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[The capitals indicate the longer biographical articles, which may be consulted for the detailed account of the persons referred to.

Abbot, Abiel, ii. 165.

Abbot, Benjamin, ii. 29, 165.

The names in italics indicate the selections.]

Notice of Benjamin Rush, i. 266.

Abbot, John, first professor of Bowdoin, ii. 193.
ABBOTT, JACOB, ii. 354.

ABBOTT, JOHN S. C., ii. 355.

Abdy, Mathew, i. 126.

Abernethy, John, his reception of an American re-

print of his writings, ii. 122.

Absent father, the. Hew Ainslie, ii. 161.

Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, ii.


Acadians, treatment of. George R. Minot, i. 481.
Accidence for Seamen, by Captain John Smith, i. 6.
Accounts, G. Washington with the United States,

reprint of, i. 180.

Acherley, Roger, i. 162.

Notice of Charles Thomson, i. 170.

Reception of the Stamp Act in America, i. 186.
Satirical verses on. Philip Freneau, i. 330.
Satirized by T. Paine, i. 200.

Adams, J. G., Hymns for Christian Devotion, i. 599.

Parody of Barlow's song on the discoveries of
Captain Lewis, i. 395.

ADAMS, REV. JOHN, i. 133.

Lines on Cotton Mather's literary industry, i.


Adams, William, discourse on Prof. Stuart, ii. 20.
Address of the New York Convention. John Jay,
i. 263.

Addresses and Speeches by R. C. Winthrop, ii. 501.

Adams and Jefferson, eulogy on. H. M. Bracken- ADLER, GEORGE J., ii. 735.

ridge, i. 673.

Adams and Jefferson, eulogy on, by Wm. Wirt, i.

[blocks in formation]

Adams, Miss Abigail, correspondence of, 1. 185.
Adams, Mrs. Abigail, letters by, 1. 188.

Remarks on execution of Marie Antoinette, i

Adams, Charles Francis, edition of John Adams's
Diary, i. 184.

Edition of letters of John Adams to his wife, i

Memoir of Mrs. Abigail Adams, i. 185.

ADAMS, HANNAH, i. 408.

ADAMS, JOHN, i. 184.

Admires the French ladies, i. 188.
Choice of Hercules, the, i. 186.

Compliment by, to Mercy Warren, i. 163.
Correspondence with Cunningham, i. 625.
Correspondence with Jefferson, i. 241.
Description of the morning, i. 187.
Disputes between military officers, 1. 188.
Letter on John Quincy Adams to Benjamin
Waterhouse, i. 556.

Letter to, on his election to the Presidency, by
Mrs. Adams, i. 189.

Notice of Aaron Bancroft, i. 407.

Notice of Berkeley's lines on America, i. 169.
Notice of the College of New Jersey, i. 273.
Notice of Common Sense, i. 198.
Notice of John Dickinson, i. 183.

Notice of Duché's prayer in the Continental
Congress, i. 220.

Notice of P. Du Simitière, i. 178.

Notice of J. Galloway, i. 172.

Notice of Francis Hopkinson, i. 211.

Notice of T. Paine's claims in the American Re-
volution, i. 198.

Adulator, the, by Mercy Warren, i. 163.
Advent, Church of the, ii. 394.

Advice to Authors. Philip Freneau, i. 336.
Advice to a Raven in Russia. Joel Barlow, i. 397.
Affection, a poem. Susanna Rowson, i. 503.
Agathangelus, passage from. Increase Mather, i. 59.
Age, intellectual delight of. James Logan, i. 78.
Age of Reason by Thomas Paine, i. 199.
Agriculture, Washington's letters on, i. 180.
AINSLIE, HEW, ii. 160.

Ainsworth, Henry, notice of, i. 16.

Airs of Palestine, specimens of. John Pierpont,

ii. 72.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

ALLEN, JAMES, i. 235.

ALLEN, PAUL, i. 643, ii. 80, 162.

Allen, William, President of Bowdoin, ii. 193.

Anecdote of Lemuel Hopkins, i. 321.
Character of Samuel Hopkins, i. 155.
Alice, by J. V. Huntington, ii. 611.

Belshazzar's Feast. Cyrus A. Bartol, ii. 616.
Lectures on, by William Ware, ii. 175.

Almanac, American, i. 665, ii. 166.

Almanac Maker, The. Philip Frencau, i. 843.

Almanac, New England, by Isaiah Thomas, i. 302.

Almanac, Poor Richard's, i. 108.

Alpine Sheep, the. Maria Lowell, ii. 660.

ALSOP, JOHN, i. 497.


Notice of, by E. H. Smith, i. 601.

America, benefits to, of our National Literature.

Edward Everett, ii. 171.

Berkeley's verses on Arts and Learning in, i


Dissected, by James McSparran, 1. 144.

Early dramatic and poetical notices of, i. 6.
Early European friends of, by G. C. Verplank,
ii. 68.

Farewell to Phillis Wheatley, 1. 371.

Has no grudge against England. Rufus Choate,
ii. 286.

Independence of, foreseen, by Ezra Stiles, i. 159.
Prophecy of the greatness of. H. H. Bracken-
ridge, i. 298.

Prophecy of, by Sir Thomas Browne, i. 169.
Prophecy of religion in, by George Herbert, i.


Prophecy of, by Bp. Shipley, 1. 169.

Relations of, to France and Great Britain in
1808. J. S J. Gardiner, i. 535.

Rising glory of, by H IL Brackenridge and P.
Freneau, i. 289, 327.

To Great Britain. Washington Allston, ii. 16.

Annals, by Abiel Holmes, 1 513.

Mather alcove in the library of the, i. 62.
Bards, a satire, by Robert Waln, ii. 257.

Biography, by S. L. Knapp, ii. 62.

Biography, by Jared Sparks, ii. 166.

Colonies, isolation of, a promotion of democracy,

[blocks in formation]

Literature, lectures on, by S. L. Knapp, ii. 62.
Literature, sketches of, by T. Flint, í. 25.
Mechanic and Workingman, essays by J. W.
Alexander, i, 615.

Medical and Philosophical Register, ii. 123.
Monthly Magazine, ii. 450.

The New York, i. 384, ii. 476.

People, the their moral and intellectual deve-
lopment, ii. 327.


Philosophical Society address to Dr. Franklin,
i. 216.

Philosophical Society, proposed by Franklin, i


Poems, collection of, 1793, i. 319, 600.
Principles of civil freedom. J. H. Hobart, i


Quarterly Register, ii. 342.

Review, by Robert Walsh, ii. 38.

Revolution, history of, by D. Ramsay, i. 304.
Revolution, influence of its military and politi
cal events on the human body. Benjamin
Rush, i. 266.

Taxation. Samuel St. John, i. 461.
Theatre, history of, by Dunlap, i. 539.
Themes for poetry Edward Everett, ii. 162.
Times, a satire, 1781, specimens of, i. 461.
AMES, FISHER, i. 469.

Funeral poem on.

Ames, Nathaniel, i. 469.

J. S. J. Gardiner, i. 536.

Ames, Seth, works of Fisher Ames, i. 470.
Amherst College, ii. 155.

Amir Khan, by L. M. Davidson, ii. 481.

Amy. J. M. Legaré, ii. 720.

Anacreon, odes of, translations. David French, i


Analectic Magazine, ii. 48.

Anarchiad, the, i. 309, 319, 321, 375.
Anastasis, by George Bush, ii. 226.

Anderson, Alexander, notice of, i. 334.

Andover Theological Seminary, i. 636.

André, Major, the fate of. Alexander Hamilton, i


Andrew, Samuel, i. 87.

Andrews, John, i. 390.

Anglo-Saxon Influences of Home. George P. Marsh,
ii. 318.
Annoyer, the.

N. P. Willis, ii. 441.

Anthology Club, ii. 268.
Anthon, John, ii. 355.

Anti-Lucretius, of Cardinal de Polignac, i. 110.
Antioch College, ii. 224.

Antiquity, close of. Samuel Eliot, ii. 699.
Anti-rent novels, by J. F. Cooper, ii. 112.

Ape, the travelled. Timothy Dwight, i. 362.
Aphorisms. Joseph Bartlett, i. 508.
Apology, the. R. W. Emerson, ii. 368.
Appeal, by R. Walsh, ii. 38.

Appleton, the Rev. Jesse, President of Bowdoin, ti.

[blocks in formation]

Approach of Age, the. James Lawson, ii. 281.
Apthorpe, East, i. 144.

Archeologia Americana, i. 303.

Archdale, John, New Description of Carolina, 1707,

i. 131.

Arctic Incidenta E. K. Kane, ii. 698.
Arcturus, ii. 640, 646.

Ariadne. Sara J. Lippincott, ii. 686.
ARMSTRONG, Jonn, i. 480.

Army assembled at New Amsterdam. Washing-
ton Irving, ii. 57.

[blocks in formation]

Art, Scenery, and Philosophy in Europe, by H. B.
Wallace, ii. 639.

Arts of Design, history of, by Dunlap, i. 539.
ARTHUR, T. S, ii. 601.

Arthur Carryl, by Laughton Osborne, ii. 466.
Arthur Mervyn, passage from. C. B. Brown, i. 392.
Artist Life, by H. T. Tuckerman, ii. 583.

Ashe, Thomas, Description of Carolina, 1681, i. 131.
Asten, Abraham, a friend of James Nack, ii. 578.
Astor House. McDonald Clarke, ii. 262.

Astor, William B., donation to the Astor Library,
ii. 741.

Atalantis, by W. G. Simms, ii. 427.

Athenæum, Boston, books of Cotton Mather, i. 62.
Athenæum, the, at Yale, i. 92.

Athenia of Damascus, by Rufus Dawes, ii. 353.
Atlantic Journal and Friend of Knowledge, ii. 78.
Atlantic Magazine, ii. 272.

Attack, an, from Tales for the Marines. H. A. Wise,
ii. 670.

Atwater, Jeremiah, first President of Middlebury
College, ii. 130

Auchmuty, Samuel, letter of Dr. S. Peters to, i. 191.
Auchtertool. Alexander Wilson, i. 552.
AUDUBON, J. J., i. 650.

Intercourse of C. W. Webber with, ii. 666.
Remark on A. Wilson, i. 547

August Win. D. Gallagher, ii. 472.
Augustine, Age of St. S. Osgood, ii. 574.
Aunt Dinah. J. O Terry, ii. 694.

Aunt Kitty's Tales, by Maria J McIntosh, ii. $85.
Aurelian, by Wm. Ware, ii. 175.

[blocks in formation]

Belles of Williamsburg. James M Clurg, i. 234.
Brides, the two. R. H. Stoddard, ii. 718.

Bunker Hill.

Cheerful Parson.

S. F. Cozzens, ii. 705.

Country Lovers.
Death of Jasper.

Wm. Biglow, i. 632.

T. G. Fessenden, i. 597.

R. M. Charlton, i1. 435.

Death of General Pike. Laughton Osborne, ii,


Gathered Rose, the, and the Stolen Heart.
Emma C. Embury, ii. 485.

Golden Days of Harry Cruger, i. 223.
Lovewell's Fight, i. 427.

Rio Bravo. G. F. Hoffman, ii. 478.

Royal Apprentice, the. Philip Freneau, i. 344.
Wreck of the Two Pollies. Nath. Deering, ii. 336.
Ballads of the old French and Revolutionary Wars:
American Hero, the. Nathaniel Niles, 1775, i.


American Taxation. Samuel St. John, i. 461.
Battle of the Kegs. Francis Hopkinson, i. 218.
Battle of Stonington, the. Philip Freneau, i. 347.
Battle of Trenton, the, i. 448.

Bold Barton's capture of General Prescott, i. 451.
Another version of, i. 452.

Bold Hawthorne, i. 442.

Bombardment of Bristol, the, 1775, i. 441.
Bon Homme Richard, the, and the Serapis.
Philip Freneau, i. 346.
Braddock's Expedition, i. 430.

Brave Paulding and the Spy, i. 459.
Burgoyne, the fate of.

Wheeler Case, i. 455.

Burgoyne, John, the fate of, i. 449.

Camp Ballad, a. Francis Hopkinson, i. 28.
Columbia. Timothy Dwight, i. 362.
Come, cheer up my lads, 1769, i. 436.
"Come join hand in hand brave Americans

all," i. 435

Congratulation, the. Rivington's Gazette, i. 456.
Cow Chase, the. Major André, i. 457.
Eutaw Springs. Philip Freneau, i. 346.
Farce, the, of Independence. Rivington's Ga-
zette, i. 455.

Free America. Joseph Warren, i. 443.
Hark, 'tis Freedon that calls. Pennsylvania
Journal, i. 440.

Hearts of Oak, 1766, i. 434.

Liberty Pole, song of the, New York, 1770, i. 437.
Massachusetts song of Liberty, i. 436.
Military song by the army on General Wash-
ington's entry into the town of Boston. H.
H. Brackenridge, i. 290.

Mount Vernon, an ode. D. Humphreys, i. 377.
New song called the Gaspee, 1772, i. 437.
North Campaign, the, i. 449.

Ode on the Battle of Bunker's Hill. H. H.
Brackenridge, i. 289.

Ode to the inhabitants of Pennsylvania, 1756,
i. 431.

On hearing that the poor man was tarred and
feathered, 1774, i. 439.

On Independence, 1776, i. 447.

Parody to welcome attorney general Cortland
Skinner, 1776, i. 445.

Poem, a, containing some remarks on the pre-
sent war, i. 443.

Progress of Sir Jack Brag, the, i. 450.

Review of Burgoyne's expedition. Robert Dins-
moor, i. 468.

"Rise, rise, bright Genius rise," i. 447.

Rivington's Last Will and Testament. Philip
Freneau, i. 283.

St. Tammany, song of, i. 446.

Siege of Savannah, the, 1778. Rivington's Ga-
zette, i. 456.


[blocks in formation]



Contrast of Franklin and Wedderburn, i. 106.
Account of the Gaspee affair, 1. 437.
Notice of the Astor Library, ii. 740.

Obligations in his History to the Colden papers,
i. 81.

On Salem Witchcraft, i. 61.
Tribute to Franklin, i. 109.

Barbadoes Gazette, edited by S. Keimer, i. 100.
Barber, Francis, i. 421.

Barber, the, and the Dandy. William Irving, ii. 52.
Bard, Samuel, receives a song from Franklin, i. 114.
Life by M'Vickar, i. 385.

Bard, the. W. G. Simms, ii. 430.

Barnwell, John, ii. 100.

Barker, E. L., History of Londonderry, i. 465.
BARLOW, JOEL, i. 391.

Comments on, in Inchiquin's Letters, ii. 41.
Consults J. C. Osborn and R. Alsop about his
Vision of Columbus, i. 132.

Tribute to Thomas Godfrey, Sen., i. 195.
Barnard, John, version of the Psalms, i. 18.
BARNES, ALBERT, ii. 268.

Barnes, Daniel H., tribute to, by G. C. Verplanck,

ii. 70.

Barnum, H. L., the Spy Unmasked, by, ii. 108.

Baron's Last Banquet, the. Albert G. Greene, ii. 337.
Barry, Edmund D., ii. 290.

Bartlet, Wm. S., Journal of Rev. Jacob Bailey, i. 117.
BARTLETT, JOHN R., ii. 418.

Bartlett, J. R., anecdote of Albert Gallatin, i. 495.
Notice of Edmundstone the Quaker, i. 36.


BARTOL, CYRUS A., ii. 616.

Barton, B. S., i. 225, 579.

Barton, William, i. 576.

Life of Rittenhouse, i. 577.

Bartow, Thomas, i. 537.

BARTRAM, JOHN, i. 224.


Bastinado at Cairo. John L. Stephens, ii. 420.
Batchelors' Hall, a poem. George Webb, i. 101.
Bates, Joshua, president of Middlebury College, ii.


Bates, Miss, account of J. C. Calhoun, ii. 36.

Battle field, the.

Wm. C. Bryant, ii. 188.

Battle of Ants, a. H. D. Thoreau, ii. 655.
Battle of Niagara, by John Neal, ii. 162.

Baudouin, Pierre, i. 157.

Baxter, A., defends Witchcraft in England, i. 60.
Call, translated in the Indian language by John
Eliot, i. 40.

Bay Psalm Book, Eliot a contributor to, i. 40.
BAY PSALM Book, i. 16.

BAYARD, ELISE J., ii. 688.

Bayly, Lewis, his Practice of Piety, translated in
the Indian language by John Eliot, i. 41.

[blocks in formation]

Beecher, Catharine, i. 644.
Beecher, Charles, i. 644,

Beecher, Henry Ward, i. 644.

Behemoth, by Cornelius Mathews, ii. 645.
Belcher, Jonathan, i. 271.

Belfry Pigeon, N. P. Willis, ii. 440.
Bell Bird, the. W. H. Simmons, ii. 557.
Bell, Robert, account of, i. 198.

Bellamy, Joseph, i. 248.

Belles, the, of Williamsburg. James M'Clurg, i. 284

Belles Lettres Repository, by S. Woodworth, ii. 71.
Benedetta, ii. 684.

Benedicite. John R. Thompson, ii. 714.

Benezet, Anthony, biographical anecdotes of Ben-
jamin Rush, i. 269.

BENJAMIN, PARrk, ii. 499.
Benson, Egbert, i. 509.

Note to Edwards's Freedom of the Will, i. 94.
Bentham, Jeremy, description of Franklin before the
Privy Council, i. 106.

His friendship for John Neal, ii. 163.
BENTON, THOMAS H., ii. 43.

Notice of John Marshall, i. 404.

Berber, the, by Wm. S. Mayo, ii. 567.

Gifts to Yale College, i. 87.

Interest in Columbia College, i. 379.
Intimate with J. McSparran, i. 148.
Tribute to. Wm. Croswell, ii. 395.
Berkeley, Mass., i. 166.

Berkeley, Sir William, on Free Schools and Print-
ing, i. 82.

Bermuda, G., Berkeley's College scheme, i. 165.
Bernard, Francis, a contributor to Pietas et Gratula

tio, i. 13.

Bernon, Gabriel, i. 167.

Berrian, William, i. 645.

Bertrand, General, defence of the United States, ii.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Passage from Rev. S. Davies's elegy on, i. 272.
Bland, Richard, i. 237.
Bleakly, John, i. 179.

BLEECKER, ANN Eliza, i. 365.

Blessings on Children. W. G. Simms, ii. 431.
Blind Girl, the. Caroline M. Sawyer, ii. 676.
Blind Preacher, the. Wm. Wirt, i. 619.
Blithedale Romance, by N. Hawthorne, ii. 506.
Bloody Tenent, by John Cotton, i. 21.

Bloody Tenent Discussed, by Roger Williams, i. 33.
Bluebird, the. Alexander Wilson, i. 553.
Bockett, Elias, elegy on Aquila Rose, 1. 99.
Body of Liberties, by Nathaniel Ward, i. 19.
BOKER, GEORGE H, ii. 714.
Bonaparte, Charles L., i. 650.

Bonaparte, Joseph, and F. Lieber, ii. 301.
Bonaparte, Napoleon. G. H. Calvert, ii. 376.
Essay on, by W E. Channing, ii. 22.
History of, by J. S. C. Abbott, ii. 355.
Life of, by Henry Lee, i. 667.
Lines on, by Joel Barlow, i. 397.
Noticed by Pinkney, i. 675.
Bonifacius, by Cotton Mather, i. 63.

Bonneville, Captain, Adventures of, by Washington
Irving, ii. 50.

Book-Making in America. C. J. Ingersoll, ii. 42.
Book of Home Beauty, by Caroline M. Kirkland, ii.

Books, Favorite, poem. William Livingston, i.

[blocks in formation]

Boswell, James, anecdote of, by Thomas Cooper, ii


Boswell's Johnson, mention of the Chevalier Taylor,
i. 128.

Botanical writings of James Logan, i. 77.
Botany, introduction of Linnæan system into Ame-
rica, by Colden, i. 81

Of South Carolina and Georgia, by Stephen
Elliott, i. 602.

Botetourt, Lord, administration of Virginia, i. 82.
BOTTA, ANNE C., ii. 627.

Botta, the Historian. G. W. Greene, ii. 617.

Benefactor of the College of New Jersey, i. 275.
Boulanger. Christianisme Devoilée, i. 585.
Bouquet, the. C. P. Cranch, i. 582.

Bourbons, the, Restoration of.

i. 351.

Gouverneur Morris,

Bourville Castle, by John Blair Linn, 1. 652.
Bowden, John, i. 385.



Donation to, by the Bowdoins, i. 158.


Contributor to Pietas et Gratulatio, i. 13.
Bowdoin, James, Jr., founder of Bowdoin College, ii.


BOWEN, FRANCIS, ii. 579.

Boyce, Ker, legacy to College of Charleston, ii. 329.
Boyle, Robert, letters from John Eliot, 1. 41.

Bequests for the advancement of the Christian
Religion, expended for Indian scholars at
Harvard and William and Mary, i. 82.
Reflections parodied by Swift, 1. 63.

Boylston, Zabdiel, defends inoculation, i. 61.
Bracebridge Hall, by Washington Irving, ii. 49.
Bracken, John, president of William and Mary, i. 84.

And Knickerbocker, 1. 48.

Compliment to Weems's Washington, i. 486.
Notices of, by H. M. Brackenridge, i. 671.

Braddock's Defeat. George Bancroft, ii. 307.
Defeat, history of, by Winthrop Sargent, ii. 283.
Expedition, ballad on, i. 430.

[blocks in formation]

Bradford, William, prints D. Leeds's almanac, 1687,
i. 101.

His Weekly Mercury, i. 102.


An ancestor of R. H. Dana, ii. 89.

Complimentary verses on. J. Rogers, i. 9.
Prefatory lines to her poems, by Nathaniel
Ward, i. 20.

BRAINARD, JOHN G. C., ii. 226.

Lines on the death of. McDonald Clarke, ii.

Remains, edited by J. G. Whittier, ii. 473.
Suggests Halleck's Connecticut, ii. 209.

Bramston, Rev. Mr., versification of Col. Titus's
speech, i. 181.

Brant, Joseph, Memoirs of, by William L. Stone, ii.


Bravo, the, by J. F. Cooper, in 110.

Breck, Samuel, Recollections of Hector St. John, i.

Breckenridge, John, discussion with John Hughes,
ii. 264.
Breeden-raet, the, i. 80.

Bremer, Frederika, intercourse with A. J. Downing,
ii. 618.

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