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there happened grievous difputes and quarrels between the Jews and Syrians about this city. The first claimed a right to it, because it had been rebuilt by Herod, and the latter on the contrary maintained that it was theirs, because no Jew had any footing therein, when it was at first built by Strato (g). We take notice of these particulars, because Jofephus afcribes to them the cause of the war, and the ruin of the Jewish nation. As the firft propagators of Chriftianity were forced to go through Cæfarea, in order to preach the gospel to the Gentiles, it is therefore frequently mentioned in the Acts (b). It was formerly a bifhop's fee, and a council was held there towards the end of the second century, in which Theophilus, the then bishop of it, prefided. Cæfarea was about fourscore miles from Jerufalem. There were two mountains in Samaria, famous for the bleffings and curfes of the law; namely, Gerizim, whereon ftood the temple of the Samaritans, and Ebal. Before the fchifm of the ten tribes, Samaria belonged to the tribe of Ephraim, and the half tribe of Manaffeh. The foil of it is nearly the fame as that of Judea.

Galilee is often mentioned in the Old Teftament (i). We Galilee. read in the Ift book of Kings, that Solomon would have given Hiram twenty cities in Galilee, but the latter would not accept of them (k). This is to be understood of Upper Galilee, which bordered upon Tyre, and was mostly inhabited by heathens. And this, in all probability is the fame as is called in fcripture Galilee of the Gentiles (1). Some authors make Galilee reach beyond Jordan; but this opinion is rejected by others, because Jofephus always places it on this fide the river (*). Without entering into this difpute, we fhall at present speak of Galilee on this fide Jordan, and afterwards of the country on the

other fide.

Galilee was bounded on the north, according to Jofephus (m), by the Tyrians; on the weft by the city and territory of Ptolemaïs, and mount Carmel; on the fouth with Samaria and Scythopolis, as far as the river Jordan; and on the eaft by Hippene and Gadaris. To begin then with the first, as lying near Samaria and Judea which we have been giving an account of, it reached in length from Tiberius to Zabulon, and in breadth from a village called by Jofephus Xaloth, which was fituated in the great plain (†), to another named Berfabe (II).

(g) Id. Antiq. 1. xx. c. 6.

(b) Acts viii. 40. ix. 30. xii. 19. xviii. 22. xxi. 8. xxiii. 33. (i) Joh. xx. 7. 1 Chron. vi. 76.

(k) 1 Kings ix. 11, 12. Jofeph. Ant. l. viii. c. 2.

() Ifai. ix. 1. Matth. iv. 15.


(*) In order to frame a notion of what is on this fide Jordan, we must reprefent to ourselves the children of Ifrael, as coming out of Egypt. In this view, Judea, Samaria, and Galilee will be found to be on this fide Jordan; and Perea, Gaulonitis, &c. on the other.

(m) Jofeph. de Bell. Jud. 1. 3. c. 2.

(+) There was another plain on the west of Galilee, called also the great plain of Jizreel, or Efdraclon.

(II) We must take care not to confound this Berfabe with Beer-fheba before, mentioned.

We learn from Jofephus (n) that the chief cities of Lower Galilee were Tiberias, Sephoris, and Gabara. Tiberias the capital of Galilee was so named by Herod Antipas, the founder or repairer of it, in honour of Tiberius: It was fituated in a plain, near the lake of Gennefareth, which, from that city, was alfo called the lake or fea of Tiberias.


This city is very famous, and frequently mentioned in the Jewish writers, because after the taking of Jerufalem, there was at Tiberias a fucceffion of Hebrew judges and doctors (*), till the 4th century. It was a bishop's fee in this fame century. We are told by St. Epiphanius (0), that a Hebrew tranflation of St. John's gofpel, and the Acts of the Apostles, was kept in this city. Tiberias might be about fourscore and ten miles from Jerufalem. Sephoris, otherwise called Diocæfarea, was alfo a confiderable city, which lay in Sephoris

the midst of Lower Galilee towards the weft. It even became the metropolis of this country, after Nero had bestowed it upon Agrippa the Younger (p). Jofephus reprefents it as the strongest place in Galilee (9). It was also a bishop's fee. Though the fame author ranks Gabara among the chief cities of Galilee, yet he hath nothing remarkable about it, nor about Scythopolis, which was formerly called Bethfchan (r). There would be no occafion neither to fpeak of Gifcala, another city of Lower Galilee, was it not for one particular recorded by St. Jerom (s), which is, that St. Paul was of that city, and that when Judea was conquered by the Romans, he went and dwelt at Tarfus in Cilicia. Gifcala was a very strong place. It held out against the Romans to the last extremity: but was at length furrendered to Titus upon terms. Jofephus relates a remarkable circumftance that happened at that time (t). Namely, that Titus having made fome overtures of peace to the inhabitants of Gifcala, on the fabbath-day, one John, the head of a troop of robbers, defired him to put it off till the next day, because it was unlawful for the Jews, either to make war or peace on that day. Titus readily granted them their requeft, and even removed his troops, and encamped farther off the city. From whence John took an occafion of flying in the night to Jerufalem with several thousands of people. Titus entered the city the next morning, and fent a party of horfe to pursue those that were fled away.

The fmall towns and villages of Galilee have received abundantly more honour from our Saviour's prefence in them, than from whatever elfe is recorded of them in history. It doth not indeed appear from the gospels that JESUS CHRIST ever was in the cities laft mentioned, for he exercifed his miniftry only in the fmalleft towns of this province. For the fame reafon undoubtedly it was, that he avoided, as much as poffible, all concourfe of people, that he ftole away from the multitude that would have made him king, and that he forbid those that were the witnefles

(n) Jofeph. in Vita.

(*) Maimon. Sanch. 4. Tiberias was the place where the Mafforites re


(0) Hæref. xxx. p. 127.

(4) Id. de Bell. Jud. 1. iii. c. I.
(Catalog. Scrip. Eccl.

(p) Jofeph. Antiq. 1. xviii. c. 3.
(r) Judg. i. 27. 1 Chron. vii. 29.
(1) Jofeph, de Bell. Jud. I. iv. c. 4.

witneffes of his miracles to make them known, as we have before obferved, for fear his enemies fhould from thence take occafion of charging him with fedition. At Tiberias stood the palace of Herod the Tetrarch, and here the Jews had great authority, as well as at Sephoris, which befides was well guarded, and ftrongly fortified. It was not therefore confiftent with the wifdom of JESUS CHRIST, who was to fuffer death at a certain time and place, to run himself into an unneceffary danger in thofe cities, where perhaps, after all, his doctrine would have been rejected. To which we may add, that it is probable he feldom went to those cities that were inhabited both by Jews and heathens, for fear of creating in the former an averfion to his precepts. The cafe was otherwife with Jerufalem. There flood the temple, there it was neceflary he fhould preach, and there he was to lay down his life for the redemption of mankind.


In order therefore to take a view of the chief places of Galilee, we shall begin with Nazareth (u), where Jesus CHRIST was brought up, where he preached, and from whenee he was called a Nazarene. It was but a small town, built on a rock, from the top of which the inhabitants would have thrown JESUS CHRIST headlong (x). It lay weft of Jordan, not far from mount Tabor; at the diftance of about twenty-feven leagues from Jerufalem. If we will believe St. Epiphanius (y), there were no Christians at Nazareth before the time of Conftantine, who caufed a church to be built there. It ap pears from the gospel according to St. John (z) that Nazareth was looked upon by the Jews as a very contemptible place. It was ftill in being in the twelfth century (a). At fome diftance from thence towards the fouth stood the little town Naïn, where JESUS CHRIST reftored to life a widow's fon (b); and on the north, Cana, where he did his firft miracle, by changing water into wine (c), and where he cured the fon of an officer belonging to Herod Antipas (d).

St. Matthew tells us, that JESUS CHRIST departed from Nazareth, and went into Capernaum, a fea-port town, on the borders of Zebulun and Nephthali (e), where he did many miracles. The reason why he chofe to go there, was, because that place lying nearer the fea of Tiberias, he could conveniently go backwards and forwards to preach the gospel in the neighbouring parts. It may be inferred from the faying of JESUS CHRIST Concerning Capernaum, namely, that it had been exalted unti heaven (f), that it was a confiderable city. The Jews had a fynagogue there (g), as the Chriftians had a church afterwards. Not far from thence was Bethfaida, of which were Philip, Andrew, and Bethfaida. Peter (b), and where JESUS CHRIST reftored a blind man to his fight. Geographers are not agreed about the fituation of this city. The Evangelifts place it always in Galilee (i), and on this fide Jordan.

() Mat. ii. 23. Mark i. 9.

(y) Epiphan. Hæref. I. p. 136. (a) Gul. Tyr. 1. xxii. 26.

(c) John ii. 9-11.

(f) Mat. xi. 23.

(x) Luke iv. 29.
(z) John i. 46.
(b) Luke vii. 11—15.
(e) Mat. iv. 13.

(d) Id. iv. 50.

(b) John i. 45. Mark viii. 23.

(g) John vi. 59-
(i) John xii. 21.


Befides JESUS CHRIST joins Capernaum with Bethfaida and Chorazin (k), which were two towns of Galilee, on this fide the lake. Notwithstanding, Jofephus fpeaks of a village called Bethfaida, where Philip the Tetrarch, whofe dominions were on the other fide the lake, built a city, which he named Julias (1). For which reafon several authors have imagined, that the Bethfaida mentioned in the gospel, was on the other fide the lake of Tiberias. But there can be no manner of inconvenience in fuppofing two cities of the fame name, because the word Bethfaida fignifying a houfe of fishing, there might be one on each fide the lake. Near the eastern Bethfaida was a defert of the fame name, where JESUS CHRIST went, when he was informed that Herod the Tetrarch defired to fee him (m). A little above Bethfaida, ftood Chorazin, and two vil lages ftyled Dalmanutha and Magdala, where JESUS CHRIST preached (n). We must not forget to mention here Enon near Salim where John baptized, because there was plenty of water in that place (*). The two laft towns lay near the river Jordan, on the fouth fide of the lake, beween Tiberias and Scythopolis.

Mount Tabor.

Mount Tabor (†) is one of the most famous places of Galilee; and is frequently mentioned in the Old Teftament (). It ftands about the middle of Lower Galilee, between Nazareth (), and the country of Gennefareth. According to Jofephus (p), it is 30 furlongs in height, and 26 round. It is remarkable upon this fcore, that it ftands by itself in a plain (†), without any other mountain or hill near, having a plain area at the top (§), most fertile and delicious. Jofephus tells us, that he had it furrounded with walls (*), within the space of 40 days, for no other reafon undoubtedly, but that he might render it the more inacceffible to the Romans. We learn from an ancient tradition (9), that it was upon mount Tabor JESUS CHRIST was transfigured, and that it is the fame place which is by St. Peter called the Holy Mount (r). But this hath been called in queftion by fome learned authors, because the transfiguration is related immediately after the difcourfe which JESUS CHRIST made to his difciples at Cæfarea-Philippi, and that the Evangelifts do not mention our Saviour's coming back from thence into Galilee. This hath inclined those authors to believe, that that event happened upon a mountain near Cæfarea

(k) Luke x. 13, 15. (m) Luke ix. 9, 10. (*) John iii. 23.

(1) Jofeph. Ant. 1. xviii. c. 3.

(n) Matt. xi. 21. Mark viii. 19. Mat. xv. 39.

(t) The fame as is called Itabyrium (iraBigo) by Jofephus and the Seventy. Jer. xlvi. 18, &c.

(0) Jofh. xix. 22. Judg. iv. 6, 12. Pfal. lxxxix. 12. Jer. xlvi. 18. Hof.

V. 1.

(I) At two hours diftance from Nazareth eastward.

(p) De Bell. Jud. 1. iv. c. 2.

(4) The plain of Efdrelon.

($) Of an oval figure extended about one furlong in breadth, and two in length. See Maundrell's Journey. p. 113.

(*) Of which it fhews many remains at this day.

Maundrell. ibid.

(9) Hieron. et Cyril. See Mat. xvii. 2. Mark ix. 2. Luke ix. 28. (r) a Peter i. 18.

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Cæfarea-Philippi (s). But after all, this is no fufficient reason for departing from fo ancient a tradition. For fince the Evangelifts obferve (t), that fix days paffed between Jesus CHRIST'S difcourfe at Cæfarea-Philippi, and his transfiguration, he had time enough to return into Galilee, it being not above five and twenty leagues from Tabor. We meet in the first book of Chronicles with a city called Tabor (u). But it is not well known how it was fituated in refpect of the


Since we are come to the lake of Gennefareth fo frequentThe lake of ly mentioned in the gospel, it will be proper to give a deGennefareth. fcription of it before we pafs into Upper Galilee. This lake was formerly called Cinnereth (x), from a city of the fame name, as is commonly fuppofed. Afterwards it went by the name of the lake of Gennefareth, which is a very beautiful country, on the weft of this lake, wherein are fituated most of the cities juft before described (y). It was otherwife called the fea of Galilee, or the fea of Tiberias. Jofephus makes this lake to be 100 furlongs, that is, about four leagues in length; and 40 furlongs, or near two leagues in breadth. The river Jordan runs through the middle of it, and afterwards discharges itself into the Dead-fea. The water of the lake of Tiberias is fresh, sweet, and good to drink, and alfo very full of fish, as is evident from the gofpel history (z). There are but very few cities of Upper Galilee, which Upper Galilee. contained the tribes of Nephthali and Afher, mentioned in the New Teftament. It reached in breadth from Berfabe before-mentioned, to a village called Bacca, which, according to Josephus (*), divided the Tyrians from Galilee; and in length, from Thella, another village near Jordan, as far as Meroth (†). One of the first places on the weft of Upper Galilee was Dor, a fea-port town, and a bishop's fee. Near Dor ftands mount Carmel, famous in the Old Teftament (a) for the miracle performed there by Elias; and in profane hiftory, upon account of the idol Carmel, which was worshipped there by the heathens (b). We must take care not to confound this mount with a city of the fame name, which was fituated upon a mountain, in the tribe of Judah, and on the east of Hebron. Mount Carmel is never mentioned in the New Teftament, though we find the contrary afferted by a geographer that lived in the twelfth century (). From this mountain you go to Ptole


(s) Viz. upon mount Panium, which is exceeding high, according to Jofephus. Ant. 1. xv. c. 13. de Bel. J. i. 16.

() Mat. Mark, Luke, ubi fupra.
(x) Numb. xxxiv. 11. Jofh. xii. 3.
(y) Jofeph. de Bell. Jud. 1. iii. c. 18.
(z) Matth. iv. 18. and elsewhere.

(u) 1 Chron. vi. 77.

(*) Concerning Bacca, Thella, and Meroth, fee Jofeph. de Bell. Jud. 1. ii.

C. 2.

(†) Sanfon fays, that Meroth was a village: others, that it was a lake. Josephus doth not exprefsly fay what it was.

(a) 1 Kings xviii. 19, etc.

(b) Plin. xxxi. 2. Tacit. Hift.

C) Joan. Phoc. apud Rel. Pal. Sac. p. 330.

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