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thy way, and as thou hast BELIEVED, fo be it done unto thee. And his Servant was healed in the felf-fame Hour.

[Z.] And they that were fent, returning to the House, found the Servant whole that had been fick.

CHRIST returns to the Sea of Galilee, and cures one that was deaf and dumb.

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[Mr.JA and Sidon, he came unto the Sea of Galilee,

AND again departing from the Coafts of Tyre

through the midst of the Coast of Decapolis. And they bring unto him one that was Deaf, and had an Impediment in his Speech: and they befeech him to put his Hand upon him. And he took him afide from the Multitude, and put his Fingers into his Ears, and he fpit, and touched his Tongue. And looking up to Heaven, he fighed, and faid unto him, Ephphatha, that is, Be opened. And ftraightway his Ears were opened, and the String of his Tongue was loofed, and he fpake plain. And he charged them that they fhould tell no Man: but the more he charged them, fo much the more a great deal they published it. [M.] And he went up into a Mountain, and fat down there. And great Multitudes came unto him, having with them thofe that were LAME, BLIND, DUMB, MAIMED, and many others, and caft them down at Jefus Feet, and he healed them: Infomuch that the Multitude wondred when they faw the, DUMB to fpeak, the MAIMED to be whole, the LAME to walk, and the BLIND to fee. [Mr.] And were beyond measure aftonifhed, faying, He hath done all Things well: he maketh both the Deaf to hear, and the Dumb to fpeak. [M.] And they glorified the God of Ifrael.

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An infirm Woman healed on the Sabbath



Luke A ND he was teaching in one of the Synagogues xiii. 10. on the Sabbath. And behold, there was a Woman which had a SPIRIT of INFIRMITY eighteen. Years, and was bowed together, and could in no wife lift. her felf. And when Jefus faw her, he called her to him, and faid unto her, Woman, thou art loofed from thine INFIRMITY. And he laid his Hands on her, and immediately fhe was made ftraight, and glorified God. And the Ruler of the Synagogue anfwered with Indignation, because that Jefus had healed on the Sabbath Day, and faid unto the People, There are fix Days in which Men ought to work in them therefore come and be healed, and not on the Sabbath Day. The Lord then anfwered him, and faid, Thou HYPOCRITE, doth not each one of you on the Sabbath loofe his Ox or his Afs from the Stall, and lead him away to Watering? And ought not this Woman, being a Daughter of Abraham, whom SATAN hath bound, lo thefe eighteen Years, be loofed from this Bond on the Sabbath Day? And when he had faid thefe Things, all his Adverfaries were afhamed: And all the People rejoiced for all the GLORIOUS THINGS that were done by him.

CHRIST, in the Pharifee's Houfe, heals one of the Dropfy on the Sabbath Day.

Luke AND it came to pafs, as he went into the House

xiv. 1. of one of the chief Pharifees on the Sabbath Day, that they watched him. And behold, there was a certain Man before him which had the DROPSY. And Fefus anfwering, fpake unto the Lawyers and Pharifees, faying, Is it lawful to Heal on the Sabbath Day? And they held their Peace. And he took him, and healed him, and let him go and answered them, faying, Which of you


fhall have an Afs or an Ox fallen into a Pit, and will not ftraightway pull him out on the Sabbath Day? And they could not answer him again to thefe Things.

JESUS on the Sabbath Day cures him that had an Infirmity Thirty eight Years, and lay at the Pool of Bethefda. At which the Jews being enraged, and Seeking to kill him, JESUS avows his Deity, that all Judgment was committed to him, and that whofoever believed on him, fhould have everlasting Life. And that he was the promis'd Meffiah, of whom Mofes wrote.

John AFTER this there was a Feaft of the Jews, and V. I. Jefus went up to Jerufalem.

2. Now there is at Ferufalem by the Sheep-Market, a Pool, which is called in the Hebrew Tongue, Bethesda, having five Porches.

3. In thefe lay a great Multitude of Impotent Folk, of Blind, Halt, Withered, waiting for the Moving of the Water.

4. For an Angel went down at a certain Seafon into the Pool, and troubled the Water: whofoever then first after the Troubling of the Water ftepped in, was made whole of whatfoever Difeafe he had.

5. And a certain Man was there, which had an INFIRMITY THIRTY and EIGHT Years.

6. When Jefus faw him lie, and knew that he had been now a long Time in that Cafe, he faith unto him, Wilt thou be made WHOLE?

7. The IMPOTENT Man answered him, Sir, I have no Man, when the Water is troubled, to put me into the Pool:


but while I am coming, another steppeth down before me. 8. Jefus faith unto him, RISE,take up thy Bed, and walk. 9. And immediately the Man was made WHOLE, and took up his Bed, and walked and on the fame Day was the Sabbath.


10. The Jews therefore faid unto him that was cured, It is the Sabbath Day; it is not lawful for thee to carry thy Bed.

11. He answered them, He that made me whole, the fame faid unto me, Take up thy Bed, and WALK.

12. Then asked they him, What Man is that which said unto thee, Take up thy Bed, and walk?

13. And he that was healed, wift not who it was: for Jefus had conveyed himself away, a Multitude being in that Place.

14. Afterward fefus findeth him in the Temple, and faid unto him, Behold, thou art made whole: SIN no more, left a WORSE THING Come upon


15. The Man departed, and told the Jews that it was Jefus that had made him whole.

16. And therefore did the Jews PERSECUTE Jefus, and fought to SLAY him, becaufe he had done thefe Things on the Sabbath Day.

17. But Jefus anfwered them, My Father worketh hitherto, and I WORK.

18. Therefore the Jews fought the more to kill him, because he not only had broken the Sabbath, but faid alfo, that GoD was his FATHER, making himself EQUAL with GOD *.

19. Then answered Jefus, and faid unto them, Verily, verily I fay unto you, The Son can do nothing of himfelf, but what he feeth the Father do: for what Things foever he doth, thefe alfo doth the Son likewife.

20. For the Father loveth the Son, and fheweth him all Things that himself doth: and he will fhew him greater WORKS than thefe, that ye may marvel.

21. For as the Father RIASETH up the DEAD, and quickneth them: even fo the Son quickneth whom he will. 22. For (a) the Father JUDGETH no Man; but hath committed all JUDGMENT unto the Son:

(a) Ats xvii. 31. Because he hath appointed a DAY in the which he will JUDGE the World in Righteousness, by that MAN whom he hath or dained; whereof he hath given Af

furance unto all Men, in that he hath RAISED him from the DEAD. 23. That

* See the Proofs of CHRIST's Divinity, page 2.

23. That all Men fhould HONOUR the Son, even as they HONOUR the Father. He that honoureth not the Son, honoureth not the Father which

hath fent him.

24. Verily, verily (b) Ifay unto you, He that heareth my WORD, and believeth on him that fent me, hath everlafting LIFE, and shall not come into CONDEMNATION; but is paffed from Death unto Life.

25. Verily, verily I fay unto you, (c) The Hour is coming, and now is, when theDEAD fhall hear the Voice of the Son of GOD; and they that hear, fhall LIVE.

26. For as the Father hath LIFE in himfelf; fo hath he given to the Son to have LIFE in himfelf;

27. And hath given him AUTHORITY to execute

JUDGMENT alfo, because he

is the Son of Man.

28. Marvel not at this: for the Hour is coming, in the which all that are in the Graves fhall hear his Voice,

29. And fhall come forth, they that have done GooD, unto the Refurrection of LIFE; and they that have done EVIL, unto the Refurrection of DAMNATION.


30. I (d) can of mine own felf do nothing: as I hear, I judge and my JUDGMENT is JUST; becaufe I feek not mine own Will, but the Will of the Father which hath fent me.

31. If I bear witnefs of my felf,

(b) John xvii. 1. Thefe Words

fpake Jefus; and lift up his Eyes to Heaven, and faid, Father, the Hour is come, GLORIFY thy Son, that thy Son alfo may GLORIFY thee.

2. As thou haft given him PowER Over all Flefh, that he should give Eternal LIFE to as many as thou hast given him.

3. And this is LIFE Eternal, that they might KNOW thee the only true Gon, and Fefus Chrift whom thou haft fent.

2 Tim. i. 9. Who hath SAVED us, and called us with an HOLY CALLING, not according to our Works, but according to his own Purpose and GRACE which was given us in Chrift-Jefus, before the WORLD began,

10. But is now made MANIFEST

by the Appearing of our SAVIOUR Jefus Chrift, who hath abolifhed DEATH, and hath brought LIFE and IMMORTALITY to light,through the Gospel.

(c) Ephef. ii. 1. And you hath he quickned, who were dead in TRES


walked according to the Courfe of this World, according to the Prince of the POWER of the AIR, the SPIRIT that now worketh in the

2. Wherein in Time past ye

Children of Disobedience.

3. Among whom also we all had our Converfation in Times past, in the LUSTS of our Flesh, fulfilling Mind; and were by Nature the the Defires of the Flesh, and of the Children of Wrath, even as others.

4. But God, who is RICH in with he loved us, MERCY, for his great Love where

5. Even when we were DEAD in

SIN, hath QUICKNED us together faved). with Chrift, (by GRACE ye are

(d) Heb. x. 30. For we know him that hath faid, Vengeance belongeth unto me, I will recompenfe, faith the LORD. And again, The LORD fhall JUDGE his People. 31. It

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