OR, THE PRESENT STATE O F All NATIONS. DESCRIBING Their refpective Situations, Perfons, Habits, By Mr. SALMON VOL. XXIII. ΤΟ BO Contains the latter Part of the Reign of King. LONDON Printed for THO. WOTTON, at the Three Daggers and Queen's- ei 14. the Crown, and the Expedients pro- pofed in the room of it, with the va- The Practices of the Duke of Monmouth and the Lord Shaftsbury against the Government 62, 67, 75; 97, 113, The Difputes between the Court and the Parliament, and between the Two Houses of Parliament, concerning their Jurifdiction and Privileges 45, 47, The Rye-house Plot, to affaffinate King Charles II. and the Duke of York, and raife a Rebellion against the Go- Argyle's and Monmouth's Rebellions 249, 256 The Trials of the Rebels in the Weft of England before the Lord Chief Ju- ftice Jeffries and other Fudges 275 |