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I. The two literary periods in our colonial age—Their points of dis-

tinction-The times and the men-Our intended line of march

through the second period....

II.-John Norton-His poem on the death of Anne Bradstreet-John

Rogers-His poetic praise of Anne Bradstreet.......

III.-Urian Oakes-His high literary gifts-His elegy on the death of

Thomas Shepard..............

IV.-Peter Folger, the ballad-writer-Benjamin Tompson, the satirist..

V.—Michael Wigglesworth, the sturdy rhymer of New England Calvin-

ism-His great popularity-Puts into verse the glooms and the

comforts of the prevailing faith-The realistic poet of hell-fire—

"God's Controversy with New England"-"Meat out of the

Eater"-"The Day of Doom "-Synopsis of the latter poem-Its

wide diffusion and influence-His son, Samuel Wigglesworth, a

true poet-" A Funeral Song" by the latter.....

VI.-Nicholas Noyes, the last and greatest of our Fantastics-His fine

personal career-The monstrosities of his muse-Prefatory poem

on the "Magnalia "-Lines on John Higginson-Elegy on Joseph

Green-Verses on the painful malady of a Reverend friend................

VII. Strong influence in America of the contemporary English poets,

especially Pope, Blackmore, Watts, Thomson, Young-Echoes of

them in Francis Knapp, Benjamin Colman, Jane Turell, Mather

Byles-The career and poetry of Roger Wolcott-His Connecti-

cut epic-His "Poetical Meditations

VIII.-Humorous poetry-John Seccomb and his burlesque verses-

The facetiousness of Joseph Green His impromptus His

"Entertainment for a Winter Evening "....

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