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his duty to open and shut up the shop, and prepare it for the reception of customers. This he did at the exact hour, and it became a common remark that there needed no clock in High-street, for the time was ascertained by the regularity of Theophilus Meredith, in opening and shutting Mr. Bellamy's shop.

He never exceeded his time of returning to his master's house in the evening. Often have his friends pleaded that five minutes extra would be no object, and that his master would not be displeased if he now and then passed the limits; but no entreaties could prevail. "I must be punctual," said he, "or I cannot expect to have the confidence and esteem of my master."

His apprenticeship being terminated, he entered into an engagement with Mr. Bellamy, as the superintendent of his concerns, and in time he succeeded to the business. He felt the weight of responsibility, and soon found the anxiety and care of a master; but his habits were formed, and his determination fixed. In his appointments at 'Change, and in all his engagements of a commercial nature, Mr, Theophilus Meredith was exact to a minute, except some unavoidable circumstance intervened, or he was detained by sickness. Nor was be less so in religious concerns. The duties of private and family prayer were not neglected, and his family collected on the Lord's-day morning to repair to the house of God. Such was Theophilus; he lived respected, and died lamented by all lovers of piety and integrity. Let his conduct be imitated by our juvenile readers, and let them remember that the acquirement of a good habit in early life is of great advantage in mature age.

There are on the other hand those who are always uncertain; regardless of their promises, faithless to their engagements, they are full of apologies and excuses. A treacherous memory, a press of business, or the entrance of a friend, at once obliterates all previous engagements, and renders null and void their promises and vows. What aching hearts have many parents experienced in consequence of the irregularities of their children! How many customers have been lost by the want of punctuality in shopmen! how many families are distracted by the want of regularity in their servants, and how many souls have been lost for want of a due attention to the Scriptures, and a punctual regard to their injunctions?-" Now is the accepted time, now is the day of salvation."

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Ar the distance of five versts* to the North of Kherson, stands the original monument of the prince of Christian philanthropists, the illustrious Howard, who, after travelling 50,000 British miles, to investigate and relieve the sufferings of humanity, fell a victim, near this place, to his unremitting exertions in this benevolent

* A verst is about one mile and a half, English.

no more.

cause. It is situate a little to the East of the public road leading from Nikslaief to Kherson, near the Southern bank of a small stream, which here diffuses a partial verdure across the steppe.* On the opposite bank are a few straggling and ruinous huts, and close by is a large garden, sheltered by fine lofty trees, which have been planted to beautify the villa once connected with it, but now The spot itself is sandy, with a scanty sprinkling of vegetation, and is only distinguishable from the rest of the steppe by two brick pyramids, and a few graves in which the neighbouring peasantry have interred their dead-attracted, no doubt, by the report of the singular worth of the foreign friend whose ashes are here deposited. One of the pyramids is erected over the dust of our countryman, and the other over the grave of a French gentleman who revered his memory, and wished to be buried by his side.

The genuine humility of Howard prompted him to choose this sequestered spot, and it was his anxious desire that neither monument nor inscription, but simply a sun-dial, should be placed over his grave. This cenotaph is erected at a short distance from the Russian cemetery, and close to the public road. It is built of a compact white freestone, found at some distance, and is about thirty feet in height, surrounded by a wall of the same stone, seven feet high by 200 in circumference. Within this wall, in which is a beautiful cast-iron gate, a fine row of Lombardy poplars has been planted, which, when fully grown, will greatly adorn the monument. On the pedestal is a Russian inscription of the following import:

"Died January 28, 1790, aged 65, HOWARD." A sun-dial is represented near the summit of the pillar, but with this remarkable circumstance-that the only divisions of time it exhibits are the hours from X. to II. as if to intimate that a considerable portion of the morning of life is past, ere we enter on the discharge of its active duties, and that, with many, the performance of them is closed, even at an early hour after the meridian of our days.-Henderson's Biblical Researches in Russia.

R. C.

* A steppe is a high, uncultivated plain, and, for the most part, destitute of inhabitants.


ANN HOLT was the eldest daughter of Dr. Holt, late of Colchester. She was never very healthy, and the greater part of her life was subject to painful disease; but it was not until her last residence at Colchester, when she was placed under the care of a lady, for whose kind and pious attention she always expressed herself most grateful, that her situation caused alarm in the minds of her friends for her safety.

At this period her symptoms appeared so dangerous, that her dear mother being sent for, found it necessary to remove her home to Kingsland, where she arrived in a most exhausted condition, on the 13th of March, 1828.

Here, on being told to pray, she said, "I do not know what I should have done while at school, and since, if it had not been for prayer."

March 18th. Early in the morning, while in bed, very sick and ill, ber mother asked, " if her mind was reconciled to it, supposing she should not recover?" she said "Yes." Being asked why?" she said, "Because I think I shall go to heaven." "What reason have you to think so?"-"Through the merits of Jesus Christ, and because He died for sinners." During the evening of the same day, after being silent for some time, wishing to bring on useful conversation, her mother asked her suddenly, " if she would not be glad to be well, and at school, rather than lying there on the sofa all day?" She first smiled, and said "Yes," then-" she did not know! for she thought her affliction had been for her good." Being asked "if she should think her affliction for her good, if she never recovered?" "More so than to recover, if it should not be sanctified."

April 9th. Her mother having expressed her fears that she should never be well again, she seemed surprised, (having been, in some respects, much better since her return home) and shed a few tears, and then said, "The Lord knows best." Soon after, being asked how she felt her mind? she replied, "Very happy! I think I shall go to heaven-there I shall be better off."


11th. After putting her to bed, she said, " she would not exchange her condition with the king!" Why not?" "Because I think I shall go to heaven." "What makes you think so?" She said, "Because Jesus died for sinners."

Other foundation of hope for a guilty sinner, whether old or young, can no man lay; it is that which God hath laid in Zion for the faith and hope of the perishing, to which all do well to give earnest heed.

May 20th. When putting her to bed, she said she was very happy in her mind. Being asked why? she said--" Because I think I shall go to heaven." She was asked "if she would be very happy if she was really called to die?" she said " I think I should."

When her mother was sitting by her on the sofa, she drew her near to her, and whispered she should not be long here, but that she felt quite happy.

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23d. When she was put to bed at night, she said she would not be without her affliction for all the world.

25th. Her mother asked her how long she had been in the habit of praying? she said-" As well as I can recollect, the first time I deviated from my customary prayer, (which she had gabbled over like other children) was while with my aunt."-She requested to be allowed to remain on her knees, and say something privately, for the restoration of her poor papa's health. She was asked, what induced her afterwards? she said, "her afflicted state, for she frequently thought if she should die, what would become of her; adding, that satan often tempted her to think that God was not faithful to his promises, in granting what she asked, as she did not get well."

In this case she had either forgotten, or had not known, that God has no where promised constant health, or that we should not die; and that what he has not expressly promised we must ask with humble submission to his will, either to give or withhold as seemeth good to his infinite wisdom.

Being asked if she never had fears about her eternal safety? she said " she had fears about it some time ago, but not lately, and that she knew she should go to heaven."

While exceedingly weak and exhausted, she said, the only reason that could make her wish to recover was, to be a blessing to her mother, and to repay her, in some measure, for her kindness and attention to her; but she hoped they should spend a long eternity together.

The same day, while having her forehead and hands bathed with vinegar, being very faint, she said she knew she should go to heaven. If so, she was told, it should make her and her parents bless and adore Jehovah. She answered by turning up her eyes in acquiescence, and smiling. Being asked "if Jesus was very precious to her on that account?" she said, "Oh yes!"

July 9th. A few days before she died, she said-" His chariot wheels will not be long coming; but I have said so, so often!"

10th. Her mother gave her the last bitter medicine, saying, "Here, dear, take this bitter, it will soon be all sweet." She then repeated, with difficulty, the following verse:

"Since all that I meet shall work for my good,
The bitter is sweet, the med'cine is food;

Though painful at present, 'twill cease before long,
And then, oh how pleasant the conqueror's song!"

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12th. Being asked, if she felt comfortable? she said "Yes!" you feel Jesus supporting you?" she said, "Yes! He will support me to the end." "Would you not like to recover? "-" If I did, it would be to be of use to you." What shall I do without you?"" The Lord will support you; I know He will, for I have prayed to him to do so." "Very likely you have imbibed your disease from your parents?" she said, "Oh no, it is sin."

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