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BRUGSCH, E. Histoire d'Égypte.

*BRUNS, IVO: Frauenemancipation in Athen.

*BUDGE, E. A. WALLIS: Book of the Dead (trans.).

*BURTON, SIR R. F.: First Footsteps in East Africa.

*BUTTLES, J. R.: The Queens of Egypt: with a preface by Maspero.

*CHARLEVOIX, LE P. DE: Histoire et description générale de la Nouvelle France.

CRAWLEY: The Mystic Rose.

*Crooke, W.: The Tribes and Castes of the North-west Provinces and Oudh.

*CUSHING, F. H.: Zünie Folk Tales.

*DALTON, E. J. : Descriptive Ethnology of Bengal.

DARGUN, L. VON: Mutterrecht und Vaterrecht.

*DAVY, J. : An Account of the Interior of Ceylon and its Inhabitants. DAWSON, J.: Australian Aborigines.

*DENNETT, R. S.: "At the Back of the Black Man's Mind." Journal of the African. Vol. I.

*DILL: Roman Society. Three volumes.

*DONALDSON, J.: Woman; Her Position and Influence in Greece and Rome and among the Early Christians.

*ELLIS, HAVELOCK: Man and Woman.

Psychology of Sex. Vol. VI.

*ELLIS, W. History of Madagascar.

FEATHERMAN, A.: A Social History of the Races of Mankind.

FINK: Primitive Love and Love Stories.

*FISON AND HOWITT: Kamilaroi and Kurnia; Group Marriage and Relationship, etc.

*FRAZER, J. G.: The Golden Bough: The Magic Art, 3rd ed. *GIRAUD-TEULON, A.: Les Origines de mariage et de la famille. *GLADSTONE, W. E.: Homeric Studies. Vol. II.

*GOMPERZ: Greek Thinkers.

*GRAY, J. H. China, a History of the Laws, Manners and Customs of the People.

*GRIFFITH: The World's Literature.

*HARTLAND, E. S.: Primitive Paternity.

*HECKER, E. A.: History of Woman's Rights.

*HOMMEL, F.: Geschichte Babyloniens.

The Civilisation of the East (trans.).

*HOBHOUSE, L. T.: Morals in Evolution.

HOWARD, G. E.: History of Matrimonial Institutions.
HOWITT, A. W.: The Native Tribes of South-east Australia.

The Organisation of the Australian Tribes.

JACOB, P. L.: Les Courtisanes de l'ancienne Rome.

*JOHNS, C. H. W.: Hammurabi, King of Babylon. The Oldest Code of Laws in the World.

Babylonian and Assyrian Laws, Contracts and Letters.

*Kingsley, MARY H.: Travels in West Africa.

*KOHLER AND PEISER: Aus dem babylonischen Rechtsleben. LABOULAYE, ED.: Recherches sur la condition civile et politique des femmes, depuis les Romains jusqu'à nos jours.

LACOMBE, PAUL: La Famille dans la société romaine: étude de moralité comparée.

*LAFITEAU, J. F.: Mœurs des sauvages américains.

LATHAM: Descriptive Ethnology.

LECKY, W. E. H.: History of European Morals, from Augustus

to Charlemagne.

LEFEVRE, M.: La Femme à travers l'histoire.

LEGOUVÉ, E.: Histoire morale des femmes.

*Lenz, C. S.: Geschichte der Weiber im heroischen Zeitalter. *LETOURNEAU: Evolution of Marriage. (Cont. Sci. Series.) La Condition de la femme dans les diverses races et civilisations.

*Lippert, J.: Kulturgeschichte, etc.

Geschichte der Familie.

*Lubbock, Lord Avebury: Origin of Civilisation.

Marriage, Totemism and Religion.

*MACDONALD, D.: Africana.

MAHAFFY, J. P.: Social Life in Greece.

*MAINE: Ancient Law.

*MARSDEN, W.: History of Sumatra.

MARTIN, L. A. Histoire de la femme; sa condition politique,

civile, morale et religieuse.

MARX, V. Die Stellung der Frauen in Babylonien.

*MASON, OTIS: The Origin of Inventions, a Study of Industry among Primitive Peoples. Cont. Sci. Series.

Woman's Share in Primitive Culture. Anthro. Series.

*MASPERO, SIR G.: The Dawn of Civilisation (trans.). Les Contes populaires de l'Égypte ancienne. Ancient Egypt and Assyria (trans.).

New Light on Ancient Egypt (trans.). *MCCABE, J.: The Religion of Woman.

*MCGEE, W. J.: The Beginning of Marriage. (Am. Anthro. Soc. Printed for private circulation.)

The Aborigines of the District of Columbia and the Lower

The Indians of North America.

*MOMMSEN: History of Rome.

*MORGAN, L. H.: Ancient Society; or Researches in the Lines of Human Progress.

House and House-life of the American Aborigines. Cont.
to N. Am. Ethn. Vol. IV.

Systems of Consanguinity and Affinity of the Human Family.
Smithsonian Contributions.

MORILLOT, L.: De la condition des enfants nés hors mariage dans l'antiquité et au moyen âge en Europe.

*MÜLLER, W. MAX: Liebespoesie der alten Aegypter.

*Munzinger, W.: Ostafrikanische Studien.

*NIETZOLD, J.: Die Ehe in Aegypten, etc.

*OWEN, M. A.: Folk-lore of the Musquakie Indians of North America.

*PATURET, G. La condition juridique de la femme dans l'ancienne


*PEARSON, KARL: The Chances of Death.

*PEISER: Skizze der babylonischen Gesellschaft.

PERRY, W. C.: The Women of Homer.

*Petherick, J. : Egypt, the Soudan and Central Africa.

*PETRIE, FLINDERS: Religion and Conscience in Ancient Egypt. Egyptian Tales translated from the Papyri.

*PLOSS, H.: Das Weib in der Natur- und Völkerkunde.

*POWELL, J. W.: Wyandot Government. Report of the Bureau of Am. Ethn.

RAINNEVILLE, J. DE: La Femme dans l'antiquité et d'après la morale naturelle.

*RATZEL, T.: History of Mankind.

*RECLUS, ÉLIE: Les Primitifs (Eng. trans., Primitive Folk. Cont. Sci. Series.)

*REVELLOUT, E.: Cours de droit égyptien.

Les obligations en droit égyptien, comparées aux autres

droits de l'antiquité.

Etudes égyptologiques.


ROBY, H. J.: Roman Private Law in the Times of Cicero and of the Antonines.

*SACHOT: L'Île de Ceylon.

SAYCE: Records of the Past.

*SCHOOLCRAFT, H. R.: History, Condition, and Prospects of the Indian Tribes of the United States.

*SIBREE, J.: The Great African Island.

*SIMCOX, E. J.: Primitive Civilisations.

*SPENCER, BALDWIN, AND GILLEN: The Native Tribes of Central Australia.

*SPENCER, H.: Descriptive Sociology.

STARCKE, C. N.: The Primitive Family.

*THOMAS, W. 1: Sex and Society.

*TURNER: Thibet.

*TYLOR, ED. B.: Researches into the Early History of Mankind.

Primitive Culture.

The Matriarchal Family System.

July, 1896.

Nineteenth Century,

*Waitz-GERLAND, F.: Anthropologie der Naturvölker (Eng.


Introduction to Anthropology.

WAKE: Evolution of Morality.

*WESTERMARK: The History of Human Marriage Origin and Development of Moral Ideas.

WHITE, R. E.: Women in Ptolemaic Egypt.

WIESE, L. Zur Geschichte und Bildung der Frauen.


*VOTH, H. R.: Traditions of the Hopi.


ALBERT, C.: Free Love.

BEBEL, H. Woman in the Past, Present, and Future (trans.).

BLACKWELL, ELIZ.: The Human Element in Sex.

BLASCHKO, A.: Prostitution in the Nineteenth Century.

*BLEASE, W. L.: The Emancipation of English Women.

BOUCHACOURT: La Grossesse.

BRAUN, LILY: Die Frauenfrage.

"British MedicAL JOURNAL": "The Unborn Child: Its Care and its Rights," Aug. 1907; "The Influences of Antenatal Conditions on Infantile Mortality," Aug. 1904; "Physical Deterioration," Oct. 1905; "Infant Mortality.

field Scheme," Dec. 1907.


FÉRÉ, C. S. La Pathologie des émotions. (Eng. trans., The Pathology of the Emotions.)

L'Instinct sexuel.

FREUD, S. Contributions to the Sexual Theory (Trans.)

Article on Sex abstinence, Sexual Problem, March 1908. *GALTON, F. Restrictions in Marriage and Eugenics as a Factor in Religion.

GODFREY, J. A.: The Science of Sex.

GROSS-HOFFINGER, A. J.: The Fate of Woman and Prostitution, etc.

HALL, STANLEY: Adolescence.

HAYNES, E. S. P.: Our Divorce Law.

HINTON, JAMES: MS., written 1870, and left unpublished.
Quoted by H. Ellis, Psychology of Sex, Vol. VI.
HIRSCHFELD, M.: Sexual Stages of Transition.
*HIRTH, GEORGE, Wege zur Liebe.

Wege zur Heimat.

HOWARD History of Matrimonial Institutions.

JEANNEL, J. Prostitution in Large Towns in the Nineteenth


KEY, ELLEN: On Love and Marriage.

The Century of the Child.

The Woman Movement.

KISCH Sexual Life of Women.

KRAFFT-EBING: Psychopathia Sexualis.

LAPIE, PAUL: La Femme dans la famille.

*LEA: History of Sacerdotal Celibacy.

*Lippert, H.: Prostitution in Hamburg.

LOMBROSO E FERRERO: La donna delinquente, la prostituta, e la donna normale.

(Incom. Eng. trans.) The Female Offender. (Eng. Criminology Series.)

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