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| lost eight killed and about forty wounded-but few of them severely. I cannot understand why they lost no more under the furious fire which they met from the commencement to the

been won by our arms; for surely it was a vic-
tory for our army to drive six regiments of
rebels, with more powerful batteries than we
had in the fight, from a most formidable nat-
ural position, strengthened by palisades and in-close of the fight.
trenchments. We know Floyd had six regi-
ments, besides two companies of artillery and
considerable cavalry. But only six of his guns
were served the remainder being reserved in
position on his left, to protect him against a
flank movement. I don't presume that the
rebels believe it, but I know that we had not
exceeding 4,000 men, all told, in action.

Our troops immediately took possession of Floyd's camp, in which he had left his own personal baggage, that of his officers, and their parade stores, the baggage and blankets of private soldiers, large numbers of muskets, squirrel guns, powder, lead, cartridges, forage, large quantities of commissary stores, and some horses and wagons.

He took nothing with him, in fact, excepting his guns, part of his tents, and rations sufficient to carry him out of our way. It is ascertained that he threw at least a portion of his cannon into the Gauley, and a detachment of troops are now fishing for it. It was apparent that he met with infinite difficulty in crossing the river, and he lost some of his men by drowning. We have ascertained that the trestle bridge which he crossed was only completed the morning before battle. It seems fair to infer, therefore, that he expected a drubbing. The plunder of his camp, which is various, will be divided among the troops. Almost every officer in camp has been supplied with a rebel trunk. Colonel Smith has Floyd's trunk, his hat, and a pretty little haversack inscribed with the name of the famous J. B., &c.

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We do not know how much the enemy suffered. It is presumed that they lost considerably. One of their runaway negroes says they had fifty killed and many wounded. One of our recaptured friends of Tyler's regiment says they carried wagon loads of dead and wounded across the Gauley. A regard for truth prompts me to say that we found no dead within their lines, which goes to display their cowardice more conspicuously.

The conduct of our gallant Buckeye troopsfor they were exclusively from Ohio-is a theme of admiration. With the exception of a few who straggled from their commands after fiting a few rounds, the lads displayed not only the most eager courage, but "staying" qualities which would have delighted veterans. The generals were delighted with them. The Irish, the Germans, and the native-born emulated each other in the combat. The gallant Irish of the Tenth, and their daring leader, the chivalrous Lytle, were probably the most conspicuous in the field because they had the front by right of seniority. But they nobly established their claim to the post of honor. Many instances of personal pluck are related of them, but I have not time to relate them now. The regiment

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The Thirteenth was equally distinguished for pluck, dashing spirit, and sturdy endurance. Their colonel, W. S. Smith, displayed qualities which stamp him an able soldier. No man was braver. Lieut.-Col. Mason had his forefinger shot off, but enveloped it in a handkerchief and remained on the field. Major Hawkins also proved himself a brave and efficient soldier. I have already described the operations of the noble Dutch brigade, and of the artillery. The officers of each regiment exhibited coolness and steadfastness under the most trying circumstances. Col. McCook and Lieut.-Col. Sandershoff, of the Ninth; Col. Moor and Lieut.-Col. Becker, of the Twenty-eighth; Col. Porschner, of the Forty-seventh; Major R. B. Hayes, of the Twenty-third; Lieut.-Col. Korff and Major Burke, of the Tenth, and many company officers, distinguished themselves by their bravery and conduct. Nearly all the troops actually engaged are residents of Cincinnati. The blood of the Queen City may be relied upon. The "Bloody Tenth," known as the Irish regiment, is composed of six companies of Irishmen, two of Germans, and two of Americans. The personal courage of Gen. Rosecrans and Gen. Benham was conspicuous throughout. Indeed, I think they unwisely exposed themselves. The troops knew they were game as eagles, and there was no necessity for risking their lives in the very front of battle, two hundred yards from a battery which constantly vómited iron upon them.

That you may more thoroughly comprehend the formidable character of the rebel position, I transmit a rough outline, kindly sketched for me by Gen. Benham. Lest you cannot publish a diagram, I will describe it as briefly as possible.

The defences consist of a parapet battery, three hundred and fifty feet in the front and centre, flanked by breastworks of logs laid in direct line with the front, and curving back until they terminated on the cliffs of Gauley. The exterior slopes are screened by slanting rails. The defences are on the westward crest of a horse-shoe mountain, which mounts up precipitously on the west side of Gauley River, in front of Carnifex Ferry. They embrace almost a square mile of territory. The rear is protected by gigantic cliffs, shooting up in perpendicular line three hundred and fifty feet above the river, and where there are no cliffs the surface of the mountain, except on two narrow lines which lead to the ferry, are so steep and rugged that an armed man could not scale them if opposed with a broom-stick. The mountain curves off on either flank to similar cliffs, and the defences were carried to them. On the left, the position is comparatively accessible, and double lines of breast works were constructed-Col. Wharton occupying the ex

treme left, with a regiment of infantry and a battery. The lines on the right flank were carried down until they pitch off the rocks several hundred feet down. A trench, of course, protected the battery epaulement. Gauley River, a wild, roaring, beautiful torrent, also covers the rear perfectly. The rapids are dangerous above and below, but at the ferry the stream is wide and very deep. The interior of the works where the rebels are encamped is concave, excepting on the wings-the depression in the centre of the mountain forming a perfect cover against missiles, excepting shells. In front the mountain pitched off into a deep jungled ravine. On the right and left, however, there were ridges outside of the lines which were cleared and protected by abatis. The dense thickets and heavy forests in front so completely masked the position that it could not be seen at all until we ran directly into its embrace.

River to-day to pursue Floyd. The road on the mountain was destroyed by the rebels, to prevent pursuit, to such an extent that it will be difficult to restore it in less than two days. LYNCHBURG (VA.) “REPUBLICAN" ACCOUNT.

HEAD-QUARTERS, NEAR DOGWOOD GAP, Sept. 11, 1861. On Monday last we received intelligence of the advance of the enemy in heavy force from the direction of Sutton, along the Summersville road. On Tuesday morning Colonel McCauslin's regiment, which had been down at Suminersville as our advance, was driven in, and the enemy encamped fourteen miles distant from us. We expected him to drive in our pickets on Tuesday night and attack us on Wednesday morning; but, contrary to these expectations, he forced his march and drove in our pickets at two o'clock Tuesday. Our line of battle was at once formed behind our breastworks, and scarcely had all our forces We approached from the west. The ferry been placed in position before the enemy was road ran down into the ravine through the jun- seen swarming in the woods from one end of gle, and traversed the side of a hill, debouching our lines to the other. He approached with into a small cross ravine, in line with the para- great deliberation and firmness, and his central pet, two hundred yards off; a blind by-road, column emerged from the woods and above describing an irregular parabola, flew off eccen- the hills two hundred yards in front just fifteen trically from it, on the ridge from which we minutes after three o'clock. He approached arrived down the road to the ferry, and joined us from this point in double-quick time, eviit again in front, in full range of the rebel guns. dently intending to force our works at the About that point we first drew the rebel fire, point of the bayonet. At the first crack of where it was impossible for one to see the our rifles the gallant colonel, who led in front other. There is a corn-field just beyond, in the of his men on a splendid black charger, fell vicinity of which most of our casualties hap-dead to the earth, while the head of his colpened. Our entire approach was covered by the enemy's artillery, and accessible to their musket balls, though no aim could be taken, of course, through the dense foliage. But the rascals had practised at the bushes at the proper range, and by much firing in this manner they cut down many of our men before we could see any thing of them or even their works. It was an infernal position to assail without a perfect reconnoissance. Had we understood it beforehand, Mr. Floyd's army would have been non


I forgot to mention that we recaptured twentyfive wounded members of Col. Tyler's Seventh Ohio regiment at Cross Lanes, and took twelve prisoners, who were straggling about the mountain trying to cross the river.

The General desired to follow Floyd, but it was impossible to cross the river in time to do any good; besides, our men were too much exhausted. Since then the plunder has been collected and divided among the troops. Communication was opened immediately with Gauley Bridge, and we now have two lines of transportation open to the Ohio.

I do not know what will be done next, but it is reported that Lee attacked Gen. Reynolds at Cheat Mountain to-day.

We are encamped at the Cross Roads, two miles from the battle-field.


N. B.-McCook's brigade crossed Gauley

umn recoiled in utter confusion. The colonel's horse, as if unconscious of the fall of his rider, dashed up to our embankments and around them into our camp, and, from the inscriptions on the mountings of his pistols, proved to be Colonel Wm. H. Lytle's, of Cincinnati. I saw the daring officer fall from his horse, and he was certainly one of the bravest of the brave, for he sought "the bubble reputation" at the very cannon's mouth.

The enemy's columns now opened upon us along the whole of our centre and right, and for an hour the rattle of musketry and the thunder of our artillery were incessant and terrible.

The enemy was driven back and silenced for a moment, but came again to the fight, supported with five or six pieces of artillery, two of which were rifled cannon. For another hour and a half the battle raged with terrific fury, and again the enemy's guns were silenced and he driven from our view.

The sun was now fast sinking beyond the distant mountains, and we were strongly in hopes that the enemy had met his final repulse for the evening; but a few moments dispelled our illusion. For the third time the enemy came back to the conflict, with more violence and determination than before. He assailed us this time from one end of our lines to the other, and tried his best to flank us. For another hour and a half, and until the dark cur

tains of night closed in upon us, the fight raged | of Gauley, and not hazard an attack the next with intense fury. morning.

At first the range both of their small-arms and artillery was very bad, shooting entirely over our heads. The range of the cannon was especially bad; for, while their balls cut off | the tops and split open the giant oaks in our encampment, their shells, with few exceptions, burst high in the air, and full fifty yards in our rear. But when they came to the last charge they had gotten the range far better, and their balls began to plough up our embankments, while their shells broke directly over us in every direction and with terrible fury. The enemy seemed to be perfectly enraged at our obstinate resistance, and was determined to pour out the full vials of his wrath upon us.

The battle ceased at fifteen minutes past seven o'clock, having continued almost incessantly four long hours. Our men stood to their posts with astonishing coolness and courage. The only fault they committed during the battle was that of firing upon the enemy at too long a range and while too securely posted behind the dense forest trees which skirted our entire lines.

We did not lose a single man killed nor more than ten wounded. The enemy's loss could not be ascertained, but at one single spot, where Colonel Lytle fell, we counted thirtyseven dead bodies. The prisoners inform us that their loss was heavy, and from the fact that we silenced their guns three times, we are confident that this report is entirely true. The prisoners informed us that another colonel, whose name I do not remember, was badly, if not fatally, wounded, and his horse killed under bim.

Our officers acted with great coolness and bravery. The battle had raged but twenty minutes when our gallant General was very painfully wounded in the right arm, the ball entering near the elbow and passing out near the wrist, without breaking any bone. We retired him a short distance under the hill, and had the wound dressed by Surgeon Gleaves, and in ten minutes he was again moving along our lines, encouraging his men by his presence and his voice. At a latter stage of the fight a Minié ball tore through the lapel of his coat and another through the cantel of his saddle. Indeed, it is the wonder of all of us how he escaped death. None but his staff and surgeon knew he was wounded until the close of the fight. He is now suffering much pain.

I do not know the names of all our wounded, but Jno. Stone and Thomas W. Martin, of Captain Henley's company, Amherst, were the most severely hurt. None other of this company was hurt, and only one in Captain Snead's company-Bryant.

At the close of the fight a council of war was held, and, upon our knowledge of the enemy's strength, together with the information we received from our prisoners, it was determined to retire all our forces to the south side

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We learn from the prisoners that the enemy was nine regiments strong, with six pieces of artillery, and that they would be reinforced by General Cox in the morning, with two more regiments and two pieces of artillery. They also informed us that General Rosecrans commanded in person.

Our force was only one thousand seven hundred men, and, while we had strong reason to believe that we could maintain our position even against such terrible odds, we did not think it prudent to hazard so much.

We had despatched General Wise in the morning for reinforcements, and he had declined to send them for fear of an attack upon him by General Cox. We had also sent couriers for the North Carolina and Georgia regiments to come up, but it was impossible for them to reach us in time to support us.

At ten o'clock last night, therefore, our forces proceeded to retire from the position they had so heroically defended during the day, and by light this morning they were all safely and in order across the river, with all their baggage, &c., except some few things which were lost from neglect and want of transportation.

I had the misfortune to lose my horse and all my baggage, except my bed, saddle, bridle, pistols, and sword. At eight o'clock last night I was despatched to General Wise for reinforcements, and my friend, Captain Peters, very kindly mounted me on a fresh horse of his own, while I left mine in the camp. When I returned this morning I found my horse and trunk had been left by the servants, who were frightened across the river in advance of everybody else. I am, consequently, without a horse and without clothes, except what I have on. Had I been present I should have lost nothing.

My young friends, Adjutant Peter Otey, Captain Wm. H. Cook, and Captain Samuel Henry, also had the misfortune to lose their baggage, tents, and beds—all from neglect of the servants. We are now pitching our tents at this place, on the main Charleston road, about fifteen miles from Gauley Bridge, and fifty-five miles west of Lewisburg. General Wise is encamped at Dogwood Gap, a few miles above us, while a portion of his force holds the Ilawk's Nest, below us. It may not be prudent to say what our next move will be. Our men and officers, however, are in fine spirits, and feel that they, at least, have done their whole duty to themselves and their country. I think that the public and all military men will agree that both our fight and our fall back to the side of the river are among the most remarkable incidents in the history of war. Seventeen hundred men, with six inferior pieces of artillery, fought back four times their number, with much superior artillery, for more than four long hours, repulsed them three times, and remained masters of the ground.

They then retired their numbers, baggage, stores, and more than two hundred sick and wounded across the river, from ten P. M. to four A. M., along one of the steepest and worst single track roads that ever horse's hoof trod or man ever saw. Four o'clock found these men three miles from the enemy, with our newlyconstructed bridge destroyed and our boats sunk behind us. I think these facts show a generalship seldom exhibited anywhere.

and crept around the pickets, almost reaching the camp before an alarm was given. They made one rush at first up a ravine, but fell back, owing to the sharpness of the fire poured in upon them, and afterward they fired for some time from the cover of the trees and bushes. At length the Guard, seeing the danger of being overpowered by a superior force, were ordered to retreat by Sergeant Bay, which was effected down a bluff and up a ravine, each man taking his gun and scattering for himself.

Rev. Mr. McMahon, one of our most pious and worthy chaplains, from Smythe County, was along with the general and his staff dur- When Lieutenant Chandler first heard the ing the whole fight, and where the balls flew alarm, he undertook to reach his men, but was thickest. Dr. Gleaves, of Wytheville, has the prevented by an intervening force. A man fine pistol of Colonel Lytle, and Captain Step-fired on him with a pistol, wounding him in toe, of Bedford, his splendidly mounted saddle the arm. The lieutenant rushed for Captain and bridle. The fine horse was shot through Bennett's house, seized a rifle, and taking deand died. By the way, Dr. Gleaves was in the liberate aim at the man who had wounded him, fight, and exposed himself much in the dis-sent a bullet through his heart. The man gave charge of his surgical duties. General Floyd's a spring, threw up his arms, and fell backward tent, from which floated our glorious flag, was on his head. completely riddled with the balls of the enemy. Our young adjutant, Peter Otey, finding one of his men wounded, gallantly picked him up, and walked off with him in full face of the enemy's fire. The Hessians approached within thirty yards of Colonel Wharton's regiment, but were soon repulsed.

Doc. 22.

FIGHT AT BENNETT'S MILLS, MO. A CORRESPONDENT of the Missouri Democrat gives the following account of this affair:

ROLLA, September 3, 1861. From a gentleman who arrived here from Bennett's Mills last evening, we have further particulars of the attack made on the Dent County Home Guard, stationed at that place, by some three hundred and fifty rebels of Schnabel's regiment. The attack was made by the latter just at dawn of day on Sunday morning, when most of the Home Guard were absent, there being only thirty-eight men present in their sleeping-quarters, under the sheds in the rear of some corn cribs. Fourteen of the men were out on pickets, and twenty-five were absent making preparations to bring to Rolla the eighteen prisoners taken the day before. The officers, except Lieutenant Stewart and Sergeant Bay, were absent; Captain Bennett was away from home, and Lieutenant Chandler had just before gone up to the captain's house after some meal, when he was cut off from his command.

The enemy advanced stealthily in two divisions and fired on the small party of Home Guards, who, taken by surprise, caught up their guns and resisted the attack bravely for half an hour. The enemy made their appearance in a few moments after the alarm shots were heard of the pickets. The enemy, before advancing, had picketed their horses on the Salem road,

The number of the killed and wounded of the eneiny could not be ascertained. They filled a large Michigan wagon, belonging to Lieutenant Chandler, with the dead and wounded, and carried them off the field.

Of the Home Guard the following were known to be killed: A. G. Stewart, Second Lieutenant; Thos. J. Estes, private; mortally wounded: Joseph Laroue; the following were also wounded: George Counts, arm shattered; the man who first informed Capt. McFall's men of the fight; Wm. Counts, shot in thigh; Thomas Howe, shot in shoulder; Thomas Holmes, slightly wounded in side of head; Lieut. Chandler, flesh wound in arm; A. H. Tullock, wounded in abdomen.

The rebels perpetrated a singular blunder. They approached the house in which the eighteen prisoners, taken from them the day before, were confined, and the leader of the party say ing, "Here is a party of the d-d'abolitionists, give 'em h—İl,” fired in upon the latter and burst open the door.

Some of the prisoners were undoubtedly wounded, as groans were heard from the quarters in which they were confined. The manner in which the above prisoners were captured the day before by the Home Guard, was as follows:-They belonged to a party of thirtyfive men, organized at Kirkwood, St. Louis County, commanded by Capt. Robert Harwood, of that county. The guns carried by them belonged formerly to the St. Louis Grays. This company was passing through in quest of the rebel quarters, representing themselves as Unionists and carrying a United States flag.

Their true character being ascertained, they were attacked in separate squads about the vicinity, and eighteen of their men were captured as above stated. The balance fearing capture, after losing two killed, concealed their guns in a thicket, also forty-five pounds of powder, and dispersed toward Salem. A party of the Home Guard were preparing an expedition to search

for these guns on the morning of the attack at Bennett's Mills. The enemy decamped from the latter place after the fight, and no one was left but a few of the citizens and Capt. Bennett, who had returned. The rebels took away between thirty and forty horses belonging to the Home Guard.

No information has been received from Capt. McFall's detachment, which left here Sunday evening in pursuit of the above party.

Doc. 23.



YOUR National Government, compelled by a guilty conspiracy, culminating in causeless insurrection, is engaged in war for the security of liberty, for the supremacy of law, for the defence of Union, and for the maintenance of popular institutions. For means to defray the necessary expenses of this war, your Congress has directed that an appeal be made to you, by opening a subscription to a National Loan of one hundred and fifty millions of dollars.

Already the enlightened and patriotic capitalists of the great cities of New York, Boston, and Philadelphia have manifested their clear sense both of duty and interest, by the subscription of fifty millions of dollars.

The Act of Congress under which this subscription was received, wisely provides, however, that the advantages as well as the patriotic satisfaction of participation in this loan shall be offered, not to the capitalists of the great cities only, but to the people of the whole country.

In order to secure a substantial reward for their public spirit to those whose patriotism prompts them, in this hour of trial, to place their means at the disposal of the Government, Congress has directed that an interest of seven and three-tenths per centum be paid on the several amounts subscribed; an interest not liable to State taxation, but constituting for the subscribers a revenue, not only certain in receipt, but greater in amount than can be expected from any ordinary investment.

And, in order to afford to all citizens equal opportunities of participation in these advantages, Congress has further directed that subscriptions be received for sums as small as fifty dollars, as well as for larger amounts; and that, should the subscriptions exceed the whole sum desired, the smaller be preferred in the distribution.

Each subscriber, on payment of his subscription, will be entitled to receive Treasury notes of equal amount in such denominations as he may prefer, whether of fifty, one hundred, five hundred, one thousand, or five thousand dollars. The interest, at seven three-tenths per annum, will be, on the notes of fifty dollars, one cent; on one hundred dollars, two cents; on five hun-I

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dred dollars, ten cents; on one thousand dollars, twenty cents; and on five thousand dollars, one dollar each day.

All Treasury notes issued will bear date on the 19th of August, 1861, and will carry interest from that date. Each note will have coupons attached expressing the several amounts of semi-annual interest; which coupons may be detached from the note and presented for payment separately.

Each subscriber may pay the whole amount subscribed at the time of subscription, or, if he prefers to do so, may pay one-tenth at that time and one-third every twentieth day thereafter. At each payment the accrued interest on the amount from the 19th of August to the date of payment must also be paid; and the amounts of interest thus paid, will be reimbursed in the payment of the first coupon.

In order to secure, beyond peradventure, the punctual payment of interest and the gradual reduction of the principal, Congress has provided by law for an annual revenue amply sufficient not only for these purposes, but for the prompt payment of all demands on account of ordinary expenditures.

It will be seen at a glance that not only is the whole property of the country pledged for the interest and final reimbursement of this loan, but that an adequate specific proportion of the annual production is set apart, by taxation, for the redemption of this pledge. Prompt payment, beyond contingency, is thus ensured.

Nor can this taxation be thought great, when compared with the magnitude of the objects of the contest, or with the amount of property and production.

The objects are Union, popular Government, permanent peace, security at home, respect abroad; all imperilled by unprovoked rebellion. The intelligence of the people comprehends at once their magnitude. They rise above party. They belong to no Administration. They concern the whole country, during all time, under every Administration, and in every relation, foreign or domestic.

And the means for the attainment of these great objects can be readily supplied from the property and production of the country. The real and personal values in the United States reach the vast aggregate of sixteen thousand millions of dollars; and in the States now loyal to the Union this aggregate is eleven thousand millions.

The yearly surplus earnings of the loyal people are estimated, by intelligent persons conversant with such investigations, at more than four hundred millions of dollars; while the well-considered judgments of military men of the highest rank and repute warrant a confident expectation that the war, prosecuted with energy, courage, and skill, may be brought to a termination before the close of the next spring; in which event, the cost, beyond the revenue, will hardly exceed the amount of the two hundred and fifty millions loan authorized by Con

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