THOUGHTS FOR THE THOUGHTFUL. A SWEET SPIRIT. THERE is a sweet spirit,-not to be found every hour in the day, nor, indeed, every day of the year, but it is sometimes to be met with,—a spirit of forbearance, kindness, and charity, that delights to speak well of the absent, and to represent favourably what to others may appear doubtful. "She has a high way with her," said an Irish maiden, when speaking of her absent mistress, who was considered proud: "people do not understand her. She has a high way with her; but she is like the lilies, that are so gentle and mild when you come to know them." B 2 A SWEET SPIRIT. Oh that we all had more of the spirit of this female! that all our seeming highmindedness and pride could be explained in as satisfactory a manner, and that we were enabled to say of ourselves with perfect sincerity and truth, whatever may be our outward bearing, "Lord, my heart is not haughty, nor mine eyes lofty: neither do I exercise myself in great matters, or in things too high for me," Psalm cxxxi. 1. |