William R. Williams THE WORKS OF ABRAHAM BOOTH, LATE Pastor of the Baptist Church ASSEMBLING IN LITTLE PRESCOT STREET, GOODMAN'S FIELDS, LONDON. WITH SOME ACCOUNT OF HIS LIFE AND WRITINGS. IN THREE VOLUMES. VOL. III. PUBLIC London: Printed by J. Haddon, 12, Tabernacle Walk, PUBLISHED AND SOLD BY W. BUTTON & SON, PATERNOSTER-ROW; BURTON, LEADENHALL STREET; AND BAGSTER, STRAND. SOLD ALSO BY GALE, CURTIS, & FENNER, BAYNES, HAMILTON, AND W. JONES, PATERNOSTERROW; WILLIAMS & SON, STATIONERS' COURT; AND OLIPHANT, WAUGH, AND INNES, EDINBURGH, CONTENTS VOL. III. Divine Justice Essential to the Divine Character.. Appendix to the foregoing, relative to the doctrine of The Amen to Social Prayer, illustrated and improved.... Commerce in the Human Species, and the enslaving of PAGE Address at the Interment of Benjamin Wallin, M.A..... 271 The Christian's Happiness in the Heavenly State; a |