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Behold the Cot where thrives the industrious swain,
Source of his pride, his pleasure, and his gain;
Screen'd from the winter's wind, the sun's last ray
Smiles on the window and prolongs the day;
Projecting thatch the woodbine's branches stop,
And turn their blossoms to the casement's top:
All need requires is in that cot contain'd,
And much that taste untaught and unrestrain'd
Surveys delighted; there she loves to trace,
In one gay picture, all the royal race;
Around the walls are heroes, lovers, kings;
The print that shows them, and the verse that sings.
"To every cot the lord's indulgent mind
Has a small space for garden-ground assign'd;
Here-till return of morn dismiss'd the farm-
The careful peasant plies the sinewy arm,
Warm'd as he works, and casts his look around
On every foot of that improving ground:
It is his own he sees; his master's eye
Peers not about, some secret fault to spy;
Nor voice severe is there, nor censure known ;-
Hope, profit, pleasure,-they are all his own.
Here grow the humble cives, and, hard by them,
The leek with crown globose and reedy stem;
High climb his pulse in many an even row,
Deep strike the ponderous roots in soil below;
And herbs of potent smell and pungent taste,
Give a warm relish to the night's repast,
Apples and cherries grafted by his hand,

And clustering nuts for neighbouring market stand.
"Nor thus concludes his labour; near the cot,
The reed-fence rises round some fav'rite spot;
Where rich carnations, pinks, with purple eyes,
Proud hyacinths, the least some florist's prize.
"Here on a Sunday eve, when service ends,
Meet and rejoice a family of friends;
And speak aloud, are happy and are free
And glad they seem, and gaily they agree.
APRIL, 1840.


J. A.

"What, though fastidious ears may shun the speech.
Where all are talkers, and where none can teach :
Where still the welcome and the words are old,
And the same stories are for ever told;

Yet theirs is joy that, bursting from their heart,
Prompts the glad tongue these nothings to impart ;
That forms these tones of gladness we despise,
That lifts their steps, that sparkles in their eyes;
That talks, or laughs, or runs, or shouts, or plays,
And speaks in all their looks and all their ways,"





BEAUTIFUL Celia !-you do not yet know your tenderest lover! Your enchanting beauty has collected around you a swarm of cringing slaves; but they do not love you. How little must you comprehend your own value, if you should become proud in consequence of their attentions! They do not love you, Celia. It is a grosser feeling that animates their rivalry. Each one of your charms in their eyes promises its own peculiar zest, its own peculiar rapture. These suitors regard you in the same light as Eve considered the apple, which appeared to her delightful to the eye, and yet more so to the taste. But I, who never saw you with my physical eyes, I can only consider you with my mental vision; and this reveals, beneath your earthly form, something more beautiful than beauty itself. Flowers, pictures, and statues I may admire, but this heavenly gift, which elevates your visible presence as much above all other beauties, as an angel excels a butterfly, this divine possession entirely captivates my heart. Without flattering you, (for wherefore should an ethereal lover, a genius, flatter?) I will direct your attention to more noble objects than the untiring worshippers of your youthful charms can place before you. I would wish to inspire your heart with an elevated pride, that will place you far beyond each rosy-cheeked maiden, in whom either nature or education has forgotten to elaborate the chiefest perfection; whose whole history may be summed up in a few words; who bloom, are plucked, and wither. Reflect, that you are advancing to an age, when the world will consider you either with approving or censorious eyes. Your beauty will attract toward you an attention which mere beauty is not worthy of. It is time, therefore, that you should learn the true object of your existence. If the force of sympathy is

rightly comprehended by me, reflection is at this moment whispering to your soul that which I now think.

Lovely Celia, the whole world is a shadow; a reflection of immortality, which alone is eternal and divine. Your soul is the image of the Divinity, your person the image of your soul. These colours, these graces, are the lustre with which it invests the body, and by means of which it should effect its proper objects. Beauty is a promise by which the soul is bound to entertain no thought that is not great, noble, and elevating. It is the talisman by which others should be made attentive to the lessons of virtue. For one possessed of beauty should be a tutoress; teaching by the example that she sets. Virtue, which, invested with beauty, moves among mankind, enters into their interests and passions, and is plainly to be observed by them; pleases more, touches more tenderly, and drives its arrows deeper into the heart, than when arrayed in all the imposing wisdom of the schools, or in the enchanting diction of a Richardson. Modesty appears more engaging, when it blushes upon lovely cheeks; the expression of feelings that betray a gentle disposition and goodness of heart, sounds more sweetly when proceeding from ruby lips; and how does a beautiful eye enrapture us, when, beaming with earnest, undissembled emotion, it is raised in prayer toward the throne of the Almighty, and the pious reflections that well forth from the devout mind, are revealed with a bright and dazzling splendour in its glances! If wisdom, if innocence, if humility, if the noble sentiments which belief in the religion of Christ induces, operates with all their power upon hearts already softened and overcome by mere personal beauty, how can they do otherwise than admire this higher excellence? And in each elevated soul, from admiration will arise love, from love, emulation. O, Celia! what a benefactress to mankind could you not become! How many fools you might shame, who are not able to believe that unconquerable virtue may reside in a tender heart, at the same time with youth! How many could you not oblige to honour virtue against their will! How many who once feared her, would then, attracted by your charms, view her more closely, and consent to worship at her shrine ! How would the mere rarity of the sight attract attention! The world would believe that it was an angel appearing among men, to teach them by example. Then, perhaps, beauty and wisdom, when united, might touch those thoughtless persons who are too foolish to love virtue for its own sake. O, Celia! disappoint not the design of the Creator who formed thee! Do

not so employ the graces of your person, that they will be but syrens, inviting us to death!

Forgive, forgive, O, beautiful friend! my honest earnestness. I know that you would rather lose all the lustre of your charms, than that a moral deformity should be concealed behind so beautiful a mask; the venom of the serpent lie hidden beneath the flowers. I see even more. A noble thirst for knowledge flashes from your eyes. An awaking consciousness of the dignity of your own nature, a crowd of lofty presentiments, excite the pulses of your heart. You despise the male insects which flutter around you, in whatsoever garb they may choose to glitter. You long after the applause of the king and ruler of the world, who alone dives into the labyrinth of our inclinations, and alone is fitted to judge of our actions. With how novel a beauty will you enhance our now deformed world! How much will all the friends of virtue love you! What a heaven will that fortunate person, to whom destiny shall award you as a reward for his virtue, find in your possession! How blessed will be the lot of those, whom with maternal care you shall rear in the paths of innocence and virtue! You will be as a venerated Shirley when the hand of time shall whiten your locks; and although age may deprive your cheeks of their roses, it will never be able to efface the harmonious expression of your features.


THE approach of spring has as yet brought little change in promenade costume; indeed, in a climate so variable as ours, we could not expect much. Cloaks are, however, beginning to give way to shawls and mantelets; and we have reason to believe that as the season advances the latter will resume their vogue. Velvet bonnets are less numerous. A few drawn ones composed of satin have appeared, but we doubt very much whether they will be in vogue during the spring; at all events we should not recommend them, for there is no doubt that though they may be adopted, they will not be decidedly the mode.

This month, which may be called the interregnum of la Mode, is generally in carriage dress, a partial renewal of the autumnal fashions. This year Cachemere shawls take the lead those with blue grounds and superb Turkish patterns are most numerous. We have seen also several mantelets trimmed with swansdown or black lace. Some very elegant car

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riage bonnets have just appeared; they are composed of pale pink satin, and trimmed round the crown with a wreath of wild roses formed of velvet of a full shade of rose colour; the interior of the brim is decorated with tulle and velvet, of a corresponding hue. A light voilette of English point lace edges the brim and completes the trimming.

As the winter advances to its close, the toilettes are always more brilliant; nothing, indeed, can exceed the splendour of full dress at present. We may cite among the most novel robes, those composed of plain satin, either white or some light colour; the corsage cut very low round the top, and draped either in the Tyrolienne or Grecian style. A mantilla of point d'Alencon or point d'Angleterre, encircles the back and shoulders; it is agraffed by an open-worked trimming, formed of very small satin rouleaux interlaced. The sleeves are tight at the top, with a bouillon at the bottom, and pagodas ornamented with the same trimming; a band of it, but much broader, encircles the skirt. The materials of robes continue the same; but velvet ones are not so generally worn. Black satin, lace, and moire are all in request. Lace dresses are worn both over black satin and coloured satin: the latter are not at present very generally adopted, but they will be more in favour if black lace continues to be fashionable, as it is expected to be, in the early part of the summer. Several of these dresses are made with the corsages en cœur, the cœur formed of crossed drapery; it is trimmed with a row of lace falling over à l'enfant. The skirt is ornamented down one side by a row of broad black lace, a double ground, and an antique pattern; it is looped at regular distances by small sprigs of green velvet fol age and gold berries. The sleeves are formed of bias bouillons terminated by engageantes; they are traversed by a wreath similar to the garniture, and which also loops the engageantes. A style of trimming that has been much admired, and we think with justice, for the effect is very novel, is composed of English point lace: a row turned in a sort of corkscrew direction is placed in the form of a broken cone down each side of the front of the skirt,-roses, without foliage, placed under the lace are partially concealed by its folds. We should observe that this trimming gradually increases in size as it descends from the waist to the bottom of the skirt. The Berthe and engageantes are always of lace to correspond.

Caps retain their vogue: they are at once so various and so pretty, that it would be a thousand pities they should not. We shall cite as one of the most elegant novelties of the day,

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