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Borne on wings of faith he flies
To a sphere beyond the skies;
Hears the blessed ransom'd throng
Sing the everlasting song,
Hoping soon himself to be
Mingled in their company.

Seize, O seize the op'ning year
Heed not heaving sigh nor tear,
Let not visionary joy
Early days of life employ.
Ere the verge of time is past
Seek a refuge from the blast;
Ere destruction's fatal shock,
Seek, O seek the shelt'ring Rock.

W. D.


TRUE faith, producing love to God and man,
Say, echo, is not this the gospel plan?

Echo, The gospel plan.

When men combine to hate and treat me ill,
Must I return them good, and love them still?

Echo, Love them still.

If they my failings causelessly reveal,
Must I their faults as carefully conceal?

Echo, Carefully conceal.

But if my name and character they tear,
And cruel malice, too, too plain appear;
And when I sorrow and affliction know
They love to add unto my cup of woe;
Say, echo, say, in each peculiar case,
Must I continue still to love and bless?

Echo, Still to love and bless.

Why, echo, how is this, thou'rt sure a dove,
Thy voice will leave me nothing else but love?

Echo, Nothing else but love.

Amen, with all my heart, then be it so,
And now to practice I'll directly go.

Echo, Directly go.

This path be mine, and let who will reject,
My gracious God will surely me protect.

Echo, Surely will protect.

Henceforth on Him I'll cast my ev'ry care,
And friends or foes embrace them all in prayer.

Echo, Embrace them all in prayer.



WHAT are the worldling's highest gains;
The payment of his weary race ?
A life of toil at length obtains,
Possession of a burial-place.

Then quietly Ambition leaves,

For ever leaves, her restless chase,
When at the end her hand receives,
Possession of a burial-place.

Insatiate Avarice lays aside
Her sordid passions, mean and base,
When all her anxious cares provide,
Possession of a burial-place.

And Pleasure's votary here obtains
The end he labour'd to embrace:
The gayest mansion which he gains,
Possession of a burial-place.

And is it all that you require,

O thoughtless, O unhappy race!
Is this your grand, your sole desire,
Possession of a burial-place?

Is it for this you forfeit heaven,
And fix on earth your eager gaze,
That to your hand there may be given,
Possession of a burial-place?

O that the Lord would raise your mind,
To seek him in this hour of grace,
That, thro' the Saviour, you may find
A hope, beyond the burial-place.

S. S. S.

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Evangelical Miscellany.



THIS is a fair sample of the appearance and condition of some forty millions of peasantry, subject to British rule-very poor, as their appearance sufficiently indicates, at least in those points where an Englishman places his ideas of comfort and pros. perity-yet not so poor, and not by any means so rude and wild, as their scanty dress and simple habitations would at first lead an Englishman to imagine. The silver ornaments which the young woman wears round her ancles, arms, forehead, and in her nose, joined to the similar decorations on her children's arms, would more than buy all the clothes and finery of the smartest servant girl in England; and the men are, in all probability, well taught in reading and writing, after their own manner, while the little boy, perhaps, is one of my scholars, and could cast an account, and repeat the Lord's Prayer, with any child of the same age in England. The plant which overshadows the cow and goat is a bamboo-the tall palm in the distance is a coco-that which hangs over the old mother of the family is a plantain-and the creeper on the thatched cottage, a beautiful fastgrowing gourd, of the very kind, I could fancy, which obtained so fast hold on Jonah's affections. VOL. II. 3d SERIES.


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