldiers have been enlisted in the United States army and collected in military camps in the central portion of Kentucky. This movement was preceded by the active organization of companies, regiments, &c., consisting of men sworn into the United States service, under officers holding commissions from yourself. Ordnance, arms, ported into the State, and placed in large quanmunitions, and supplies of war are being transtities in these camps. In a word, an army is now being organized and quartered within the State, supplied with all the appliances of war, without the consent or advice of the authorwith those most prominently known and reities of the State, and without consultation cognized as loyal citizens. from the beginning of our pending difficulties now imperils that peace and tranquillity which have been the paramount desire of this people, and which, up to this time, they have so secured to the State.

This movement

Within Kentucky there has been, and is likely to be, no occasion for the presence of military force. The people are quiet and tranquil, feeling no apprehension of any occasion arising to

invoke protection from the Federal arm. They have asked that their territory be left free from military occupation, and the present tranquillity of their communication left uninvaded by soldiers. They do not desire that Kentucky shall be required to supply the battle-field for the contending armies, or become the theatre of the war.

Now, therefore, as Governor of the State of Kentucky and in the name of the people, I have the honor to represent, and with the single and earnest desire to avert from their peaceful homes the horrors of war, I urge the removal from the limits of Kentucky of the military force now organized and in camp within the State. If such action as is hereby urged be promptly taken, I firmly believe the peace of the people of Kentucky will be preserved, and the horrors of a bloody war will be averted from a people now peaceful and tranquil. I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant,



WASHINGTON, August 24, 1861. To his Excellency B. Magoffin, Governor of the State of Kentucky:

SIR: Your letter of the 19th instant, in which you "urge the removal from the limits of Kentucky of the military force now organized and in camp, within that State," is received.

I may not possess full and precisely accurate knowledge upon this subject: but I believe it is true that there is a military force in camp within Kentucky, acting by authority of the United States, which force is not very large, and is not now being augmented.

I also believe that some arms have been furnished to this force by the United States.

I also believe this force consists exclusively of Kentuckians, having their camp in the immediate vicinity of their own homes, and not assailing or menacing any of the good people of Kentucky.

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COMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY, EXECUTIVE DEPT., FRANKFORT, August 19, 1861. To Hon. Jefferson Davis, President of the Confederate States:

SIR: This is to accredit to you Geo. W. Johnson, Esq., as a Commissioner from the State of Kentucky. Mr. Johnson is the bearer of a communication which will fully explain the object of his mission. I take pleasure in commending to your consideration Mr. Johnson as a gentleman well advised of the existing posture of public affairs in Kentucky. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, B. MAGOFFIN.

FRANKFORT, Kr., September 3, 1861.

His Excellency B. Magoffin, Governor of Kentucky:

SIR: In conformity with your request, I proceeded to Richmond, and presented to Hon. Jefferson Davis, President of the Confederate States, the communication intrusted to me. His response is embodied in a letter which I have the honor herewith to hand you.

I am, sir, very respectfully your obedient servant, GEORGE W. JOHNSON. COMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY, EXECUTIVE DEPT., FRANKFORT, August 24, 1861. Hon. Jefferson Davis, Richmond, Va.:


SIR: Since the commencement of the unhappy difficulties pending in the country, the people of Kentucky have indicated a steadfast desire and purpose to maintain a position of strict neutrality between the belligerent parties. They have earnestly striven, by their

In all I have done in the premises I have acted upon the urgent solicitation of many Kentuckians, and in accordance with what I be-policy, to avert from themselves the calamity lieved, and still believe, to be the wish of a majority of all the Union-loving people of Kentucky.

While I have conversed on this subject with many eminent men of Kentucky, including a large majority of her members of Congress, I do not remember that any one of them, or any other person, except your Excellency and the bearers of your Excellency's letter, has urged me to remove the military force from Kentucky or to disband it. One other very worthy citizen of Kentucky did solicit me to have the augmenting of the force suspended for a time.

Taking all the means within my reach to form a judgment, I do not believe it is the popular wish of Kentucky that this force shall be removed beyond her limits; and, with this impression, I must respectfully decline to so remove it.

of war, and protect their own soil from the presence of contending armies. Up to this period they have enjoyed comparative tranquillity and entire domestic peace.

Recently a military force has been enlisted and quartered by the United States authorities within this State. I have on this day addressed a communication and despatched Commissioners to the President of the United States, urging the removal of these troops from the soil of Kentucky, and thus exerting myself to carry out the will of the people in the maintenance of a neutral position. The people of this State desire to be free from the presence of the soldiers of either belligerent, and to that end my efforts are now directed.

Although I have no reason to presume that the Government of the Confederate States contemplate or have ever proposed any violation

of the neutral attitude thus assumed by Ken-
tucky, there seems to be some uneasiness felt
among the people of some portion of the State,
occasioned by the collection of bodies of troops
along their southern frontier. In order to
quiet this apprehension, and to secure to the
people their cherished object of peace, this
communication is to represent these facts, and
elicit an authoritative assurance that the Gov-
ernment of the Confederate States will con-
tinue to respect and observe the position indi-
cated as assumed by Kentucky.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,

for the purpose of giving an advantage to those who violate its neutrality and disregard its rights, over others who respect them both.

In conclusion, I tender to your Excellency the assurance of my high consideration and regard, and am, sir, very respectfully, yours, &c., JEFF. DAVIS.

Doc. 14.


AT WAYNE COURT HOUSE, VA., August, 1861. PERHAPS nowhere in Western Virginia has there been a viler nest of secessionists than at RICHMOND, August 28, 1861. Wayne Court House, the county town of the To Hon. B. Magoffin, Gov. of Kentucky, &c. : county, lying on the Kentucky line. Their SIR: I have received your letter informing leader, Ferguson, was some six weeks ago taken me that, "since the commencement of the un- by Colonel Zeigler, of Camp Pierpont, and sent happy difficulties yet pending in the country, to Columbus, Ohio. This, however, did not the people of Kentucky have indicated a stead- abate in the least their acts of tyranny and opfast desire and purpose to maintain a position pression. We are glad now to report that the of strict neutrality between the belligerent par- gang has been broken up and their leaders taken ties." In the same communication you express prisoners. On Saturday last, 24th of August, your desire to elicit "an authoritative assur-Captain Smith was detailed with fifty-three ance that the Government of the Confederate men from Camp Pierpont, which is at Ceredo, States will continue to respect and observe the in Wayne County, now under command of neutral position of Kentucky." Colonel Zeigler. Captain Smith and his men In reply to this request, I lose no time in as-reached the Court House, a distance of twenty suring you that the Government of the Confederate States of America neither intends nor desires to disturb the neutrality of Kentucky. The assemblage of troops in Tennessee to which you refer, had no other object than to repel the lawless invasion of that State by the forces of the United States, should their Government seek to approach it through Kentucky, without respect for its position of neutrality. That such apprehensions were not groundless, has been proved by the course of that Government in the States of Maryland and Missouri, and more recently in Kentucky itself, in which, as you inform me, a military force has been enlisted and quartered by the United States au


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The Government of the Confederate States has not only respected most scrupulously the neutrality of Kentucky, but has continued to maintain the friendly relations of trade and intercourse which it has suspended with the United States generally.

In view of the history of the past, it can scarcely be necessary to assure your Excellency that the Government of the Confederate States will continue to respect the neutrality of Kentucky so long as her people will maintain it themselves.

But neutrality, to be entitled to respect, must be strictly maintained between both parties; or, if the door be opened on the one side for the aggressions of one of the belligerent parties upon the other, it ought not to be shut to the assailed, when they seek to enter it for purposes of self-defence.

I do not, however, for a moment believe that your gallant State will suffer its soil to be used VOL. III.-Doc. 11

miles, about daylight on Sunday morning, and took possession of the place. Some of the troops went to the Court House and rang the bell, which appeared to be the signal for the rebels to rally. Eight of them answered to the call, running immediately to the Court House, when they were taken prisoners— among them Ilurston Spurlock, their chief, also Jesse Spurlock, and Stephen Strother, who are leaders among the rebels. Captain Smith despatched a messenger for reinforcements on Sunday. Major Ralph Ormstead, with Captain McFadden's company, and a part of Captain Kirk's, with a portion of the cavalry, numbering in all ninety-eight men, went up as a reinforcement, arriving on Monday. Scouts were then sent out, and encountered the rebels about a mile from the Court House. Our cavalry heard the firing, and went to their assistance. When the rebels saw the cavalry they made a quick retreat. In the skirmish which took place our troops received no injury. Four rebels are supposed to be killed; wounded not known. On Tuesday morning the rebels renewed the attack, and kept it up until five o'clock in the evening, when they endeavored to retake the town. Our boys, however, returned their fire so thick and fast that they were repulsed, and glad to retreat. In their retreat they encountered Lieutenant-Colonel Calvin, who was advancing with supplies from Camp Pierpont, and were again repulsed. Rev. John C. Johnson was one of the prisoners taken, and we here remark that he has been one of the most violent in his efforts to incite this rebellion in our region, forgetting altogether that if he is a follower of his meek and

lowly Master, his mission is one of peace. The officer who was in charge, having himself a high sense of the obligation which not only a gentleman, but especially one who professes to be a minister of the Gospel, should entertain, gave Johnson his liberty, on his parole of honor, the conditions of which were that he should not leave the town. He, however, regardless of his honor or his professed religion, left the place, and is, no doubt, now, with a violated oath, endeavoring to incite others to rebellion. Johnson's horse, which is represented to be a very fine one, was, however, taken, and we trust it will be used by those who are not only true to their country, but true to their word and honor. Two other horses were taken, several guns, two drums, a set of gunsmith tools, &c. There being no particular advantage in holding the place, our troops returned to camp on Wednesday, with the loss of not one man or one wounded. There were eight prisoners brought into camp, three of whom were sent to Columbus; the remainder will be | kept until Colonel Zeigler returns. He is now at Wheeling.

-Castleburg (Ky.) Advocate, August 28.

Doc. 15.


To the People of Ohio:

In your efforts to aid the General Government in the suppression of the unnatural rebellion now waged against it, you have anticipated the wants of that Government, and have promptly responded to whatever demands it made upon you, as liberally in the expenditure of treasure as in furnishing soldiers.

The public service has not languished for one day when your resources were competent to meet its requirements. Without a regiment of troops at the opening of hostilities, you have sent upward of thirty thousand men into the field, armed and equipped. By the magnitude of your force you have assisted the loyal men of Kentucky in protecting that State from the domination of the rebels. The presence of our troops and the victories in which they shared in Western Virginia, have preserved it for the Union, and secured it as a barricade against the threatened invasion of your soil, thus maintaining unbroken the peace of a border nearly five hundred miles in extent, and protecting the heart of the Republic from the immediate havoc of war.

The Federal Government again calls upon yon for soldiers.

The late disaster at Manassas, serious as it was in many respects to the rebels, has added to their audacity and insolence. Encouraged by apparent success, they have augmented their forces and have enhanced the necessity for vigilance and power at Washington, in Western Virginia, and in Missouri. Twenty-nine regi

ments of infantry, together with a proportionate force of artillery and cavalry, are now being organized in your State.

As the Executive of the State, it becomes my duty to appeal to you to perfect those organizations as rapidly as possible. I invoke you to give no ear to any counsels unfriendly to the prompt and effectual consolidation of the military force which the General Government requires to repel the threatened assaults of the enemy, and crush the rebellion. It must be suppressed or the Government be subverted. Its suppression can only be effected by vigorous measures on the part of that Government, promptly sustained by the people, animated by a positive and comprehensive policy.

I conjure you to give no heed to any proposition, under whatever sanction it may come, for negotiation or compromise with armed rebellion. The only condition upon which nego. tiation can be tolerated is the complete surrender of the rebels to the National Government, and an unqualified return of their allegiance to its supreme authority. Without that there should be no adjustment, without it there can be no peace.

It is gratifying to me to be enabled to assure you that many of the hardships and privations to which your first levies were subjected, in consequence of the suddenness of the call and the unprepared condition of the Governments, Federal and State, will not be encountered by your troops now being prepared for the field.

The amplest arrangements are made for the clothing, arming, and equipping of our soldiers. No regiment will be sent from its camp until it is provided with every thing essential to the comfort and efficiency of its men. Regular payments at increased rates and short intervals will hereafter be made to all the Federal soldiers, and with allotments and bounties, generous provision is proffered for the support of families.

The promptness of your response to the previous calls of the Government is its assurance that all it now expects of Ohio will be immediately realized by the enrolment of volunteers enough to complete the regiments being formed.

A general order will forthwith be issued from the office of the Adjutant-General, defining the condition of the service, the modes of recruiting, and the places of rendezvous. WILLIAM DENNISON, Governor of Ohio.

Doc. 16.

THE FIGHT AT LEXINGTON, MO. LEXINGTON, Mo., Sept. 2. THE following account of a recent event in Lexington, is furnished to the St. Louis Republican:

A large secession force surrounded this town on both sides of the river last week and arrested a number of Union men, among them ex-Gov

ernor King, Judge Ryland, and Wm. S. Selds. On Friday last, at the instance of the gentlemen above named, a flag of truce was sent us by rebels which resulted in a conference about a mile from the town, between Col. Reed and Captain Shelby on the rebel side, and Major Breckor, Captain Graham, and Lieutenant Brown on the Federal side. The rebels demanded the unconditional surrender of the fort, which was refused.

In this condition, the public safety and success of our arms require unity of purpose, without let or hindrance to the prompt administration of affairs. In order, therefore, to suppress disorders, maintain the public peace, and give security to the persons and property of loyal citizens, I do hereby extend and declare established martial law throughout the State of Missouri. The lines of the army occupation in this State are for the present declared to extend from Leavenworth, by way of posts of Jefferson City, Rolla, and Ironton, to Cape Girardeau on the Mississippi River. All persons who shall be taken with arms in their hands within these lines shall be tried by court-martial, and if found guilty, will be shot. Real and personal property of those who shall take up arms against the United States, or who shall be di

During the invasion of the town by the rebels a good deal of skirmishing took place in the streets, and in the woods on both sides of the river. The Federal troops destroyed the Ferry House on the north side of the river, where a fight occurred between a small force under Lieutenant Brown and the rebels, in which four or five of the latter were killed, a number wounded, and several of Brown's men wound-rectly proven to have taken an active part with ed, one mortally.

On Thursday, Lieut. Brown, with twenty men, was attacked in the streets by a company of secessionists under Captain Witherow, in which the latter were completely routed, and Captain Witherow taken prisoner after being severely wounded.

On Friday all further attempts to reduce the place were abandoned. Col. Roul retreated with his command toward Independence, and Col. Reid went toward Fort Scott, leaving Captain Shelby with about six hundred at his old rendezvous, Taber Creek, eight miles east of Lexington, and a considerable secession force in the bottom between Lexington and Richmond. The forces thus left have cut off all mail communication. Col. Reid took with him King, Ryland, Field, and other prisoners. The whole loss in all the fighting on the rebel side was eight killed, besides the wounded, and on the Federal side one mortally and several slightly wounded. The Federal troops burned a warehouse and several frame buildings, where the rebels had encamped, on the north side of the river.

Doc. 18.

ST. LOUIS, Aug. 30, 1861.

CIRCUMSTANCES in my judgment are of sufficient urgency to render it necessary that the commanding General of this department should assume the administrative powers of the State. Its disorganized condition, helplessness of civil authority and the total insecurity of life, and devastation of property by bands of murderers and marauders, who infest nearly every county in the State, and avail themselves of public misfortunes, in the vicinity of a hostile force, to gratify private and neighborhood vengeance, and who find an enemy wherever they find plunder, finally demand the severest measures to repress the daily increasing crimes and . outrages, which are driving off the inhabitants and ruining the State.

their enemies in the field, is declared confiscated to public use, and their slaves, if any they have, are hereby declared free men.

All persons who shall be proven to have destroyed, after the publication of this order, railroad tracks, bridges, or telegraph lines, shall suffer the extreme penalty of the law. All persons engaged in treasonable correspondence, in giving or procuring aid to the enemy, in fermenting turmoil, and disturbing public tranquillity, by creating or circulating false reports, or incendiary documents, are warned that they are exposing themselves.

All persons who have been led away from allegiance, are required to return to their homes forthwith. Any such absence without sufficient cause, will be held to be presumptive evidence against them. The object of this declaration is to place in the hands of military authorities power to give instantaneous effect to the existing laws, and supply such deficiencies as the conditions of the war demand; but it is not intended to suspend the ordinary tribunals of the country, where law will be administered by civil officers in the usual manner, and with their customary authority, while the same can be peaceably administered.

The commanding General will labor vig ilantly for the public welfare, and, by his efforts for their safety, hopes to obtain not only acquiescence, but the active support of the people of the country. J. C. FREMONT, Major-General Commanding.

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