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Thus is the supreme architect of the world bandied about by hypocrites and tyrants; and thus will imposture and fraud continue to insult and triumph over the common sense of mankind, till reason shall assume a bold, a commanding tone; till religion shall be placed upon its only true and legitimate basis, moral virtue.

We doubt very much that the Supreme Being ever interferes in the murdersøme wars which mankind are so weak and wicked as to wage against each other. If he did, we must believe he would in this instance, join the crescent against the cross; for the war on the part of the christian emperor appears to us to have been commenced without the smallest justifiable pretext.* Mussulmen are prohibited by the Korun from undertaking a war of aggression, and permitted to fight only in self defence. "Fight for the religion of God against those who fight against you, but transgress not by attacking them first, for God loveth not the transgressors." Korun, vol. 1, p. 34.

The Jewish scriptures teach a doctrine somewhat different, viz: to exterminate all the enemies of God, that is, all who are not Jews. And christians, by adopting these scriptures as the word of God, have been induced too much to follow the examples therein set forth.


Issued by the Grand Sultan, at Pera, Juty 19, 1810.

"To my first chief of the Belief, the high Pontiff of the mortals (Mufti,) to my brave Caimacian Pacha, my eminent

* The most modest and prudent method of supplicating the Deity in war, appears to us to be according to the manner of a Scotch general, who on the eve of a battle, made the following address. "Blessed Laird, thou kenest fu' weell, that though we are sinners, our enemies are na saints, therefore if thou be na for us, be na against us; but stand thou at a distance, and let the arm of flesh decide.”

ministers, my worthy teachers and professors of theology, explainers of the Koran, and of tradition, my Imaus, the great of my court, my seven military corps, all Agas (Commanders) officers and soldiers, my servants, &c.

"After my imperial greeting, it is necessary to inform you, that treacherous Muscovites, these enemies to faith, continue in their resolution, to bring their devices, which their depraved souls have invented, more in execution. They have invested imperial cities and fortresses with war, and further overrun the territory of the true believers. They are not satisfied with putting Mahomet's adherants, without distinction of age and sex, in chains, wherever they come, and to drive many of our plundered brethren naked from their homes to seek a shelter in the wilderness, where nothing but shame, poverty, and misery follow them; but these Muséovites offer such cruel and unacceptable proposals, that it is impossible to perceive any desire of an approach in them, but on the contrary, the forerunners of their destructive designs are legible in every line, besides a seeming challenge to an everlasting war. I for my part embrace, instead of enduring so great a shame, with a stand, and with an unbounded confidence, as the anchor of our hope and our welfare, the two following sentences of the Koran:

"God has in this moment left you for a while, because he knew you were weak; but if you can only count an hun-dred brave and courageous men among you, then you will with the help of God, beat two hundred enemies." In another part says God to the prophet, "Assemble the true believers for battle round about you, if there are twenty firm and brave men, they will conquer two hundred, and if there are an hundred, they will beat a thousand."

“I intreat the assistance of the most high: I pray for the spiritual influence of the prophet; I hasten to the field of victory, ready to head in person the van guard of the Mussel


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“As soon as this my resolution will be known, prepare for this imperial campaign, and assist me to order every thing.

"I have only to add, that as I am marching against the enemy, it is not my aim to attribute the fruits of our vietories to myself. The only aim of my ambition is to let the faith of Mahomet triumph, to frustrate the devices of our enemies, and if possible to contribute to the fulfilling of his holy will. Though my commands that publish my imperial campaign, have been made known throughout my extensive dominions, yet notwithstanding it must be received by a Calif with the present proclamation; it is to be forwarded from one end to the other of my empire.

"Every Naib, whose inhabitants of towns and villages will not immediately march, is to be suspended, and their clergyman to lose his place.

"Without losing our precious time with unnecessary discussion, with idle wishes, and with insignificant arguments by comparing the present with the past, it will be more eligible to be anxious of amassing ammunition and other necessary articles, and endeavour to be contented with such provisions which the time and circumstances can afford, and trust to the Almighty for victory.

With the purity of our designs, and only trusting to the assistance of Almighty God, let us rush to the field of battle against the unbelievers! In one word, in all our regula; tions and proceedings, the quickest despatch is absolutely


May Divine Providence grant the victory to his good servants, and cover our enemies with shame and confusion. Oh! that this may happen! The glorious issue depends upon God! From him comes all success. Victory is at hand."


The following Proclamation published in the Oriental Star, at Calcutta, is as consonant with common sense as the preceding proclamations of the Bishops and the Grand Sultan; and has exemplified in its effects, the pernicious tendency of fostering superstition in any country. As long as mankind submit to be governed by superstition and fanaticism, so long will the world be embroiled by their wily and deceitful frauds.

"To all counsellors and the Hakim of Surat, be it known, that the Emaumul Deen of the end of the world, or Emaum Meeden, has now published himself, and the name of this Durveish is Almud; and that in the Hindevie they eall him Rajah Nukluk. Be it further known to you, that if the Eslaum [the Mahomedan faith] is accepted, it is better, otherwise empty the town, or on the contrary you may pres pare for battle. This Fakir is now come down from the fourth sky, with four bodies; combining Adam (on whom be peace) Essah the son of Marium, [Jesus, the son of Mary] and Ahmud (on whom be peace) and they have all four come upon one place; they have no guns nor muskets with them, but a stick and a handkerchief are with me-be yourself prepared. Dated 11th Zilhij." corresponding with the 17th January, 1810.

The disturbances raised by this fellow caused the loss of several hundred lives, and many towns were burnt before the insurrection could be quelled.

During a late overflow of the Ganges, near Hudwar, three Fakirs, who came for the purpose of performing their ablutions, were washed away and drowned—a circumstance considered by their brethren as an especial mark of divine favour, and celebrated accordingly.

No. 9.

Slave to no sect, who takes no private road, "But looks through Nature up to Nature's God."-POPE.



A PAMPHLET, bearing the above title, from which wo take the following extract, was published about two years since by T. and J. Swords; of which Mr. B. an Episcopalian clergyman of this city, is supposed to be the author. It gives, in our opinion, a just exposition of the cruel, unjust, and demoralizing doctrine of Calvinism.

Calvinists confound power with right. Because the Supreme being had the power to predestinate any portion of his creatures to eternal misery, they contend that he had the right so to do than which, nothing is more false; because,. not being necessary, it would be unjust : and, it is impossible for omnipotent power to commit injustice, as there could be no motive to induce it.

The person called St. Paul, who appears to have possessed Calvinistic principles, says, "Man is in the hands of God as clay in the hands of the potter," &c. from whence, and other passages in what is called Holy Writ, is inferred the doctrine contended for by the Calvinists. But Paul's position is evidently founded in error. Inanimate matter cannot be honored or dishonored any more than it can enjoy pleasure or suffer pain; and, therefore, the comparison made by Paul does not hold. The objection adduced by himself against punishment for actions predestinated, is substantial ;

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