The Gothic arch, where ivy in its pride, There let me muse alone at eventide, And thence my peaceful thoughts be borne above. LONDON: THE RELIGIOUS TRACT SOCIETY; Instituted 1799. SOLD AT THE DEPOSITORY, 56, PATERNOSTER ROW, AND 65, ST. PAUL'S CHURCHYARD. 713. PREFACE. As an old man I may be allowed a little quaintness in giving a title to a book, and a considerate reader will not quarrel with me for choosing that of "Thoughts for the Thoughtful," inasmuch as it is the best that has occurred to my mind. Some of the following pieces have already appeared in the "Tract Magazine;" and, indeed, the whole volume itself is of a very unpretending character, claiming no attention. either for the novelty of its design, the brilliancy of its wit, the extent of its information, or the depth and solidity of its wisdom. But as we expect not the common architect to erect a pyramid, so my humble design may escape the censure of all who prefer usefulness to grandeur. In thus collecting together a few of my fugitive thoughts, it has been my wish to excite the reflections, and call forth the thankfulness and kindheartedness of the thoughtful on a variety of subjects, well worthy of more attention than I have bestowed upon them. He who duly considers what a minute speck deranges the clearest sight, and what a mere spark kindles a conflagration, will be careful neither to propagate error, nor to excite ill will. I hope my little book is consistent with truth, and I trust it is of a friendly spirit. If we wish for peace on earth before we enjoy it in heaven, the least we can do in the midst of our unnumbered infirmities is to foster grateful and kindly emotions; for it is only when the heart is full of thankfulness to God, and unfeigned love and charity to mankind, that we can reasonably hope "the wilderness and the solitary place" to be "glad," and the "desert" to "rejoice, and blossom as the rose." OLD HUMPHREY. |