Once and for AllLulu.com, 2006 M01 1 - 144 pages Once And For All is a new, easy-to-read novel harmonizing (making a harmony or chronological compilation) of the gospel of Jesus Christ into a complete flowing story, chronologically compiling and harmonizing the four gospels of Jesus Christ according to the King James Version of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. As close to being there as you can come. Made for the layperson as a relaxed and easy way to discover and rediscover the story of the life of Jesus Christ. |
From inside the book
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Common terms and phrases
Abraham angels baptized begat behold believeth Blessed blind bread brother Caiaphas called Capernaum cast chief priests Christ cometh commanded dead devil disciples doeth doth drink earth entered evil eyes Father hath feast fruit Galilee give glorified glory goeth hand hath sent healed hear heard heart Herod Holy Ghost hour Jerusalem Jesus answered Jesus saith unto Jesus unto Jews John Judas Iscariot Judea King kingdom of Heaven knoweth Lord Luke Mary Matthew meat Moses mother Mount of Olives multitude parable Passover pharisees Pilate pray prophet publicans received receiveth righteous sabbath day sadducees say unto say unto thee scribes servant sheep sick Simon Peter son of Zebedee spake unto spirit spoken straightway synagogue temple thine things Thou art Thou hast thou shalt thyself took Verily I say whatsoever whither whosoever woman word worship ye believe ye know Zechariah